Now I have a copy of my test results, I notice my plasma viscosity is high, 1.99 (vs range of 1.5-1.72). Could this be related to the high Thyroid peroxidase Ig Ab Anti-TPO Antibodies (46.2 vs <9)? (Dr says it's def not Hashi though) Any other thoughts, oh helpful ones??
Plasma viscosity: Now I have a copy of my test... - Thyroid UK
Plasma viscosity

I don't know anything about plasma viscosity, but you can read about it here :
On that page, click on the + signs for more information.
It's just testing how thick your blood is. Hypos usually have thick blood. But, I don't think it has anything to do with antibodies.
Very silly of your doctor to say you definitely don't have Hashi's, because you can't prove a negative. You don't even have to have high antibodies to have Hashi's. Marz posted about it this morning :
When I remarked to our surgery phlebotomist the other week that my blood seemed thinner lately, she said that my body was working correctly as that is what it does in hotter weather. My blood might be working better, but the rest of me doesn't feel as though it is.

IGg ab it not a thyroid antibodies test
You need TPO and TG antibodies tested for Hashimoto's plus 10-20% with Hashimoto's never have high antibodies, but then an ultrasound of thyroid may be useful in diagnosis. Thyroid will be granular in appearance
Here in Uk they don't call it Hashimoto's, but usually call it autoimmune thyroid disease
Link about thyroid blood tests
Link about antibodies and Hashimoto's