Anyone else have problems with heals that crack... - Thyroid UK

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Anyone else have problems with heals that crack and bleed?

Teresamarie profile image
40 Replies

I’ve had problems with skin rashes etc all my life. Here’s a new thing happening: my heals just up and crack. Very painful! 😕. I went to dermatologist and he suggested a product that’s working! Just thought I would share and see if anyone else might have recommendations. Aquafor spray (I got it from amazon).

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Teresamarie profile image
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40 Replies
shaws profile image

It looks extremely painful and I'm glad that you may have found a solution for it and thanks for posting.

Below is a post letting us know how we can raise funds for TUK,just by using the following links:-

Teresamarie profile image
Teresamarie in reply to shaws

I’ve added this to my Amazon account. Super easy and for a great cause! Thanks shaws!!

greygoose profile image

Dry skin on heels is a hypo symptom. Are you under-medicated?

Teresamarie profile image
Teresamarie in reply to greygoose

I’m so turned around that I couldn’t say yes or no on this one! However I am hypo and having been upping my levo dose for a year. (Diagnosed last August) I got up to 88.5 mg 3 weeks ago and everything went haywire. I just about jumped out of my skin. Four days not sleeping. Reduced to 75 mg levo per endo. Also reduced prednisone, cymbalta and lyrica. Took DDAP for diabetes insipidus and slept all night. What worked? Not sure 🤔

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Teresamarie

Yes, it's not really a good idea to change several things at the same time. But, on only 75 mcg levo, you probably are under-medicated.

How long had you been on 88.5 mcg levo before everything 'went haywire'? And what exactly do you mean by 'haywire'?

Teresamarie profile image
Teresamarie in reply to greygoose

I was on 88.5 levo for three weeks. All at once I had insomnia (I didn’t sleep at all for for days). Also I felt like I wanted to crawl out of my skin! Tremors, shaking, couldn’t sit still.

I lowered levo but still had symptoms until I added DDAVP(Desmopresson) for diabetes insipidus. Then I finally slept last night. Ahhhh.....I’m shaky this morning though.

I’m trying to manage

Diabetes insipidus

Adrenal insufficiency


And am not being too successful!

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Teresamarie

Well, it's a lot to manage at one time. What are you doing about your adrenals?

Teresamarie profile image
Teresamarie in reply to greygoose

I take 25 mg of hydrocortisone (15 ask, 5 noon, 5 supper) for adrenal insufficiency.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Teresamarie

Do you have Addison's? Or just adrenal fatigue?

Teresamarie profile image
Teresamarie in reply to greygoose

I have adrenal insufficiency. My understanding is Addisons is with you from birth, secondary adrenal insufficiency is when pituitary peeters out.

I figure my pituitary has done gone and taken a long holiday! You know, I have my test results from cortisol challenge done at Mayo. I really don’t understand this part but I could post if you think it would be helpful.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Teresamarie

So, do you have Secondary hypo? Have they tested your other pituitary hormones?

Teresamarie profile image
Teresamarie in reply to greygoose

I have central hypothyroidism according to endo. My thyroid tests all came back below normal T3 T4 TSH. Cortisol is insufficient so have secondary adrenal insufficiency.

Crazy thing, my hgh tested high out of range. I asked endo about this. We are going to check it again in March. My thoughts were a possible hgh secreting tumor. Your thoughts?

in reply to Teresamarie

I have type two diabetes, and found I had cracking of the skin on the soles of my feet. The tissue broke away. Panic! I eventually treated iwth with Neutrogena foot cream, and also athletes foot cream. I had put on cotton socks, and made sure I had leather insoles in my shoes. I could not walk one hot year. Since then I recognised part of my problem was diabetic neuropathy. I have had problem with skin on the back of my heels cracking. I used the foot cream Neutrogena again, Vaseline is mentioned as a good salve for skin. Now my blood sugar levels are down to normal I don't have to take type 2 diabetic drugs any more. it has taken over 20 years to get my sugar levels down and still have to watch my feet, as if the soles are too thin stony paths, and feet are sensitive to paths and pavements. Think that skin treatment looks really good. Thanks for recommendation.

