...wrote a piece this week which is behind a paywall. He'd need to be behind a much sturdier wall if I knew where he lived; I'm tired of the hate...but you can get the gist of his deliberations by reading the Grauniad's rebuttal here theguardian.com/commentisfr...
which I'm posting because ME/CFS/Fibromyalgia is not only newfangled. It is terminology which never existed before NDT was swapped for levo. If I was still consulting my GP about hypothyroid symptoms I have little doubt I'd end up with this diagnosis.
I might like a blue badge so I don't have so far to walk for a trolley (my saviours at the supermarket!) but I refuse to be labelled by this posturing tw@t. That he has such a broadly heard soap box ( he writes for the currant bun, also...) may be a symbol of our right to free speech in the UK but it's beyond the pale IMO.