So another trip to my go after suffering horrible heartburn/indigestion symptoms and bowel problems all which seem to rear their ugly heads in the early hours!! GPs words!! Constipation is common in hypothyroidism not diarrhoea 😳 mentioned hashis only to be told that AI thyroiditis does not occur with under active thyroid!! Been off work all week having to lie down after doing a bit of cleaning and feeling absolutely drained 🙈 I feel awful as my children are both under 10 and am physically struggling with day to day life, partner thinks I’ve lost interest in everything, I’m on highest dose of antidepressants? Is there any point in taking them when the depression is clearly being caused by the thyroid problems? Yet another rant from me 🙈🙈
Another pointless GP visit ?: So another trip to... - Thyroid UK
Another pointless GP visit ?

Sorry to hear you feel so rotten. If it's any consolation I too have severe tummy troubles and not constipation, especially early hours and on waking - extreme urgency to get to loo and also being told not due to being hypo, seeing doc again tomorrow with flank pain and toiletti g issues, not good
Constipation is common in hypothyroidism not diarrhoea
He's wrong - I had the runs a lot for years before I started treating my thyroid, and from the reading I've done on this forum I am far from alone.
mentioned hashis only to be told that AI thyroiditis does not occur with under active thyroid
He doesn't know what he's talking about, and he's talking complete nonsense. Even the NHS mentions Hashimoto's Thyroiditis now.
It’s soooo frustrating they don’t know anything 😳 just stamped me with ibs and more tablets to take !! I felt like telling him he was talking out of his backside 🙈 I have never suffered with constipation either !!
Hi Nicola,
Seek a second opinion - Hopefully with someone who does know about this. What about the specialist?
All the best -
Hi there he is talking BS, I even got my Endo to admit on Tuesday that thyroid disease causes digestive issues, lots of problems with the stomach and bowels, so your gp needs to stop talking the language of B.ll.cks.xx😠
Unfortunately many gps don’t seem to understand this - I would highly recommend a book- the root cause by izabella Wentz, think I’ve got the spelling right. She suggests a diet and lifestyle approach alongside medication. I have found being gluten and dairy free really helps me. The book is a good read and she is a pharmacist who had a long journey to diagnosis of hashimotos
Hopefully you will make progress which ever route you choose.
I had both diarrhea and constipation but since thyroid treatment there is a great improvement. Being coeliac and diabetic clouded the issue until I saw a GP who know what he was talking about.
The digestion issues are awful, seem much worse at night, so frustrating being kept awake too😳
Yes I had this too of a night but not now as thyroid being correctly treated. Pains eyc were awful even though I was fully GF being a coeliac and I do not cheat. The gut is so important.
The GF can be a challenge and is expensive, I was able to buy a lot of GF in Britain but not everywhere. The other thing with GF it makes you eat a very healthy diet.
Thyroid controls everything so needs to be treated correctly.
Have you tried some gut relief powers and digestive enzymes? That has also helped me
Ask then to change your anti depressant tabs see if that helps x
You must give up gluten. All autoimmune conditions are controlled from the gut! Please, please try it x
Thanks for your comment jules, im finally attempting to go gluten free after 3 years of hashis. I always felt like it was too difficult to even attempt but I’m ready now to at least try it. Your comment encouraged me👍😀
Sounds awful and so does your GP, have you considered changing to another? From my experience there is always one rotten apple in a box. Please don't give up ring and ask to speak to someone you know is better and willing to help you. Good luck.
Regarding heartburn, my wife suffered from acid reflux and was on PPI's, but since taking Betaine HCL +Pepsin has not had a recurrence in 4 years. She does still suffer from the same gastric problems as you have described. I am now considering yeast overgrowth, Candida.
I’ve been prescribed but am not sure what betaine HCL is or pepsin, are they USA meds?
Betaine HCl + Pepsin is available from supplement websites, no prescription required.
For info on it read these links in the order they have been given :
I used to take Zantac and or gaviscon by the bottle for heartburn and reflux. Since changing to T3 only haven’t taken either for about 2/3 years. Very rare do I get heartburn and if I do I just have a drink of milk that settles it!
Got Zantac they are pretty good fair play, gaviscon I can do the tablets? I need to try get this t3 but need a t3 test done first , milk I find just makes me feel a bit woozy tho

Your TSH in previous post was far too high
Vitamin B12 and folate too low
Have you had coeliac blood test yet?
