Still on trial dose of levo 50mg
Kindly advice should I continue trial dose which's 50 mg or should I increase! Here's the tests since I started hypo meds ( levo )
Doctor said I need to increase to 100, how to increase I don't have a clue should I take 100 mgs tomorrow or increase by 25 mg but for how long, however levo seems to be doing great dropping from 10.76 to 3.74 on 50 mg in two months since started taking meds, why would I increase! she didn't mention why, also she said she might decrease within few months!!!!!!
TSH 10.76 uIU/mL range ( 0.28 - 4.3 )
T3 1.27 ng/ml range ( 0.7 - 2.1 )
T4 8.89 mg/ml range ( 4.8 - 12.0 )
TSH 5.54 uIU/mL range (0.28 - 4.3 )
Latest lab tests which's done this morning :
TSH 3.74 uIU/mL range ( 0.28 - 4.3 )