Hi everyone my mum is 74 her results: tsh:2,78 (levothyroxine 100) ferritin 13, VIT D3:58.0, b12:318,she's taking 1000mg of b12 supplements,also d3 supplements,she also is diabetic even though she takes drugs for diabetes sometimes glicemia in the morning goes higher than 8,also high cholesterol and triglyceride also using drugs for that,foot neuropathy aches,and edema on the legs,any advice plesae??
B12 318,ferritin 13 doctor says is normal???? - Thyroid UK
B12 318,ferritin 13 doctor says is normal????
Does she have a diagnosis of hypothyroidism? Is she on levo? If so, she needs an increase in dose. That TSH is too high.
For the rest, we really need the ranges, I'm afraid. Ranges vary from lab to lab, so we need the ranges used by the lab where her blood was analysed.
Her cholesterol is probably high because her FT3 is probably low, but she shouldn't be taking statins. They cause a lot of side-effects and are not effective for women. Cholesterol won't kill you, but the statins might!
Hi, as greygoose states, we need the ranges and she gives good advice. However, I would say that her ferritin is far too low as is her B12 - especially if she is supplementing. Her D3 is low too. Are the supplements subsequent to the results or was she on them before?
As you get older, you need more cholesterol, the brain especially needs it. She should be eating good fats - olive oil, organic grass fed butter, goose fat, ghee, coconut oil, nut butters etc. Is she mobile? Get her to walk, do gentle exercise.
Have they given her diuretics for the edema? There are safer herbal ones which do not excrete potassium - such as dandelion leaf. This is a natural diuretic and will also provide lots of good minerals. Taraxacum officinalis folia is it's full name. You can eat the fresh leaves in a salad - make sure they haven't been sprayed. If you like research to back these up (few and far between normally for herbs although been in use for thousands of years)
Thank you bluedragon,yes she was supplementing when she did them,also she uses diuretics on tablet form,she takes so much chemical drugs (especially for diabet) also supplements (cod liver oil, b12 1000 mcg,folic acid 400 mcg,vit c 500,b6 100 mg,but still feet and toes aches,dementia, i know that is she is an old woman already 74 years old,but I'm looking for help,any advices,thanks again dear.
I wonder if she has a B12 deficiency which really needs injections to help. Take a look at signs and symptoms of it - includes neuropathy, signs of dementia etc. Being on supplements, I would have expected her blood level to be higher. Print out list of the symptoms, tick which apply to your mother and take to doctor asking for a trial of injections - they should give 6 loading injections. Point out to them that any sign of neuropathy should be treated, regardless of blood levels. If you go over to the Pernicious Anaemia forum, they will give you all the details but there was a fairly recent directive to doctors stating they had to treat.
Personally I would take her to a herbalist and get her looked at holistically, she needs to be assessed properly, in conjunction with her medication. I would imagine the concoction of tablets she is on will not be helping her. As previously stated elsewhere, statins are not good and the diuretics should be changed for healthier ones. Perhaps something like amazon.co.uk/A-Vogel-Dandel... this would be taken in a little water. (Note, leaf is for kidneys/bladder and root is for liver)
I hope this is helpful and not too much....
Thank you Bluedragon,i appreciate your advices,yes she started taking b12 injections,500 mcg every three day,it means twice per week,without doctor's permission,i hope it's sufficient doze of 500 mcg,just after the first shot,she felt better,her feet and toes more relaxed,but i don't how long to continue with shots?? Thank you again.
Statins are likely to make diabetes worse. Some people become diabetic once they go on statins.
Take a look at this link : drmalcolmkendrick.org/2012/...
The graphs are very helpful. They show that overall mortality drops steadily the higher cholesterol is in women.
Looking at just heart disease the highest mortality is at the lowest level of cholesterol.
One question your mother could ask her doctor about statins is "How much longer can I expect to live if I keep taking statins?".
See this link for the answer : drmalcolmkendrick.org/2015/...
"Results: 6 studies for primary prevention and 5 for secondary prevention with a follow-up between 2.0 and 6.1 years were identified. Death was postponed between −5 and 19 days in primary prevention trials and between −10 and 27 days in secondary prevention trials. The median postponement of death for primary and secondary prevention trials were 3.2 and 4.1 days, respectively."
That ferretin is very low? The normal range in the uk is between 15 and 300? But women should be above 70! Just check the normal ranges x
Sorry should have checked before answering you on the PAS Forum 😊