Vitamin D and ferritin need testing
Do you suffer from heavy periods? This can cause Anaemia and common hypothyroid symptom
Changing to a strictly gluten free diet may help reduce symptoms, help gut heal and slowly lower TPO antibodies
ask GP for coeliac blood test first
I had the coeliac test done last year, they are unwilling to test T3, my other half says he is going to pay for me to get one done tho, periods are quite heavy but only first 2 days but they seem so drawn out
Essential to test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12. Always get actual results and ranges. Post results when you have them, members can advise
Improving these four vitamins is first step
Ask GP for iron and ferritin tested
Regular testing and likely regular supplementing
But must test vitamin D and ferritin especially before starting any vitamin D supplements or iron supplements
Starting with good vitamin B complex
Daily Vitamin C can support your adrenals
Hashimoto's affects the gut and leads to low stomach acid and then low vitamin levels
Low vitamin levels affect Thyroid hormone working
Poor gut function can lead leaky gut (literally holes in gut wall) this can cause food intolerances. Most common by far is gluten.
According to Izabella Wentz the Thyroid Pharmacist approx 5% with Hashimoto's are coeliac, but over 80% find gluten free diet helps, sometimes significantly. Either due to direct gluten intolerance (no test available) or due to leaky gut and gluten causing molecular mimicry (see Amy Myers link)
Changing to a strictly gluten free diet may help reduce symptoms, help gut heal and slowly lower TPO antibodies
Vitamin D NHS postal test £29
Aiming to improve vitamin D to around 80- 100nmol.
Vitamin D mouth spray by Better You is good as avoids poor gut function. It's trial and error what dose each person needs.
Once you Improve level, very likely you will need on going maintenance dose to keep it there.
Retesting twice yearly via
Local CCG guidelines
Government recommends everyone supplement October to April
Official NHS guidelines saying TSH should be between 0.2 and 2.0 when on Levothyroxine
(Many of us need TSH nearer 0.2 than 2.0 to feel well)
See box
Thyroxine replacement in primary hypothyroidism
Iv gone on years like that.. I came off the anti Ds because it wasn't doing any thing for me. It's there cheap way of dealing with your under active thyroid.. I still today am not on meds for thyroid as I fall into ranges but my symptoms all point to thyroid.. I take a pro biotic called Synorove and I feel it helps my bloating.. Colon cleanse helps me go to the loo. They just stuck me on buscurpan.. I never go to GP unless I need to as they don't listen or care..
My rant over.. Lol. Enjoy your day and hope you get sorted x
So sorry to hear that. Can you ask your doctor to organise a thyroid uptake scan ? Also have you had your calcium and PtH tested ? Your symptoms can be thyroid or possibly hyperparathyroidism. Look up yes my
Labs are ok but my uptake scan showed my thyroid was overactive .. I went from literally constipated to severe anxiety , depression , diahhrea etc . I had to force
My Endo for that scan so it’ll be interesting to see what she says . Fatigue has ramped up as well to almost non functional . Can’t exercise , too exhausted to cook . I’m so sorry to hear you’re struggling
I got my most recent results on another thread , I’m due more tests end of this month, am booked in for a scan but it’s just a waiting game, I know what you mean I’ve felt that this week , everything is wearing me out, my legs ache after climbing the stairs! Thermostat is totally OTT lol ,Are you taking any meds for it now ?
I really feel for you Nicola38,
I am going through it all now. Your GP needs the same kick up his rear end same as mine!
These so called professionals really annoy me. I have had four months of hell because of them.
Constipation is a normal symptom of thyroid conditions that is true, but so is upset tum as well. Especially if you are stressed. Even your periods will be and can be affected.
If one of my ex GP's had not messed me around when she did, I really believe I would not have the problems, I have now. (Always been on thyroid meds since birth), back on original dose plus T3 meds.
There is nothing worse then feeling so low especially with a young family and then being told by a member of your family that you have lost interest. My eldest daughter told me that a while go. Basically in her opinion "I have given up on myself" which made me feel like s#'t, absolutely on the floor.
Thanks to my GP's recent diagnosis, I ended up in hospital with sepsis on the BH weekend. I won't bore you with the details except to say the latest problems started with constipation (I have never had really and depression due to grief, I was offered antidepressants but have never used them).
if I was you, I would get a second opinion from another GP. Also ask for your Folate and ferritin levels to be checked as Pernicious Anaemia, iron anaemia, Vitamin D deficiency and B12 Deficiency have similar symptoms as thyroid conditions and also sometimes walk hand in hand with them. I have the lot.
