I agree with the statement on the shirt.
Anyone had similar experience?: I agree with the... - Thyroid UK
Anyone had similar experience?

lol No, I can't say I've experienced that. Usually, they're just affronted/shocked/horrified that you dare to challenge what they say.
Well I've recently had an argument with my new Endo which wasn't pretty! She finally said if you are going to say no to everything I say then why are you here? So my reply was if she would let me finish a sentence then she will hear why! So I picked up on one of her points and she sat there for a moment and said I knew what I was talking about so why did I need to see her so I pointed out where I live testing T3 isn't deemed necessary as no one seems to take it-I'm taking NDT so she had said she will do my bloods every 6 months and we ended up quite chatty!!! She still said I must conform to the ranges she has and I explained that my TSH should be suppressed and she has put that on the letter sent to my GP and myself and pointed out I won't lower my dose but it's a more positive letter than I was expecting. Will turn up with more facts next time!
‘I must conform to the ranges’ sounds as though she doesn’t really understand the biology of our condition. So you did very well to persuade her to listen to you and counter her propaganda.
Yes she made a huge point of turning the screen around so I could read it so I said yes that's the rangesfor on T4 so she obviously didn't know readings are different if taking any form of T3 plus she's still waiting for my TSH to increase-hell will freeze over before that happens!
Lol....every appt.
Having wrestles a few muddy pigs, I would rather do that than try and make an Endo listen!
Yeap, I'd go for the pig wrestling. Never had a useful appointment with a NHS endo, and the only GP appointments I can recall feeling positive about were with temps who I saw once but never saw again, or with one of a couple of GPs who we all thought were fab but who unfortunately left the practice a few years ago. Otherwise, I have more positive feelings about my eye surgeons (well, all but one anyway), podiatrist, chiropractor, even my dentist. Why is it that doctors cannot cope with patients who do not bow down before their greatness? My GP surgery currently has leaflets on the rack about "Expert Patients". I thought that might be about patients who know a bit about their own condition. No, don't be silly - expert patients know how to book appointments and request repeat prescriptions, but otherwise know zip.