Hi, there has been a bit of bad press flying around about high costs of Thyroxine to the NHS. I have Hashimoto’s Auto Immune Disease and have a medicine review coming up. Really worried that my GP will try and stop prescribing my Thyroxine. Can anyone recommend where I can buy T4 that is reliable?
Can MyGP Just Stop Prescribing My Thyroxine? - Thyroid UK
Can MyGP Just Stop Prescribing My Thyroxine?

One sincerely hopes that doctors would have better knowledge of this issue than the press! But, if he tries, report him.
Thank you! As if we don’t suffer enough already.
I know, it's enough to turn one into a conspiracy theorist - oh, wait a minute, I already am one! And, if ever anything smelt of a conspiracy, this does! What are they trying to do? Kill off the oldies? Reduce the 'burden' on the NHS, as if that wasn't what the NHS was there for in the first place, to keep people alive? Pft! I could go on, but I won't. My blood is boiling!
Simple answer is no! And help educate DM readers that they really should grow up and move on from tabloid rubbish 😬 (yes I’m a little mad about this latest press 🤬 not aimed at you personally though 🤗)
It’s still worrying though! They will try anything to make cut backs!
Can you give some links to the recent bad press, please.
Thyroxine is not the expensive one; that's T3
The BBC article clearly references that the concern about alleged over-diagnosing pertains to mild or subclinical cases: "They say almost all adults with mild or subclinical hypothyroidism will not benefit from hormone treatment"; and equally clearly quotes Prof Simon Pearce: "Thyroid disease is being overtreated currently but it's premature to make a recommendation not to treat young people on the basis of the available evidence. Some will feel better on treatment." There is no inference that I can see, that patients will have their meds summarily withdrawn and especially not those who are overtly hypothyroid.
Thank you! Saw the Mail article before the BBC one!
You can’t blame me for being a bit fearful when I had my HRT stopped dead and have had to go through three different practises to finally get treated professionally 😉
I’ve even had to swap pharmacy’s because they keep pissing me about. Do we really need the extra anxiety!! 🙁
I too was told I no longer needed HRT. I had looked it up and the latest research shows that it is safe to continue into your 80's! I told my GP he would be responsible for the rash of murders in the area if I did not get it. I got it.
That’s seriously funny! 😂😂 I have read that without our hormones it really interferes with your auto immune disease. It certainly messed me up big time. I had Labyrinthitis
Three times. And was susceptible to anything that was going. HRT has been a real saviour for me. I had to go private to get it reinstated after one GP just stopped it! I just felt that I didn’t really want to be here without it. I moved practise and they seem to be looking after me. 😉
Labyrinthitis! 😩 I’ve had that twice! Thought I was dying first time! I was pregnant with my second child and it just panicked me to wake up in the night and feel like I was rolling all over the room 😩 Another condition that’s not taken seriously 😐