I have recently had a pelvic and abdomen scan which came back normal, so waiting to hear whether I need colonoscopy, due to their theory and opinion, which was a misdiagnosis as the problem is a gyne one. (Got to go on Monday, not looking forward to that).
The trouble with the Professionals, they do not listen, one pill does not fit all, we are all different and we also know our own bodies. Most people here will totally empathise and understand what you are going through. You are not on your own. I think what we experience with anxiety is made worse by the frustration because no one is listening.
Keep in touch and let us know what happens.
Take care
Thanks and sorry to hear your story? I just feel so lazy at the moment? Also feeling that I haven’t got the motivation, energy, stamina or concentration span to deal with anything but can’t stop beating myself up as I feel the kids are losing out and I’m losing out on them also! It sounds so bad 😳 my partner called me a slob this week that was really hurtful, I hope your appt Monday goes ok! Let us know, I will do, have bloods end of month and got a scan referral and Endo won’t hold my breath tho lol x
Thank you for your kind words.
Good luck with you scan and Endo. I hope you get a sympathetic one. Our loved ones can say very hurtful things at times without realising the full impact of their hurtful words. But when you are low and feel no one understands, you do get to the point of thinking "What is the point"
Try and keep your chin up and fingers crossed for you appointment and tests.
Take care x
Thank you for replying, yes they do tend to say things, I do work but I couldn’t face it this week, i try the housework and I got to do little bits at a time, I’m only 39 🙈 I feel more like 79, I’m not a lazy person 😖 trying but atm I can’t stop thinking bad of things! Sorry for being a grump? 😱 xx
No worries, I totally understand Nicola38!
I was 33 when my problems really started (I was fine before the GP changed my dose drastically, it was life changing and devastating). I was also a single mother with two children under 10. I was also working, but everything was an effort. I felt like a zombie most of the time. I could sleep 12 hours and still feel absolutely exhausted. Someone actually thought I had a drink problem (I wish), because I would slur my words due to the tiredness.
The only way I can explain the exhaustion is like a toy that you wind up, gradually slowing down into slow motion.
I no longer work, but people forget what I used to do. Fortunately my new husband is very understanding and can see what I have been through and continue to do so.
Sometimes, it is nice to talk to someone who understands and I totally get it. Trust me, got the t shirt in all different sizes.
Message me anytime you want. I am off to bed shortly, but I am around most days.
Thank you 😀 it is nice to speak to someone who understands? When you say your dose was changed , I kinda get you was put up by just 50 in the early days and now I have been reduced by 50 lately well bout 4 weeks now and I think I’m feeling the effect now !! I’m glad ur partner is understanding 👍🏻😆 I will msg you 👍🏻 Sorry this is late!! Will deffo speak soon, goodnite x
In my case, because I was born with only a partial non working gland, I have always been on quite a high dose. Not sure of what dose I was on as a child, but from quite early on until my early 30's I was on 200 mcg of Thyroxine. The GP who caused my problems, said I was on too much (rubbish) and reduced my dose to 75 mcg. She changed my life forever and to my detriment.
I had awful problems, gained so much weight, I have oedema, sleep apnoea, B12 deficiency, heavy periods etc etc etc. It was a gyne that referred me to a Endo because my thyroid was so out of kilter.
I am now back on 200 mcg of thyroxine and 20 mcg of Lithyronine, although I only take 10 mcg which is good for me. Due to the damage done, I find it hard to lose weight, although I have lost 2 stone this year and I also have mobility problems due to the oedema and problems with my back.
Basically if I do not have my meds, I would die, as we can live without our thyroid glands but not the hormones it produces.
What dose are you on then? They should only reduce you by 25 mcg or increase by the same amount at a time.
Whoa that’s a big increase! I started on 25 Levo last year then was put up to 75, went up gradually then to 150 and now been put back to 100 as I thought my body was struggling to side efrects, although my tsh was still almost 7, this why my body probably all over the shop I’m guessing x
200 mcg was my original dose anyway. Putting me down to 75 mcg without graduation was what broke the camels back so to speak.
I am back on 200 mcg which I call my natural dose and the T3 too but the damage is done. It is trying to recover from it, that is causing the problem and time.
Try going gluten free to help your digestive problems and get your blood test readings as you may need to increase your thyroxine.
I have started looking into the gluten free thing! Your probably right there as my doc put it back to 100 but that was partly my fault for saying I didn’t want to take the things as I didn’t know at the time whether it was those or the thyroid causing it, everything is so confusing and there never seems an easy answer to anything 😳