Thyroid swelling: Wondering if anyone can help... - Thyroid UK

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Thyroid swelling

SummerJessica profile image
42 Replies

Wondering if anyone can help ease my worrying. 2 weeks ago I felt a swelling near my thyroid. I only felt it when i brushed my hand over my throat so there was nothing obvious. I have since been to the GP and she said she felt a thickening and saw a slight asymmetry. She said she isn't suspicious but it may be a node or my thyroid acting up. She has actioned an ultrasound and TFTs.

This relayed my fears for a little while but 2 weeks on and I feel stressed beyond belief. I'm almost positive it feels larger than it did, still not obvious on the surface but when I swallow the whole gland (I assume) moves upwards. I have a few sinus issues at the moment but nothing major. I do have some thyroid symptoms and have done since the birth of my son 18 months ago.

I am going out of my mind with panic and I'm not sure why. I'm 37 and in general am pretty healthy. I don't understand where this fear is coming from, when my own GP said if she was worried she would have to tell me and refer me urgently (she hasn't). My bloods are getting done next Tuesday but am besides myself with worry at the moment. I just want to feel a bit better :(

I do have quite a few thyroid symptoms. Barely there outer eyebrows, hoarseness, weight gain, pcos, irregular periods, brittle nails, breaking and loss of hair, tiredness, anxiety, cold hands and feet, actually the list is pretty long and I would say these symptoms have worsened since the birth of my second child 18 months ago.

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SummerJessica profile image
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42 Replies

It's good that you're having the Ultrasound scan of your Thyroid. Do you have an appointment time for your blood test or can you go at anytime? It's best to have the test as early as possible in the morning, 9am or earlier if you can get it.

Try not to stress, if the Consultant doing the scan doesn't mention findings , ask him. My GP was sent the results immediately and it showed Thyroiditis. No nodules / cysts.

Had my second scan almost 7 years later (of Thyroid & Parathyroids ) and now have a 1cm cyst on my Thyroid and a 2mm growth on one of the Parathyroids - believed to be benign. Will now have annual scans. So no panick.

Ask what blood tests you are having and if not having any Antibodies tested then ask for Thyroid Antibodies at least:

TPO (Thyroid Peroxidase ) and

Tg (Thyroglobulin )

Ideally you need these tested and: FreeT3, FreeT4 and TSH.

Before Tuesday, could you phone GP and ask for some nutrients levels to be tested at the same time especially :

Vitamin D; B12; Folate and Ferritin

because you possibly have some deficiencies that require prescribed supplements - especially Vitamin D.

You could ask for Calcium and Phosphorus to be tested too.

If GP isn't willing to do all tests you could ask for a referal to an Endocrinologist. But GP may do this when your scan & blood tests results are back. Mine did. My Endocrinologist did the full blood tests and diagnosed - Hashimoto's Autoimmune Thyroiditis & Hypothyroidism.

He arranged a Short Synacthen Test to check my adrenals first before starting my Levothyroxine 50mcg daily dose. Increased to 75mcg when retested , now on 100mcg for 2 days and 75mcg for 5. If Ft3 level doesn't improve will have small amount of T3 prescribed.

I know it's easier said than done, but please try not to worry. Try and find out more about blood tests - definitely ask GP for Vitamin D etc. Then, whether GP agrees or not just wait for scan and tft results - see what GP suggests next.

mayfair40 profile image
mayfair40 in reply to Mary-intussuception

Hiya Mary.

It was very informative reading your post. Are you in the UK? I'm on 100mg of levothyroxine. I kept feeling tired. Gaining weight no matter how little I ate. My doctor did two blood test 3 months apart, which both came back thyroid undaeractive. There has never been any scans or referrals to Endocrinologist or further investigation. I had a hysterectomy at 29yrs old as cycsts on ovaries, fibroids. I'm 56yrs now. Still low energy, over weight, cold, tired, foggy mind, brittle nails hair, hardly any eye brows. I often wonder if there's more than just slow thyroid. Wonder how or what I should say to get Dr to investigate.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to mayfair40

Yes, I'm in UK (Wales). That's 100mcg not mg.

