Hi everyone, new to all this, I was diagnosed with a underactive thyroid in November last year, I started on 25mg then dose was put up to 50mg then I got diagnosed with auto immune disease, so my dose was put up to 75mg, but the my blood test needed no action, but these last few weeks I've felt depressed and anxious and having palpitations, do you think my dose is to high or not enough, also since taking levotyroxine I've had lots of spots is this common? I'm 33 year old female and ive more spots then my teenage daughter 🙂, I'm all new to this and my doctor has been hopeless and the consultant was to, just order a thyroid scan which I had a week ago.
Recently diagnosed: Hi everyone, new to all this... - Thyroid UK
Recently diagnosed

Get a full panel blood test. see where you T3 and t4 - TSH - Free T3 and Free t4 is. Go gluten free.
Thank you Maryam_1, can I request this from my doctor? My bloods arnt due till the end of the month? I can't understand how a thyroid problem can cause this much trouble, that's why I've come on here to try and find out more my doctor doesn't seem to care, and being gluten free will help? Thanks
i found my gut was affected . gluten affects the gut from absorption and is connected to thyroid issues also since you have been diagnosed with autoimmune i would suggest going gluten free. same thing happened to me. it did help.
So having thyroid problems affects the gut? I've no idea about this, is this due to the medication? Could this be why I've been having stomach cramps? Thank you
Not necessarily the medication, it because your body is not working properly with the thyroxine imbalance. it what the other person posted. Thyroid effects so much of the body. I have ended up with bad tummy issues bloating IBS. and having it investigated also seeing a nutritionalist. stopped diary also.
Thank you, I will see if I can have my bloods done earlier, thank you again.
your doctor is unsympathetic, research yourself and find your path. gluten and thyroid are connected, start thinking about your diet. high quality protein, green salads veg.... theres a thread about gluten here somewhere. find out out your vitamin -D, B12, foilate. look through the threads on this website.
So I called the doctors today and asked of I could have a blood test arranged as I wasn't feeling to well, and told her some of my symptoms, because i had a blood test at the beginning of Dec they won't allow me one, so she suguested to book in with the doctor which I then said ok can I book a appointment, she then replied we haven't got any till end of March, but then still didn't give me one and told me to ring at 8 for any cancellations in the morning, so I don't know what to do now or where I stand, so frustrating
Thank you, I haven't really been explained to, all the doctor said is have you put weight o recently, in which I replied yes, I'd put 2 stone on, but really didn't go into depth about it, when I was first diagosed my doctor said there was really any symptoms 🤔🤔 which confused me, after a month of being on the meds I started to feel normal again, but as of recent I feel like how I did pre diagnosis. Thanks
Thank you, it's really getting me down, I just want it to go away, my doctor gave me a lecture about how he doesn't think that my thyroid tablets should be free on the NHS rather then the fact I was clueless about what I had got. Thank you for advice.
Just seems like no one cares that's why I've turned to here. Thank you for all advice, just nice to speak to people who can advice me and support me. I appreciate the time you've spent replying.
What is the hasimoto if you don't mind me asking? Everything is a battle these days, I really didn't want to have more medication as I have asthma too. And wow it definitely has made an impact in your family, my grandad has underactive but other then him I'm the only one in my family. I have 2 daughters though, hope they don't go on to develop it.
Because you have autoimmune thyroid disease your immune system is attacking your thyroid. This means that over the years you will need an increasing dose of Thyroxine to replace the hormone your thyroid is unable to make any more. Once your thyroid stops making any hormone at all you will need a full replacement dose, which will probably be between 125 and 175mcg (although where is a wide variation).
Next time you have a blood test make sure not to take your Levothyroxine for 24 hours before the test, and have it done first thing in the morning, so that your TSH is highest and you have more chance of your dose being raised. It does sound to me as though you need a higher dose. Your doctor sounds very unhelpful and unsympathetic.
Also get your Vitamin B12, D, Folate and Ferritin checked, because people with thyroid problems need healthy levels of these nutrients - at least half way up the range if possible - and we don't seem to absorb them from our food properly. Healthy levels will make you feel a lot better.
The gluten-free idea is definitely worth a try - you could do something called the gluten challenge, where you eat no gluten at all for 2 weeks, then eat plenty of gluten and see whether you react. Even if you don't test positive for coeliac disease you could be gluten-sensitive. Many of us hypos are.
Hi Rose I’m new to this group after recently being diagnosed with an under active Thyroid. I have a problem
With Acne, suffered for the last 2/3 years. Never had a problem with it before. It usually started a week before my period was due so I thought it was just down to my hormones, really aggressive. My initial bloods showed low oestrogen so I just presumed it was this. I was also put on antidepressants as I had a really low mood. Since getting my second lot of bloods back and diagnosed with an Under active thyroid, I’ve stopped the anti depressants and started 50mg Levothyroxine. I’m also really anaemic so been put on iron.
My Dr hasn’t been very helpful either. Just told me take these and have bloods in two months time. ☹️ I find it really discouraging that I’ve not had things explained to me but since finding this site I’ve found out so much....I still have a long way to go but it’s also very interesting to read about Gluten, I suffer with my tummy and bowls and I’m now thinking it’s connected. Something more to read up on. 😊
Sorry I can’t offer you any advise. I just wanted you to know you aren’t alone with the acne. 😞
Gluton free helped me , worth a try .
Post results here and stay on this forum . Those advising are very experienced with this awful diagnosis . They got me well enough to have a quality of life I wouldnot have had with doctors .
They are so poor at understanding the impact on your heallth .
Its scandalous I think!
Good luck it does take time 🙂
You require all of the thyroid and vitamins to be tested. The only way most of the people on here is to go to Medichecks and buy a private blood test. You may not need to go gluten free I didn't you won't know until you have the test done. TSH, T4, FT3 Both Antibodies, B12, Folate, Ferritin and Vitamin D.
If you go for this option post again on here for how best to do it.