DippyDame profile image

Yes...used to happen a lot, but no longer.

I was badly undermedicated.

Good luck

Teresamarie profile image
Teresamarie in reply to DippyDame

🤔 hmmmm very interesting! Greygoose suggested this also...

DippyDame profile image
DippyDame in reply to Teresamarie

My finger nails were also in a shocking slowly improving

Teresamarie profile image
Teresamarie in reply to DippyDame

That’s a good way to describe mine! 😊 However, last year my nails were so bad they only were a very thin covering.

DippyDame profile image
DippyDame in reply to Teresamarie

Old post showing my horrible nails!

Now T3-only and they are slowly improving

Think hypo!

Marz profile image

Certainly a Hypo symptom. I had the same before diagnosis but not as bad as yours. I am betting you were hypo long before your diagnosis. Maybe worth obtaining all your test results with ranges from way back if you can. Surgeries should have on-line access so you could ask. I found a good podiatrist who had me sorted in no time !

Teresamarie profile image
Teresamarie in reply to Marz

Thank you thank you! I looked back to 2003. Because my doc only looked at TSH(low normal) she said I was fine! However, having a pituitary tumor removed should have alerted her (not me, I’m not qualified) to check t3T4 levels. I think you are so right in that. Makes me crazy 😝 but nothing I can do now. Mom hypo, sisters hypo, me Crazy. Gotta laugh 😆 or I’ll cry!

Luna1390 profile image

Yes, I have had this. Daily application of 100% shea butter has helped immensely. And it is not expensive. I use Viva Naturals & get it on Amazon.

Teresamarie profile image

Hey, I’m going to put these into my arsenal! Pretty soon I’m going to need another closet for my heal “stuff “.!!! 😃

Teresamarie profile image

Use this link at amazon for 5% charity donation to thyroid U.K.

fibrolinda profile image

Mine looked like that for many, many years then last year tried Eyleaf foot cream and it only flippin works. I but it on at bedtime and that's it. No using hard skin remover machine or nail file or pumice stone just smooth a little cream on at bedtime and my feet are smooth pink and crack free. It's 30% urea but smells pleasant, lasts ages and works.

Tried to link to it on Amazon but wouldn't work?

Teresamarie profile image
Teresamarie in reply to fibrolinda

Hmmm, I used the link from the posting above by shaws. I tried to copy. Any help here? You don’t pay 5% Amazon does! 😊

Teresamarie profile image
Teresamarie in reply to Teresamarie

I’ll try again

Teresamarie profile image
Teresamarie in reply to Teresamarie

This one worked with a redirect (click link)

Teresamarie profile image

Hi fibrolinda! Where do you get this amazing product?

Clara62 profile image
Clara62 . found this.

fibrolinda profile image
fibrolinda in reply to Clara62

Brilliant thats the one. Only just getting low and ordered another, lasts for months.... Oh and clearing up the fungal nail infection I had also spent a fortune trying to get rid of. The stuff from GP was useless but this stuff is amazing and saving me money so all good lol 😁

Clara62 profile image

This has excellent reviews:

Teresamarie profile image

Have you tried that one? I’m up for anything. As you saw on the picture I need a lot of help!

Ps. My heal was really “good” when I took the picture, it was so bad you could see down about 4 mm. Ooooo... just plain 😖 painful.

Clara62 profile image

I have the same problem and it seems to have started when I lowered my levothyroxine dosage. I haven't tried them but I just ordered one, these are product with urea which seems to work very well...

Teresamarie profile image

Sorry to here you are in the same “shoes” as I am. (Get the pun?). 😊 please let me know how it works.

Clara62 profile image
Clara62 in reply to Teresamarie


I have a 40% urea cream but it doesn't really help. They still crack and bleed.

Clarrisa profile image

A sheepskin at the foot of your bed can help if you are not already using one(?).

JumpJiving profile image
JumpJiving in reply to Clarrisa

I'm guessing a german shepherd dog on the bottom of the bed doesn't help? ;-)

Teresamarie profile image
Teresamarie in reply to JumpJiving

Probably not. But that’s thinking outside of the box!! 🙃

carlaFedUP profile image

That is hypo symptom

Not what you're looking for?

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