When was your last Thyroid function test? Are you saying that you don't have annual tests?

When first diagnosed you should have retests and gradual increase in Levothyroxine dose (usually of increments of 25mcg ) . So you would maybe start on 50mcg, then go on to 75mcg etc. Until Euthyroid status is restored ie - symptoms resolved and blood tests results improved. Then monitoring for life by GP. This is usually annual blood tests . If you have symptoms you can ask to see Endocrinologist.

My Endocrinologist wrote my GP that my target Therapeutic level of TSH is maximum of 2. But I have learned from this forum that max one is desirable.

You should always ask for copies of your blood tests results. Everyone in UK is entitled to have them free now since new regulations 25 May 2018. You can apply, by email or letter, to hospitals for copies of all your medical records.

I take it you haven't been told whether or not you have Hashimoto's?

I would :

I) Write a full list of all symptoms.

2) See GP and ask for the following tests:

TPO (Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies)

Tg (Thyroglobulin )

Free T3

Free T4


You could say something like - you would like to eliminate or confirm Autoimmune Thyroiditis. & , given you Hypothyroid symptoms you would like FT3 & FT4 tested as well as TSH as you want to find out if you're a poor converter and ask for T3 trial if found that you are. - You have numerous symptoms of Hypothyroidism so are under - replaced / medicated. So need more Levothyroxine and /or T3 (depending on FT4 & FT3 results now).

3) Also, because you have so many symptoms you would like to see an Endocrinologist.

4) Ask for the Ultrasound scan .

5) If not previously done ask for the following nutrients levels to be tested : Vitamin D, B12, Folate and Ferritin. You could have deficiencies and need prescribed supplements.

Sorry, reply a bit messy I'm tired.

You have to keep going back to GPs till you get what you need - full fiagnosis and adequate treatment. (Correct dose Levothyroxine ).

I don't know about some thing other than 'slow thyroid'. You have an Underactive Thyroid / Hypothyroidism AND - numerous symptoms of this condition - so clearly under replaced/ undermedicated.

mayfair40 profile image
mayfair40 in reply to Mary-intussuception

Thank you so kindly for your help.

I need to copy this info out and see what I can do about it at my Dr's. Once I know more I will update you. I'm tired now too.

Many thanks

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to mayfair40

In brief:

You have numerous Hypo symptoms, so I would ask GP for the Ultrasound scan of your Thyroid.

Also for the full list of Thyroid blood tests above and nutrients levels.

If refused then politely insist on an Urgent Referal to an Endocrinologist - because you are so unwell - refer to all your symptoms again.

You may have to keep going back to GP, but keep pestering and don't give up till fully investigated and adequately treated.



On day of blood tests do not take your Levothyroxine, and fast (drink water only). Take your Levothyroxine after blood test.

Try and get very early morning blood test 8.30 to 9am if possible.

SummerJessica profile image

Thank you for your reply. My appt is at 12.10pm as they didn't have many appts left and the one they did have interfered with the school run :(

Just very nervous as went back to GP on Friday and she said she noticed it has got slightly larger but as I have sinus symptoms and a red throat (not sore), she thinks it is a lymph node fighting off infection. I've never had a lymph node swell like this before so feeling very doubtful.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to SummerJessica

Have you thought of asking for a different appointment time - say you can't really make that due to school run. But as you want your bloods done asap is there anyway you could come in at 8.30 one morning.

You could also phone hospital xray Dept or call in and ask how long will you wait for the Ultrasound scan.

I, too, have sinus problems and lots of throat problems.

I've a number of throat conditions which were caused by rising stomach acid from a small hiatus hernia didn't know I had. I have Laryngopharyngeal Reflux ( known as silent reflux ). Caused red throat but not usual sore throat. Then, localised pain like being stabbed with a hot pin.

You could ask for an ENT referal for a Nasendoscope. That's what I did. That was also before Hashimoto's & Hypothyroidism diagnosis .

Did you have your tonsils out when young?

