First appointment with consultant (thyroid surgeon) today, complete waist of time, he said having prominent thyroid is no cause for concern, he expected to see more visibly. ultrasound report describes thyroid as prominent but normal. low energy, voice change, breathing and swallowing difficulties, heart palpitations are nothing to do with thyroid as bloods confirmed thyroid fine. TSH within range that is all he will consider, he made that very clear. This cannot be all in my head, starting to think could excess fat in neck choke me!? He has referred me for lung function test and barium to check tubes. I’m sure lungs fine it’s all in my throat. Constant pressure. I cannot get referral to endocrinology as levels normal. No where left to turn. Maybe I’m fine...
Maybe I’m fine!?: First appointment with... - Thyroid UK
Maybe I’m fine!?

If you were to take Natural Desiccated Thyroid, this will subdue your TSH to below normal and have the GP alarmed enough to refer you to an endocrinologist, at least that's what mine did.
Gosh awful, hope you have recovered well.
there’s a sharpness to the pain from pressure at the right lobe, and incredibly breathless. I really thought this afternoon it was all in my head but think I am going to have to return to GP to discuss options
Thank you
I would think the vast majority of people on here have been told at one point or another that "it is all in your head", or "you are depressed" when actually you are not. So looking at it logically, if it is all in your head (and I am not saying for a moment it is!), why are they not sending you to see a psych?
You have physical symptoms. They cannot (or wont) see them. They dont know what is going on, so they blame you. Most of us here have been there. So annoying!
So a high risk strategy that has worked for some here - say OK, it is all in my head but it is affecting my life. What now? They will probably refer you to a psych who will see through the bluff and tell the GP that you have physical symptoms. I dont know how you can think them up!
Dont give up, keep fighting. I know it is difficult when you are not well, but push and push again. Good luck.