In case you didn't get to watch the debate yesterday, here is the Parliament TV video. I think it's useful for Scottish patients and may be useful for patients in the rest of the UK to take to their doctors/CCGs.
Scottish Parliament Petition Debate Video- Rep... - Thyroid UK
Scottish Parliament Petition Debate Video- Report on petition PE1463: Effective thyroid and adrenal testing, diagnosis and treatment

Thanks Lyn, watched last night, very helpful.
Is there a transcript available? My hearing isn't up to the job.
Answered my own question... The transcript is available here :
HB, do you find you have to wear headphones to hear online broadcasts?
Yes. And I also use subtitles/closed captions. If something isn't subtitled I often can't hear it well enough to make it worth attempting to listen.
Scottish Parliament seems to be further down the road on this than Westminster! Some really good speakers, especially Elaine Smith, Jackie Baillie, Rachel Hamilton. Strange that they seem to be female!!! lol
Thanks for posting. Any nearer news from Lord Hunt?
Thanks for posting this. Very revealing about the current T3 situation.
Is anybody able to explain to me why Natural Desiccated Thyroid is not being campaigned on? Why are people wanting to just campaign on T3?
We do mention NDT in the talks but we were advised to be very focused and so most of the discussion is around T3 at the moment. Next stop NDT!
It's a great step forward. I experienced a mixture of delight and anger listening to the debate. I fast forwarded some of it . I liked what Elaine Smith (Scottish Labour MP) said. It's the first time I've heard it being discussed as a Women's Health Equality Issue. Jackie Baillie made me aware that Concordia has put up the cost of T3 to NHS by 6000% in the last decade and how outrageous that is a) that they have little regard for the consequences for individuals who ceased to be able to get it thru the NHS and b) that the NHS hasn't found a way to negotiate with them a much better deal especially as there are 2 other competitors in the market according to Elaine Smith. I guess it's Thyroid UK who has got this onto the political agenda. I understand the petition has been around for 6 years in Scotland. The Scottish Minister appeared to be saying they welcomed more research about T3 and T4. I'm not sure more is needed and we know how the BTA interpret research findings. Thank you Lyn for keeping the political pressure up.