Try to stay positive - not doubtful - you haven't had any diagnosis yet. GP seems to be being honest with you and has got things started. It's the waiting game isn't it (grrrr . . . .).


I edited 1st reply

SummerJessica profile image
SummerJessica in reply to Mary-intussuception

I will call Monday morning and see if any cancellations and also ask if I can add in the antibodies and nutrient tests. I was always low on iron when pregnant and I ended up with a DVT a few years ago after 9 chest infections! Blood was tested then and was shown to be iron deficient at that time too. I keep meaning to take multivitamins! Right now the sinus pain is awful. My cheeks, frontal lobe and whole jaw is aching. Trying not to work myself up about this but it's so hard!

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to SummerJessica

Never take multivitamins or multiminerals. Only take supplements to address deficiencies.

Wait and see if you have any deficiencies first. If you take supplements now the tests won't be true.

Would the GP give you an Antibiotic for the sinusitis. Do you do steam inhalations with a drop of oblas oil (making sure to protect eyes !)

What do you normally do to relax?

Do you have paracetamol and Ibuprofen in? I don't know if you have a Tescos or anyone who can pop over there for you but ours is open till midnight and they sell both and Oblas Oil .

If you take 2 paracetamol then glass of milk or snack then 2 x 200mg Ibuprofen that should help with pain for now.

Then speak to GP Monday?

SummerJessica profile image
SummerJessica in reply to Mary-intussuception

Relaxing is hard. I have a 7 year old with ADHD and Aspergers and an 18 month old who is very clingy at the moment. I went for a massage a few months ago and I was told I hold all my tension in my muscles. Apparently my calves, shoulders and neck are like rocks and I find it hard to let go of the tension. I know this doesn't help my headaches or current issues as the stress of this is making me tense up even more :(

Right now Christmas helps, as I love the season, but over the last two weeks this has overshadowed it and I have just been on edge daily.

I do steam often to help with sinus issues and intend to do it tomorrow. Hot showers also help. I am taking Ibuprofen when the pain gets strong. Thanks so much for responding, just having someone listen and make me feel listened to helps a lot :)

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to SummerJessica

Did you know that you can take paracetamol and Ibuprofen. Don't wait for pain to get strong - take sooner?

It must be very difficult, finding a little "me" time to switch off and relax with a 7 year old and 18 months old.

Please don't worry about your health, things are moving forward now. It's just the time it takes isn't it. I hate waiting for tests.

Then, there's the weather - not ideal for us chronic sinusitis sufferers.

Hope the pain eases enough to give you a good night's sleep.

Post on here or pm me anytime for a listening ear.

x 🐥

Naomi8 profile image
Naomi8 in reply to SummerJessica

when I can't get an early appointment,I go to my local hospital walk-in phlebotomy dept.Just done that again,as nowadays GP practices never seem to have early appointments left.Have moved town & county & the phlebotomy dept was even quicker than my old hospital.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to SummerJessica

With Autoimmune Thyroiditis your own antibodies attack your healthy Thyroid tissue rendering it Underactive. So when we have an infection , as the Antibodies increase to fight it - the Thyroid gland comes under more sevete attack.

Every cell in the body needs Thyroxine in order to function, so every organ is affected. Nothing works well without sufficient Thyroxine, the metabolism is slowed etc. That's why we have so many problems.

If GP nurse can't fit you in for blood test would they let you go to the hospital Phlebotomy room. We're not supposed to here for GP tests without phoning first. But we just walk in. Our hospital is near though.

GrandmaDylan profile image

Does your gp think that you are hyperthyroid or hypothyroid? I was thyrotoxic when I was 32, I didn't realise I was ill as it made me psychotic! I had taken my son to the doctors and she realised just by looking at me that my thyroid was really overactive. I had lost weight, couldn't keep still, my heart was racing, I was hot all the time, I had to sleep in a different bed from my husband because I couldn't keep still, I lost muscle from my thighs and shoulder blades and I had a goitre. When I saw the surgeon he told me that if I had been left any longer the psychosis would have never gone away. I had a partial thyroidectomy and soon after I had to take thyroxine as I'd gone underactive. A couple of years later it regrew and I had to have radio iodine at the Christie hospital. In 2016 I noticed a swelling above my thyroidectomy scar and had an ultrasound scan which showed that I barely have any thyroid tissue left now. The symptoms of being underactive were total fatigue, barely having the strength to hold the phone or stir a pan.

