Too much thyroid medicine. : I was told by my... - Thyroid UK

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Too much thyroid medicine.

dpeoples1 profile image
34 Replies

I was told by my doctor that I have been taking too higher dosage of Lethroxiine (Synthroid). I have been feeling like crap. My side effects have been fatigue, nausea, overheated, and brain zaps. I stopped taking the medicine. My doctor took me completely off. Blood work was done and I suppose to come back in a month. My question? How long do the side effects last? What can I do to feel better?

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dpeoples1 profile image
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34 Replies
greygoose profile image

On what did he base his opinion that you'd been taking too much levo? Those symptoms could be due to taking too little. Do you have a copy of your blood test results that said you were taking too much?

Why didn't your doctor just reduce your dose instead of taking you off it completely? That's rather a drastic measure.

Do you have Hashi's?

dpeoples1 profile image
dpeoples1 in reply to greygoose

She stated that my blood work came back that my Synthroid dosage was too high. For over a year I was taking too much medicine. Thanks for responding.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to dpeoples1

Well, yes, but that still doesn't explain why she said that. Did you get a copy of the blood test results that made her say that? If not, you should get a copy. You really can't just take her word for it, you need to see for yourself.

dpeoples1 profile image
dpeoples1 in reply to greygoose

Yes, she had the nurse to call me and tell me that my levels were too high. She stated, "There was a note to contact you several months ago, you failed through the cracks".

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to dpeoples1

Yes, but did you get the exact numbers, not just your doctor's opinion. She could be wrong. You need to ask for a print-out of your results and ranges.

Once diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, Levothyroxine is for life.

Dose might be adjusted, but can't understand why it would be abruptly stopped.

Much more information is needed for people to make informed comment:

What dose where you on and for how long?

Who prescribed the Levothyroxine ?

Have you ever been referred to an Endocrinologist?

Ever had an Ultrasound scan of your Thyroid?

Do you have Hashimoto's Autoimmune Thyroiditis?

Are you on any other medication?

Do you take any supplements? If so, what and what doses?

What are your most recent blood tests results? Ask for copies (print outs) and add all info to your post. Include date of tests, results and normal ranges in brackets.

Ask for the following tests :

TPO Ab, TgAb, TSH, Free T3, FreeT4.

Also ask for some nutrients levels to be tested especially Vitamin D; and B12, Folate and Ferritin; & Calcium.


Why wait a month to go back? ?

I would go back now and get those blood tests results from Receptionist, post on here, then see GP as soon as possible armed with a list of questions and requests. I'd be asking to see a Specialist. So also take a list of all symptoms.

Did you also have other tests done including Full Blood Count and Bone & Liver Function Tests?

dpeoples1 profile image
dpeoples1 in reply to Mary-intussuception

Yes, I have had Ultra Sound done. I was put on Thyroid Medicine 15 years ago for having a Goiter. The purpose of the medicine was to shrink the Goiter. I am going to take your advice and visit an Endocrinologist. Thanks for responding you gave me a lot of great info. Bless you for taking time for responding in such details or you in the medical field?

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to dpeoples1


Mostly learned from experience & research as I'm rather ill & disabled!

Much of it due to medical neglect - late Hashimoto's & Hypothyroidism diagnosis etc. Lack of medical care, appropriate advice and treatment following various findings.

Similarly family members (especially Mum) late diagnosed & many years of medical neglect.

Have also learned a lot from this forum and research.

If you can get your blood test results and post on here, there are many people more experienced than I who can help you understand the results and direct you.

In the UK there is no charge now for copies of medical records (since new rules 25 May 2018).

Access to Information/ Records Requests need to be in writing - email or letter - but usually it's acceptable to ask GP receptionist for a print out of last blood test results.

Redditch profile image

2 weeks ish.. if you start to feel better it may have been Over but greygoose is quite right, normally reduction is the way forward not complete stop.. You're likely to have a whole load of other symptoms in a month from being Under..

If you just feel worse and worse and there is no feeling better at all, your doctor might be wrong and you're not over at all.

dpeoples1 profile image
dpeoples1 in reply to Redditch

Thanks for responding. I am feeling better. Glad to be in the land of the living. Toda is the best day I have felt in weeks.

Snowwhite21 profile image

I did this at the beginning of the year as well - I felt so bad after a few days because I dropped fast in an under function - also would not wait a month to check. My endocrinologist told me after 10 days all the synthetic L Thyroxine is out of the body and latest then if your body does need some L Thyroxine then you will start experiencing other symptoms. What was your current dosage ?

dpeoples1 profile image
dpeoples1 in reply to Snowwhite21

Thanks for responding. The advice you all are given me is appreciated.

