Hi, I was wondering if anyone experienced extreme tiredness after taking magnesium citrate 400mg. The brand I'm using is 'now'. The capsule bottle says to take it three times a day. I started taking it on monday afternoon and at night. I felt so wired that I couldn't sleep. Tuesday through Friday I took during morning and afternoon. I noticed that I started to get groggy during the afternoon on thurday and friday. I took on Saturday morning and I still fell tired. I didn't take it in the afternoon and today. I still feel tired.. I was wondering how long does it take for the effects to wear off? What can I take to counter the extreme tiredness?
Lethargy after taking magnesium citrate 400mg - Thyroid UK
Lethargy after taking magnesium citrate 400mg

Hi Naryenfer,
I'm no expert but that sounds to be a lot of magnesium citrate. I take one 200 mg tablet a day although the bottle does say I could take 2 tablets, i.e. 400 mg daily.
If you are actually taking 3 400 mg tablets a day, I would say that's far too much, but other more knowledgeable people will no doubt be along soon to give you advice.
best wishes
Hi Caroline,
Thank you for the response. I didn't take the 400mg 3x per day like the bottle indicated. However, I did take it 2x a day (morning and afternoon ) from Monday to Friday. I took it once yesterday morning and I haven't taken it again. It does seem to be too high of a dose. Thank you.
I know magnesium is supposed to help you sleep so perhaps that's why you are so tired!
Hopefully now you've stopped taking it for a while you will begin to feel better. I should try just one tablet when you start taking it again, or, if you have a very low BMI as I do, you could even consider dropping the dose to 200 mg (half a 400 mg tablet). I guess it will be a question of trial and error to see what best suits you.
All the best anyway

If this is the one you have
then it says to take 1 x capsule daily.
350mg-400mg is the usual daily amount of magnesium.
Magnesium tends to be calming, so it's generally advised to take it in the evening. I imagine you've been taking too much. Try 1 x capsule a day in the evening for now and see how you feel.
If you need magnesium citrate for it's laxative effect, and you still find one capsule too much, you could change to a magnesium citrate powder, start on a low dose and work up to one that suits. Have a look at Natural Calm Original magnesium citrate powder.
If you don't need the laxative effect of magnesium citrate, try a different form of magnesium:
I am currently using the one found in the link above. I will definitely try a lower dose or I will try to use another magnesium form. Thank you for responding.
So that one says "Serving Size - 3 capsules, amount per serving 400mcg magnesium citrate" so if you are taking 3 capsules per day then you are getting 400mcg magnesium which is the average amount.
Maybe it's just not the right supplement for you and you need to try a different one.
I have been stressed lately. Been having trouble sleeping as well. I thought I'd try a magnesium supplement out. I tried taking it in the afternoon and at night last monday but I didn't sleep a wink that night. I thought I'd take it during the morning and afternoon for the rest of the week. I started to feel groggy on Thursday, friday, Saturday and yesterday. However, tje last capsule I took was Saturday morning. I still felt pretty tired yesterday. I'll see how today goes.
I was advised to take magnesium immediately before bed, because it helps with sleep
Magnesium normally gives me energy and I sleep better. Are you sure you have your dosage right? I take 400 mcg twice a day as we only absorb about 20% of it from capsule form. I supplement with magnesium oil spray too. Magnesium is one of the electrolytes perhaps you are disrupting the others and need extra sea salt, potassium and calcium whilst taking the magnesium. I find I have to up my water intake with magnesium.
It's magnesiun supplement that I am currently using. I should probably reduce the dosage. I read that magnesium helps sleep better. However, the first night I took it, I didn't sleep a wink. I thought I'd stick to morning and afternoon dose. I started feeling groggy on thursday, friday ( taking the morning and afternoon dose). Also, saturday ( only morning dose). I felt pretty tired throughout yesterday even of I didn't take any mag supplements. I'll see how today goes.
It's magnesiun supplement that I am currently using. I should probably reduce the dosage. Thank you for responding.
Hi there - magnesium relaxes the muscles and it is not advisable to take too much particularly if you have low thyroid issues because muscle weakness can be apparent with low thyroid hormone so it will be exacerbated also do not take too close to bedtime as it can lower the respiratory system and can be dangerous. Another thing to remember which I think could be your problem is that Mg lowers cortisol - and as we need cortisol for our adrenals I would say you are suffering with a response on the adrenals. Suggest you take 1,000 mg of Vitamin C (a good one is Vega) and this should perk up the adrenals once more.
Personally I prefer Better You Magnesium Oil (on internet from Better You) that way you can take a spray of Mg when you need it without overdosing on it. Remember be sparing as Mg lowers cortisol and you need that for your adrenals. The Vitamin C will give you energy too as well as other benefits for the adrenal glands.