Hi have bloods next week so just looking for some reassurance really. Not really a question just to talk as I don't really have anyone who really understands.
I started t3 7 weeks ago. Bought my own but discussed with endo before taking it and on his advice didn't reduce my t4 but added in 6.25 t3.
I don't want to jinx it or speak to soon but I already feel like a changed person. Work have commented I seem brighter. My fiance has said my eyes seem to have life in them again. I've lost 8lb since starting with very little change to my diet (already gluten free. Probably eaten more salads instead of soup or gf sandwiches just because of the heat but nothing massive or unusual for me.)
I am SO relieved the weight is coming off. I absolutely need to lose it as of this morning my BMI is 30. (Small victory that I'm no longer classed as obese which I think only people here will understand) But just a bit worried it could be because I'm hyper. My blood pressure is low 105/57. HR 61. Both pretty normal for me. When hypo I was borderline high but before all this started I was always on the low side.
I've heard good rate of weight loss in diets is 2lb per week. So I've averaged just under that. But I haven't been dieting.
I also have PCOS and before t3 would have periods that lasted 2-3 weeks (very slow to start)
Since starting t3 I've had 2 7 day bleeds. First one around my usual time (cycle day 31). Second one was early (cycle day 18) it was very light and I thought it was just spotting. I needed to use sanitary products for 2 days of it.
I'm now on cycle day 18 again but no sign of it. I'm hoping it's just my body sorting itself out.
I've had periods lasting for 2-3 weeks for atleast 18 months on t4 only so I don't think it can be a coincidence? Before t4 they were 2-3 months apart.
All this even though I was only "subclinical." My bloods have never shown clinical need for t3.
Surely all these improvements can't be due to anything else though?
Before t3 I increased my t4 to 112.5 from 100 and felt more hypo. Came back down and felt better but not great.
I increased my t3 dose to 12.5 (2 doses split) first couple of days felt fantastic. Could tell when I was in the office after I'd taken it at 3pm within half hour I was singing along to my music again. But then after a few days I felt more hypo. Reduced back down and felt better.
Before starting t3 my bloods were
Tsh 0.055 (0.27-4.2)
T4 22.1 (12-22)
T3 5.75 (3.1-6.8)
I'm praying my bloods next week dont come back too bad. I think my next step will be to reduce my t4 and add a PM t3 dose.
Given my blood pressure and HR is it possible to still be hyper? I have had a few times i felt a bit jittery but it lasted 10 mins - 1hr Max and put it down to having not eaten. I have an essential tremor which worsens with activity anyway.
Fingers crossed I've found something that works for me and nearly hit my thyroid's sweet spot 🙂