Hi the endocrinologist has requested thus test. Has anyone had this done or know what the test is for?
5-HIAA 24hr urine test requested by endo - Thyroid UK
5-HIAA 24hr urine test requested by endo
I've not had the test, but here is how you should prepare for it: carcinoid.org/for-doctors/d...
It looks as though you're being checked for carcinoid tumours: medlineplus.gov/ency/articl...
I hope the test is negative or, if not, you receive prompt and effective treatment. Very best wishes.
Hi thank you. I did read that. I've had ongoing symptoms for a while now and no one can find the cause. I always thought it was all thyroid related. Had private bloods done today so hoping they might show something up. I was just a but puzzled as to why it was ordered
I had thought the urine thyroid test gave a better picture of how much of t4, t3 were getting to the cells but on asking for help with results on here was told you cannot compare blood results to urine results so kinda wasted money. Levels were top of range in blood but barely in bottom of range in urine. I really thought I had a eureka moment darn it🙄.
Some believe it gives a better picture of how hormones are doing but how I gave up trying to figure out.
I would ask your Endo why he is doing the test rather than worrying. 🙂 sorry, worrying more, we all worry for good reason. Okay burbling now I will go away. 😊
Hi thanks for the reply. So it's related to hormones of t3 and t4? It was just when I read about it, it mentioned about carcinoid tumours. That's what confused me a bit

I was trying, very badly sorry love, to say it could be the thyroid 24 hour urine test, best to ask Endo, or secretary and find out. I would. But yes there is a 24 hour samples urine test checking levels of TSH FREE T 3 and FREE T4.
Ah ok. Don't worry. The woman that phoned about the test just said it was the whole endocrine system 🤔