Emotional & Tearful: Hi, I have no idea if the... - Thyroid UK

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Emotional & Tearful

Huddy1234 profile image
11 Replies


I have no idea if the 2 are related so just thought i'd ask.

My Levothyroxiene tablets were increased from 25 to 50 about 3 weeks ago and I feel really emotional, anxious and tearful....... could be my age as I'm 46 (menopausal probably too), just wondered if anyone else had experienced this or I'm just starting that "time of a womens life"???

Sorry if the question seems a bit pointless but this site has been so helpful, much more than any doctor I've seen.

Thank you xx

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Huddy1234 profile image
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11 Replies
Supul profile image

Well, I just had an increase and I feel the same.

I'm past menopause, so can't blame that. However, endo did say I needed increase in vagifem (which I use once weekly), I asked GP for increase, he said he will wait for letter from endo (he was willing to prescribe antidepressants though, no surprise there! I'm a woman so I have emotions!). So, I guess, whichever way we look at it, all hormone related.

I'm just starting 3rd week levo dose increase, and hoping once system settles to new dose, emotional symptoms will ease off. I'm trying to embrace the tears and thinking of it as body so grateful for increase levo lol.

Personally, I'm in praise of emotions but crying easily is something else, isn't it?

Good luck.

Huddy1234 profile image
Huddy1234 in reply to Supul

Hi Supul,

Thank you for your reply.

I haven't got a problem expressing emotions or feelings but this is something else isn't it....... uncontrollable.

I do have a few personal issues at the minute too so obviously that isn't helping.

I feel like I have a constant lump in my throat and totally not myself at all.

Good luck with yours too x

Rapunzel profile image

Until a year has passed since you had a period, you are deemed perimenopausal. Only menopausal when periods have stopped for over a year. I had this during perimenopause and it could kick off at the drop of a hat and was totally frustrating, having to withdraw, cry, mop up the tears take a breath, run my wrists under the cold tap, repair my make-up, use eye drops and continue. It may have had something to do with my thyroid but I hadn't been diagnosed then.

Look after yourself and follow the wisdom of this change in your life. No caffeine, limited red meat, no proscribed drugs. Tough for me, every which way, but by your age, I was through the other side. Early menopause is a hypo symptom, I've read somewhere...Hope you're soon feeling better and remember it doesn't last forever :)

Huddy1234 profile image
Huddy1234 in reply to Rapunzel

Hi Rapunzel,

Thank you for your reply.

I haven't seen a period for about 10 years, but it's due to being put on the mini pill then, and that is one of the biggest side affects that it stops bleeds....... about 3 years ago I was told that my ovaries were slowing down so I'm only guessing that I'm approaching menopause.

I agree, the tears are quite uncontollable - horrible way to feel.

I was on anti depressants for about 12 years too and just came off them after Christmas so think the withdrawal maybe also connected.

It just maybe coincidental that it seems heightened around the time I've increased my Levo medication..... ?? Time will tell I suppose.

Thank you for your time x

maymay28 profile image
maymay28 in reply to Huddy1234

I too have experienced this symptom; crying for no apparent reason. I am hypothyroid for about 25 years. My thyroids crashed in Jan. of this year due to being overmedicated and I've had to start all over with medications etc... I googled this symptom and all of the online thyroid doctors stated that it was indeed a sign of a hypothyroidism and it occurs when your treatment is incomplete and your levels are not at optimal range or have been stabilized. They state that once your levels are stabilized, symptom will disappear.

Winnie2009 profile image

Definitely been very emotional cry at an advert.Never used to be such an emotional person may be a connection to meds or maybe age, I'm 51 but no sign of menopause yet.Even a kind story sets me off ...not depressed just emotional.

Peanut31 profile image

Hi Huddy1234

No question is pointless on here.

I too am having a rough time at the moment, crying, anxiety, it like a black cloud following me around. Don't let your GP fob you off, it is all related to your thyroid issue, anti depressants really don't mix well with thyroid issues so well done for getting off them.

It's your body getting use to the increase and depending on how much your increase is how your body reacts. It will be a roller coaster I am afraid, I started on levo in March.

50 mcg of levo is still a low dosage to have, in fact it is a starting dosage, so it's early days for you.

I am on 100mcg of levo at the moment with a blood test due on Monday, I can't wait for the results as I feel like a bag of rusty old nails.

Make sure that you have Thyroid blood tests every 6 weeks, and first thing in the morning no later than 9am, don't eat and only drink water before the test and don't take your levo the morning of your blood results.

It's a tip that we pass onto members here and the GP/nurse does not need to know, it's because our TSH is always high in the morning and with the those TSH high results (GP's are obsessed with TSH results only) it means we either get started on Levo or we gain another increase that we really do need if we don't feel well. Some GP also will not listen to how we are feeling and just tell us well your blood results are in range so you are ok.

You should have an increase of 25mcg every 6 weeks until your blood results improve and most importantly you feel well.