Hopefully your thyroid results will be okay but try not to worry, it's a very treatable condition. Deb

SummerJessica profile image
SummerJessica in reply to GrandmaDylan

At the moment my GP thinks it is a lymph node swelling but initial appt she suspected my thyroid but didn't say whether she thought hyper or hypo. I would say, based on my symptoms, I suspect hypo, but I do seem to have symptoms of both at times lol. I do wonder if this is where the anxiety is stemming from. I am so paranoid and worrisome lately and I've noticed I am very quick to anger which is just not like me!

GrandmaDylan profile image
GrandmaDylan in reply to SummerJessica

When I was very thyrotoxic I was completely barmy 😱 I accused my mother in law of hating me ( she probably did) and I was very vocal, which is really not me at all. Have you lost or gained weight? My periods were horrendous, I couldn't leave the house. I was using the most absorbent tampons and two extra absorbent pads and I would still leak through in less than an hour...tmi, sorry. I can't stress enough how psychotic I was. If I'd been in my right mind I would have noticed all the other symptoms. In a way though being underactive felt worse. I even thought that I must have leukemia or MS I felt so ill and exhausted. Try to express how much this is affecting you to your gp and gently but firmly insist on having the relevant tests.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to SummerJessica

You have many symptoms of Hypothyroidism, all the symptoms you mention. But, with Hashimoto's we start Hyper.

I gained weight, many 'Hypos' do. However since joining this forum I have 'met' quite a few who lost weight.

Fearfulness, Paranoia, Anxiety, Depression are all symptoms of Hypothyroidism too.

Low body temperature is, so check your temperature first thing each morning and make a note if low.

SummerJessica profile image
SummerJessica in reply to Mary-intussuception

I am quite aware of my body temp as prior to having my son I took my temp before getting out of bed. My temp always runs around 35.6.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to SummerJessica

Low body temperature is a symptom of Hypothyroidism. Sooner you get your diagnosis the better.

I would ask, though, if you could have a test to check your Adrenal function first. I believe It's important that any Adrenal issue is resolved before starting Levothyroxine. xx

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to GrandmaDylan

Your experience sounds dreadful and hope you are now stabilised on a dose of thyroid hormones.

Megatron22 profile image

Mine has nodules that grew in size to the point it choked me. I had to have mine removed partly because I had an overactive thyroid and Graves Disease for many years. Even if the nodule has cancerous cells my endo told me not to worry. They always said “if there is any type of cancer you want, it’s thyroid cancer”. Most don’t even need chemo. Just removal of thyroid. Are you seeing an endocrinologist? Nodules are pretty common in people with thyroid issues.

Slc411 profile image

This is a very similar post to what I wrote on here only a month or so ago, if you can find my old post have a read. I was worrying about a swelling on my thyroid and my lymph nodes were huge - I went to the drs about 3 times in the same week as I could not get bad thoughts out of my head. They referred me for an ultrasound and everything was fine, they say my thyroid was trying to over work due to my medication not being the right level and that my swollen lymph nodes were due to fighting an infection. I was having some dental work at the time but I just didn’t link those together at the time. Are you on any thyroid medication at the moment? Try not to worry, easier said than done I know ♥️

In the US, a fine needle biopsy is often ordered.

My sister has had that done 4 times, all with benign results and will continue to have ultrasounds.

I recently had my third and final thyroid surgery. In my early 30’s I had an adenoma removed. At 43, I had the rest of the left lobe removed as it had returned.

In the last year I had 2 unsuccessful fine needle biopsies when a nodule was accidentally found after a head and neck CT Scan after hitting my head during a fall on ice. Not enough cells could be gathered for a firm diagnosis after each of the biopsies at 2 leading hospitals.

