If you have the time its worth watching
Scottish Parliament Debate on Thyroid Treatment... - Thyroid UK
Scottish Parliament Debate on Thyroid Treatment 2018 at: https://youtu.be/GP2jh0_msIs

Just a few lines to say that it was a very interesting debate to watch.However what's the latest re: Thyroid treatment and purchase of T3?
I did take the time to listen and while it is wading through quite a bit of bureaucratic muck 🧐 it seems that perhaps T3 will become more affordable and more prescribable to those of you in the UK, after six years of debate. One can only hope! Shall we hold our breath? At the risk of going on and on.... why on earth did it take an act of parliament? Six years? And still there is a question as to whether all of this evidentiary testimony and science, and documentation will make a difference. What is holding back the change? 9000% difference in price of T3 between the UK and Turkey. Who is this Concordia?
Sounds like youre not in Uk so to clarify Scotland has its own Parliament ( if you live there prescriptions are free whereas in England and Wales its £7.60 per prescription ) so likely they will be first to sort the mess out while the rest of us in the UK suffer. Mybig question is why are doctors so ignorant?!? Just not good enough to plougg on in the face of overwhelming evidence that their treatment regime/attitude is not fit for purpose😤
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Drug firm Concordia overcharged NHS with 6,000% price rise, says ...
21 Nov 2017 · Concordia International, the Canadian drug company, has overcharged the NHS by more than £100m in the past decade for a life-changing thyroid drug, according to Britain’s competition watchdog. ... The price of a single pill went up from 16p to £9.22, even though production costs ...
Greedy ‘ Big Pharma’ and incompetent NHS Purchasing led us to our present prescribing regime.....
Interesting listen. But, whilst it's agreed that the majority of hypothyroidism sufferers are women, it's a shame (actually, I'm sickened by it) that male sufferers were pretty much ignored or forgotten by a number of the MSPs. We do exist and politicians and medics must not be allowed to forget that.
Thanks for the link to this very interesting discussion , I have recently had to source Liothyronine myself as my Gp keeps telling me that I am depressed , despite having tried unsuccesfully may different anti depressants and also being prescribed HRT , which again had no affect on my symptoms . I would welcome any debate which hopefully would bring about being prescribed the medication that many of us need to live a normal happy healthy life ,