Most sure that you are tested for TSH, T3 & T4, just testing for TSH is no good at all.

when we talk about blood tests and NHS feedback on your results, your results are in range within the NHS guidelines, but, they can still leave us feeling ill.

In order to feel well your TSH should be 1 or below, T3 & T4 in the upper figure of the ranges.

Make sure you obtain copies of your blood results from your GP you are entitled to them by law, and they can no longer charge.

You can then post them on here (including ranges) and the more experienced members can help.

Vitamins need testing as well, Vitamin D, Iron and B12, they play important roles in the thyroid and if they are low they will not help.

Don't be surprised if your GP doesn't mention all the above information, they don't know enough about this thyroid business.

It maybe your are forced to do private blood testing for vitamins and full thyroid, medi checks and Blue horizon offer those services.

Best Wishes


Huddy1234 profile image
Huddy1234 in reply to Peanut31

Thank you Peanut31,

I had bloods done in 2015 (when diagnosed) and then early 2018, these were the results:

2015 - Thyroid 6.46

2018 - Thyroid 3.41

2015 - T4 12.3

2018 - T4 9.6

2015 - Vtamin D 121 nmol

2018 - Vitamin D 84 nmol

2015 - Vitamin B12 464ng/l

2018 - Vitamin B12 237ng/l

2015 - Serum Creatine 94

2018 - Serum Creatine 77

2015 - GFR 56

2018 - GFR 60

2015 - Serum Sodium 143

2108 - Serum Sodium 136

2015 - Serum Potassium 4.3

2018 - Serum Potassium 5.0

2015 - Serum Urea 3.9

2018 - Serum Urea 4.7

2015 - Serum Thyroid Antibdy 348

2018 - Serum Thyroid Antibody (test not done)

2015 - Serum LH 56

2018 - Serum LH (test not done)

I have just had a B12 injection shot (privately as GP would not supply) last Friday and don't feel any different, not sure if this takes a while to kick in??

Just fed up feeling this way.

Peanut31 profile image
Peanut31 in reply to Huddy1234

You need ranges as well please.

I see you had antibodies tested in 2015, (384) this means you have an auto immune disease. (Hashimoto's). I have this too, it is where the antibodies attack the thyroid gland which causes inflammation, it can cause neck pain. muscle pain everywhere. Going gluten free may help. You don't need testing again for that, you will have it for life. It causes leaky gut as well, do you have tummy problems, wind, popping noises in tummy etc?

Your TSH is still not where it should be, as said it should be 1 or below.

When in 2018 was your Thyroid results tested?

If it was longer than 6 weeks ago, you need another increase of 25mcg and another blood test as you are clearly not on the right dosage yet.

I'm afraid it's a case of researching as much as you can on thyroid as sometimes the GP's don't know enough and don't have the best interest of their patients, it's a case of taking charge of your own health.

Best Wishes


Huddy1234 profile image
Huddy1234 in reply to Peanut31

Someone else on here mentioned that to me about my high antibodies - and yes, my tummy can sometimes play up!

In January this year my tests were done.

It really is like the GP's do not give a f"ck as long as you are in the range on the piece of paper then that's fine!!!

I wasn't aware of the increase of Levo causing any of the symptoms I'm getting - all of this is a bit of a nightmare, you try and get one thing right and it causes something else...... ;-(

Peanut31 profile image
Peanut31 in reply to Huddy1234

Don’t rely on the GP knowing all the answers, nor do the Endocrinologist, mine was awful.

Try going gluten free if you have antibodies present it definitely helped my tummy issues and I don’t eat gluten at all now, be careful as lots of things have gluten in that you think wouldn’t.

Look on the backs of the packet before you risk it.

Levothyroxine brands can also play havoc, I was on TEVA when I started, oh my word, I was ratty and very angry, I was basically biting everyone’s head off.

Once I googled that brand lots of negative reviews came up about TEVA, needless to say I swapped brands on my next increase.

It is very important you increase Levothyroxine by 25mcg each time and keep repeating the process until you feel well.

Many are given no choice but to self medicate with NDT or purchasing extra T4 and adding T3.

They of course have to pay for bloods and take responsibility of testing etc, but they get there life back and it is not dictated to by GP’s going by out of date ranges.

Some patients never get better, why? Well once your TSH becomes low or suppressed the doctors start buggaring about with the dosage as they get frightened about heart Failure, I’ve not seen evidence about that, then your TSH starts rising and making you feel unwell then the rollercoaster starts.

Another problem is not everyone converts well T4 to T3.

I spoke to my GP about this, his reply was “T4 converts to T3 and none of his patients even patients under a Endocrinologist with in his practice have needed T3”.

Patients like me that have Hashimoto’s often struggle to convert, and no matter how much T4 (Levothyroxine) we take if you can’t convert it will not help.

T3 is a hot subject at the moment, GP’s can’t prescribe it and from my understanding you have to jump several hurdles for Endocrinologist to give you it.

Why? Because it costs the NHS so much money to prescribe in the hundreds of pounds a month.

However, it can be brought for a reasonable price elsewhere.

Best wishes


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