The isthmus and remaining lobe were removed. The nodule was benign after all, but I had 2 micro Papillary cancer spots of such a small size that no further treatment was required. My dose of levothyroxine was increased to 100 mcg, and I feel fine.

I will be followed with ultrasounds every six months to watch for a recurrence although there is only a 10% chance in my case.

I wonder why I don’t see more reports of ultrasounds on this site. Sometimes more than blood tests are required.

No need to panic! I am doing very well at 75.

SummerJessica profile image

Something I did think of....I have PCOS so I usually get no periods. Haven't had one in over a year! However in the last few months I have got my period every month. I am sure I noticed this swelling about 3 months ago when my period started again, but then positive it subsided as I would have seen the GP then. This month however no period and this swelling pops up! Do you think my thyroid may be overworked at all? I find this strange it happened around the same time my period was due. I only usually get periods when I medicate (Clomid) when trying to conceive.

I am on no medication for my thyroid as my bog standard thyroid tests have always been within normal range.

in reply to SummerJessica

"I am on no medication for my thyroid as my bog standard thyroid tests have always been within normal range. "

"Within normal range" doesn't mean a thing, because "Normal range" is an arbitrary one based on the range in people who are well!

Do you have any of your test results? You can get them from the doctor's if you are in the UK - it's illegal to refuse or charge more than just a nominal amount for the printing. Ask for the last few if possible so we can see if there has been a change.

For example, if your TSH is over 1 you can still be hypothyroid. I still had symptoms when mine was just under 3. Post them here and members will be able to advise.

I don't think anyone has mentioned it yet, but having a baby sometimes make a woman diabetic or hypothyroid. Often it is temporary, but you still need treatment now.

SummerJessica profile image

I don't think I've had my thyroid bloods taken since my son was born in 2017. I have always suspected my thyroid has caused me problems due to having similar symptoms for many years, albeit they are more pronounced now. I noticed a hoarseness in my voice not long after he was born. I used to sing quite a bit and now notice I struggle to hit higher notes. I put it down to getting older. As I struggled to conceive I took my BBT daily and most times my temp was 35.4-35.7 as standard and comparing to others it always seemed low. I have had fragile hair since the birth of my older son (he's 7) and lose loads but it has never caused me issues (no patches etc) and I do have a lot of hair! I have noticed my eyebrows thinning at the outer edges, so much so I have to fill them in now, but again, put it down to getting older. I have noticed these last few months I am more hormonal, almost like PMT symptoms, although I never usually get this so can't say for sure, but I've been emotional, moody, angry, hyper, etc. I also have zero sex drive and this started after the birth of my second son last year. I was also suspected as having postnatal depression as couldn't sleep, felt so run down and was so emotional for months after giving birth. It was all put down to me being a new mother again. I didn't feel like this after the birth of my first son. Hmmm lots to think about now it seems...

Minnie48 profile image

Hi SummerJessica, I have the same problems and was sent for scans and antibodies test. Luckily it wasn't thyroid cancer as originally suspected and it came up as severe thyroiditis-Hasimoto, which did settled down after a year and 1/2 of thyroxine and seriously taking care of myself, gut and resting more. It's been 3 years since that time and it still swells but symptoms are nothing compared to how it was. It's more common with women after giving birth.

SummerJessica profile image

I'm having my thyroid tests on Tuesday at 12.25pm so hoping I get my results quickly

I have a goitre that gets bigger and smaller on a daily basis. It's been scanned and not cancerous.

I've also got Fibromylagia and possibly chronic fatigue with it. On bad days the goitre feels huge, and is very noticeable. On a better day ( less pain, more alert) the goitre is barely noticeable.

TBH, I don't think drs fully understand thyroids and goitres. Have it scanned, I'm sure that will put your mind at rest. How we get rid of them, I've no idea, though !

Hafenfeld profile image

The ultra sound will determine if the swelling is just that or a nodule. Relax if you can. Anxiety is a symptom of thyroid disease as well as enlargement of the thyroid gland. In my case my thyroid has been enlarged for over 10 years. I have had an ultrasound and there is no nodule. The thyroid will enlarge due to the inflammation. Get a thyroid panel drawn as well as the antibodies. Have them look for nutrient deficiencies also. Be proactive. Research and study. You are the advocate for you!