Gem5987 profile image

I’ve been over medicated in the past and endo only reduced dose by 12.5 mcg and ordered retest in 6 weeks. That small amount of reduction brought the TSH back into range and I felt much better. Some docs recommend stoping for a few days then starting back up at a lower dosage. Unless your tests results showed that you are extremely hyperthyroid, I don’t understand stopping for a month.

dpeoples1 profile image
dpeoples1 in reply to Gem5987


posthinking01 profile image

Hi there sorry you feel so rubbish - I suffered for many a year by being on Armour etc. without realising that the fatigue the hair loss the sweating and heart palpitations were as a result of being on too much medication - I was lucky I didn't do myself harm - the problem with this thyroid dysfunction is that too little has the same symptoms as too much so you have to be careful. It is a bit like watering plants - too much can harm them and too little the same - nightmare to know what is right other than trial and error - if you don't feel well then do what you are doing - but if you still continue to feel symptoms then it can't be over medication.

dpeoples1 profile image
dpeoples1 in reply to posthinking01

Thanks to Jesus Christ, I am feeling better.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to dpeoples1

I think He would still want you back on Levothyroxine though.

We don't even know what dose you were on. You haven't given enough information for people to make informed comment.

But it is dangerous to suddenly stop Levothyroxine (or start it with a full dose).

That's why, when first diagnosed, it is introduced to the body gradually, starting at a low dose - often 50 mcg then increased over time by increments of 25mcg.

Increasing and decreasing dose should never be by increments higher than 25mcg.

God Bless x

Taking you off meds completely can be very dangerous. You should stop feeling the effects of levo in 7-10 days. If you are very hypothyroid and not on meds, you risk damage to your heart and brain, so if you feel tired, confused or poor memory, or colder than other people, or start to have palpitations or breathlessness, you need to go back to the doctor or to A&E sooner than a month. I'd find a new doctor, too.

I agree.

Well said.

dpeoples1 profile image
dpeoples1 in reply to Mary-intussuception


Gingersnap202 profile image

I've been down this road and it isn't any fun. ... The fact that your doctor took you completely off your medications is , to me, a warning sign that your doctor does not understand your condition. ... Since Synthyroid was not working well for you, I'd try to find a doctor that will try you on T3. ... ( I hope your Health Service will supply you with T3 since the T4 wasn't working well for you? )

dpeoples1 profile image
dpeoples1 in reply to Gingersnap202

You are right, the writing on the wall, even Ray Charles could see that I need a new doctor, lol. Thanks for responding.

aireyfairy profile image


aireyfairy profile image

Hi I've been feeling the same . But didn't realize was maybe thyroid causing it.thought reaction as had flu had few days ago. as my doctor reduced my thyroxine from 200to,150as my tsh level too.

dpeoples1 profile image
dpeoples1 in reply to aireyfairy

Hope you feel better.

aireyfairy profile image
aireyfairy in reply to dpeoples1

Thank you. Hope you've had a lovely Christmas xx

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to aireyfairy


May I ask what your TSH was? Did you have anything else tested?

Will you have another blood test 6 weeks after last one?

aireyfairy profile image
aireyfairy in reply to Mary-intussuception

Hi had quite a few blood results back recently will put them all on shortly as some are not right and hoping someone might help as got to go back and see doc for results and next stage of what she's going to do and have to have thyroid bloods repeated end of January.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to aireyfairy

Dropping your Levothyroxine by 50mcg a day , every day is too much of a drop as far as I'm aware.

Increments ( either up or down) should usually be no more than 25mcg at a time. Then retesting & review.

What were your symptoms prior to this reduction? Did you complain of any? If not - then why drop Levothyroxine? ?

TSH fluctuates a lot.

May I suggest you post your blood test results now or asap. Include :

Dates of tests,

Result and ranges in brackets,

Any comments added by lab or Doctor.

Previous results.

Also include in your post the info about your dose (before test) & change.

Also list present symptoms.

Include on post how you take your Levothyroxine (time of day etc) ; any other medication and / supplements you take plus timings.

I would find out as much info as possible about your results and go to your GP appointment fully prepared with a list of questions and requests.

If you've never seen an Endocrinologist then I'd ask for a referal.

I will click to "Follow " you so I'll get an email when you post , as I'm not on here much due to own health problems & husband's.


I can only agree with what others have said! Many doctors don't understand thyroid disease and hormone replacement, they don't even seem to understand we need thyroid hormone to stay alive and healthy. Slightly reducing levo would probably have been better and I'm afraid your doctor does not know what he's doing.

If you have the labs he based his advice on, please post them here with reference ranges for comments.

If you were indeed overmedicated, you should feel better once the excess thyroid hormone leaves your system (as others have said, 7-10 days). But if you have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, you will not feel better for long off Synthroid but instead hypo symptoms will appear. So, in order to find a permanent solution, you need to find out what caused your symptoms to begin with. Only your lab results can tell if you were indeed overmedicated. But, even if you were, going off your meds indefinitely is not the answer.

How did you arrive at your previous dose of Synthroid in the first place? I assume your doctor orders labs regularly and that your dose has been based on those labs?

dpeoples1 profile image
dpeoples1 in reply to

My symptoms were caused because she raised my lethroxine dosage. For over a year I was given too much. This was discovered through my recent bloodwork.

warriorscot profile image

When I had the conversation with my endo he said that to get over you have to be significantly over for it even to cause an issue unless you are pretty low dose anyway. Had my TSH targeted at zero for a while and no issues so I'm always fairly critical to eliminate other issues and find out if it's a problem somewhere else before changing levo dosage.

dpeoples1 profile image
dpeoples1 in reply to warriorscot


dpeoples1 profile image


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