I apologise for this post but feel you are the only ones who will understand. My daughter has a history of miscarriages (thankfully she has one healthy beautiful girl). She had all the tests and everything came back fine - just one of those things. She continued trying, more miscarriages one ending ectopic. Her husband said no more - understandably.
Fast wind a couple of years and she goes to the doctor feeling tired and generally flat. She explained I had thyroid problems so they checked hers. Her TSH came back at 66.22 (range 0.2-4) and her T4 8.6 (range 12-22). They could find no trace of any test done in her thyroid for the miscarriages.
I feel this highlights the importance of always getting a copy of your results as it not only tells you where you are in the range and optimal or not but also if they’ve done the bloody test at all.
Thank you for listening.