Sounds as if you are a busy mom. Try to find relaxation techniques to help calm you because stress is the enemy of not only the thyroid but our whole body.

Maddux123 profile image

15 years ago after I had my daughter she was about six months old and I had a cord on my neck and I took some medication and it went away and I never had any thyroid problems tell I was 38 years old and now I’m hypothyroidism but I also did chemo because I had cancer at a young age so that’s what gave me all my favorite problems but most of the time you have swelling after thyroid shortly after pregnancy and birth it’s kind of normal just keep an eye on it you should be OK he gets any bigger back to the doctor and they do an x-ray

Jts1 profile image

Try not to stress too much as could be loads of not very serious things. In addition to all the things mentioned in prior replies, could be viral. I recently had de quervains thyroiditis which makes you hyper thyroid then hypo thyroid and the thyroid gland swells. As it’s viral infection, lymph nodes and my saliva glands swelled too to the extent I couldn’t swallow. If blood tests show high ESR and CRP it could be that. Pain in the neck (forgive the pun) but goes away after few months.

Jts1 profile image
Jts1 in reply to Jts1

Just to add on it was pretty painful so they prescribed me max strength ibuprofen for about two months but with omezeprole to protect the stomach (not a fan of ibuprofen so took some paracetamol too).

SummerJessica profile image

It's so hard to tell at the moment as I definitely have a lot of thyroid symptoms, been a bit down lately, not for any reason, so have been comfort eating too. I absolutely love Christmas and would usually be bouncing off the walls, but feel low and then finding this swelling has really upset me. I need to try and relax but it just swelled so suddenly, that is what concerned me. I am also getting tingling round the front of my neck and am just constantly aware of my throat, if that makes any sense :/

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to SummerJessica

Ask for a referal for a Nasendoscope in ENT department.

SummerJessica profile image
SummerJessica in reply to Mary-intussuception

Oh no why?

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to SummerJessica

To check out throat symptoms - hoarseness & voice problems.

See if you have Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (as I have -same symptoms pre -diagnosos) any acid damage in throat. Treatment is straight forward - Proton Pump Inhibitor tablets (I'm on Fastab Lansoprazole).

SummerJessica profile image
SummerJessica in reply to Mary-intussuception

Phew you scared me there for a second lol. I'm so stressed. The back of my neck feels like a rock! I really need to get my heat pad and relax!

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to SummerJessica

Sorry didn't mean to panic you. Maybe get Thyroid sorted first! Then ask about ENT.

Yes time to relax! Past my bedtime 😴



SummerJessica profile image

So I called my practice and have asked for antibody levels and nutrient levels to also be tested. It seems she already has me down for FBC, liver and ferritin also. Hopefully she will approve these also. Appt at 12.10am tomorrow

SummerJessica profile image

Should I ask for previous thyroid results tomorrow while I'm there? Not sure how long ago I was tested and not sure how relevant they will be.

Some past medical history is I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2011. Always had irregular cycles and would often go years without periods. In 2011 gave birth to my first son (helped by clomid). In 2013 had my gallbladder removed. In 2014 had a miscarriage, later that year diagnosed with an out of the blue DVT, 3 months of treatment and all was clear. In early 2015 had ovarian drilling and in 2016 had another miscarriage. In July 2016 fell pregnant with my now 19 month old. Since then have had many thyroid symptoms and to be honest always suspected I had thyroid issues but this has never been explored. Hoping my bloods tomorrow may shed some light!

SummerJessica profile image

Bloods done! Annoyed though as my requests don't seem to have been added on and I haven't had my thyroid checked since 2013 :( I had 2 miscarriages after that and I thought they had checked it, I certainly requested it. Have asked them to ask the GP to action my request for nutrients and thyroid antibodies. Although she did say they are testing something with the thyroid which should cover it all? (Not sure what this is)

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