Thyromegaly due to Hyperthyroidism : Can goitre... - Thyroid UK

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Thyromegaly due to Hyperthyroidism

8 Replies

Can goitre be reduce after Having carbimazole?

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8 Replies
Valarian profile image

It depends what is causing it - if it’s due to over-production of thyroid hormones, then yes.

Have you had your thyroid levels tested (TSH, FT3, FT4) and antibodies (TPO, TRAb or TSI) ? If so, if you post the results and associated ranges, we may be able to provide more info.

Are you seeing an endocrinologist, and how much carbimazole are you taking ?

in reply to Valarian

I haven't checked antibodies but 3 weeks ago My TSh was 1.05 and T4 was 0.89ng/dl.Before 4 months while it was diagnosed,Tsh was 0.02 and t4 was 2.47. 3 weeks ago report was normal and I just take risk and had been taking 0ne Carbimazole 5 mg which is prescribed ,in alternate day.Now again,I could see my thyroid had been enlarged again.I am just afraid.Hope you will help me😯




Valarian profile image
Valarian in reply to

You say you’ve been ‘taking a risk’ and just taking 5mg carbimazole, what amount was prescribed for you ?

Goitres are usually harmless, and disappear when the root cause is treated. The thing is, you need to know what that root cause is. Antibody tests would help.

Three weeks ago, your thyroid levels were at the low end of normal, but that doesn’t mean they are still there now; they could be higher or lower.

Are you in the U.K. ?

Here is some info about goitres.

in reply to Valarian

Actually 5 mg was prescribed Daily.I just think instead of completely stopping it,why not to take it in alternate days,and see the result if it was ok.But now I think that It's not time to stop,isn't it?I am in Nepal.In my area there is no provision for antibody test so,I couldn't have it.Does every hyperthyroidism person has graves disease?I am only 19 years old and this disease is just withdrawing my whole life😩My thyroid was enlarged at beginning also but I Just feel like ,it's size was reduced after having medication.But again after taking my medication in alternate days it had begin to enlarge.I just wonder what does it indicate?

Valarian profile image
Valarian in reply to Valarian

Being hyper does make you feel awful. Most of us have been through the stage where we wondered if our lives would ever be the same again - it may take a while to feel completely back to normal, but if you get the right treatment, you should feel a whole lot better within a few weeks. Be aware that anxiety is one of the symptoms- there is no point in telling someone who is hyper not to worry and to avoid stress, but if you accept that part of the way you are feeling is down to the condition, it may be easier to deal with.

There are several potential causes for being hyper, and without antibody tests, it’s going to be difficult to work out which one you’ve got. You can’t always rely on symptoms to tell you what your thyroid is doing because there is a lot of overlap between hypo and hyper symptoms. One of the possible conditions, Hashi’s, is a predominantly hypO condition which has hypER phases. Like Graves’, it is an autoimmune condition, and both can lead to goitres.

You could have Graves’ although your thyroid levels were relatively low at the outset (people with Graves’ quite often have thyroid levels which are double the reference range) and your TSH was still (just) measurable... this could be one of the other possible conditions, see this link

If you do have Graves’, you will normally be on carbimazole for 12-18 months. It’s important to have regular thyroid function tests. The main aim (especially at a relatively early stage) is to keep the thyroid under control, so it isn’t uncommon to dip a bit below the reference range, and it is usually sorted by adjusting the medication, but as your TSH has increased, your dose may be ok for the time being. (TSH is a signal from the pituitary telling the thyroid to produce more hormone).

If you felt better when taking 5mg carbimazole/day, and that is what is currently prescribed for you, you could always try going back to that. It’s actually quite a low dose, but if your thyroid levels are on the way up again, it may be enough to get them under control. I would then ask for another blood test approx four weeks after the last one. You say you can’t get antibody tests done, but it might be worth asking about private options if you have medical insurance or are able to pay (even if the local lab can’t do the test, you might be able to get the blood drawn locally, and the test done by a lab somewhere else). I would also ask if they can test FT3, because that can remain high as FT4 begins to drop.

One thing to bear in mind when reading advice on this forum or elsewhere is that most of us are living at a very different altitude from you, and I think that may affect the way your thyroid behaves and the way it responds to treatment.

That said, you’re not on your own with this - there are plenty of hypers here, just shout out if you want more info, or even just to moan about symptoms (most of us do from time to time !)

Take care

in reply to Valarian

Its too hard to concentrate on study.All I think about is,What If I have bulging eyes (graves opthalomopathy).This thought had been just disturbing mind.When I read the symptoms of graves opthalomopathy, It include "Pain in eyes".I don't know why,May be it may be due to anxiety,fear,I started feeling it.If you also know about graves opthalomopathy,It will help me a lot.And thankyou so much.Your replies and post in this forum had been a great help.So many of us are suffering,fighting with this catastrophe.I am not only the sufferer,Many are going through this situation,So I should also fight back,More than half of my life is still remaining.You were a great help and inspiration,thankyou.😊

Valarian profile image
Valarian in reply to

Luckily, I've not been affected by Thyroid Eye Disease. If you are a non-smoker or ex-smoker, the chances are about 1/10 - if you do smoke, it's quite a lot more than this, and can also aggravate the condition once you've got it, so definitely best to stop.

It seems that most cases are quite mild, and can simply be monitored or treated with drops.

My endos usually ask me about any changes to vision - problems with double vision, colour vision etc.

There is more info here:

...and if you post with 'help with thyroid eye disease' in the title, someone who has been through it may pop up. I know there are a few cases around on this forum, but can't remember who.

in reply to Valarian

Thankyou So Much for those information.You had already provide information regarding thyromegaly to me but still will you please kindly read my new post and response?

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