I had half of my thyroid removed today I'm currently in hospital it's 3:45am I can't sleep and can't stop crying I literally woke up from anaesthetic crying before I was even awake I must say that was more with pain but I dont no why I keep crying I feel so emotional and so alone like the nurses don't even talk to me they come in give meds ask how's pain from 1 to 10 and go... maybe I expect too much but I'm not an emotional person I don't just cry and for some reason I'm crying constantly is this a side effect of having it removed or am I just being pathetic 😔 I also have been having palpitations all day I was even having them when they had the blood pressure machine and the finger thing that monitors your heart I told the nurse he said it's fine..... I then told my doctor and she took some blood a out 2 hours ago she said we should have results in the morning she's pushed it through quick in case it's my calcium levels or something 😣 confused so confused
Emotional wreck: I had half of my thyroid removed... - Thyroid UK
Emotional wreck

I'm not an emotional person I don't just cry and for some reason I'm crying constantly is this a side effect of having it removed or am I just being pathetic
I suspect it could be a side effect of anaesthesia. Crying for no reason has affected me on several occasions after various surgeries, and in each case the effect (the crying) has worn off within 24 hours.
Thank u so much that is reassuring although I think it's probably best I'm emotional if I were my normal self is be so angry don't get me wrong the nhs is amazing but the ward I am on tonight want to be ashamed of themselves I asked them at 1:20 for pain meds as I can't lie down it's too painful it's now 4:15 there still not here and I have asked again twice....... they are co.oletely ignoring me justt feeling like I wish I'd never had it taken out and it's only day 1 but thank u I hope my normal self comes back once I'm home I don't want to be that angry patient
Make sure once you have recovered that your Doctor checks your thyroid levels because I think you might need to take Levothyroxine. They must check your TSH, T4 and T3 as well as your vitamin levels.

They said they will be testing my thyroid in 4-6 weeks aswell as give me results for the large module if had removed..... I already have low folate low vit d and have to take b12 injections....... this all happened in December I also had my thyroid levels tested then and in March of had the module for 5 year they have tested my tsh each time but refuse to test t3 t4 I'm sick of it now I just feel like giving up on even going to the doctors
Do you mean nodule? I have a multinodular goitre and luckily they are small and haven't needed to be removed. They do need to test your T4 and T3 to get a better idea of how your thyroid is functioning. If they don't they are neglecting you imho.

Yes it's a nodule my spell check is Terrible..... I found it 2015 was quite small moved with the thyroid when swilling normal thyroid function(tsh) it started to grow last year I had an ultasou d and it had tripled in size causing breathing swilling problems a list asking as my arm of other symptoms muscle weakness especially in my hands and arms, restless legs, fatigue, sweating, weightless ECT but still normal tsh and no other t3 or t4 tests have ever been done today they removed the left side of my thyroid including the nodule
I also have palpitations they started to happen just now and then but now it's every day I have had those 5mim ecg there all fine xxxxx
My TSH has been in normal range but my T4 and T3 have been low in the past. Just testing the TSH does not give a good indication of how your thyroid is functioning. You could always do your own private blood test that is what I do because the lab sees my TSH is in range and refuses to test anything else. NHS guidelines need changing but after suffering for 12 years now I doubt they ever will.

I think that is why they won't test mine it is ridiculous can you tell me how you do a private blood test please xxx
I use Medichecks and I have an account with them. This site sometimes has discount codes for them. Have a look at their site and see if there is any special offers on at the moment.

Fab thank u so so so much for ur help sounds like we have alot in common with this...... I will register and get a private test done myself thanks for that I hope it feeling well xxxxxx
Yes, a speedy recovery, you poor thing you. Anyone in your family been to see you yet? Hopefully you will be out of hospital soon. Take care.
Omg it has been horrific from start to go ish my partner came with me we waiting arou d in the morning like normal we were second last so it was a wait but that was fine went in at 1 I went into recovery for 2:30 a d they kept me there until almost 7pm my poor partner had waited all day as they kept saying she won't be long...... They kept me there because they said there were no beds ready and it would take an hour my nurse rang them back a few times over those 4.5 hours until she eventually took me to the ward herself...... visiting times are 6-8 So I did get yo see my partner for an hour 😥 I'm discharging myself tomorrow no matter what my family can take better care of me xxxxx
The hospital you are in, make sure you report them when you leave and feeling up to it, this should not be happening to you. Honsently, these hospitals bang on so much about understaffed, lack of pay etc etc, I really don't have any sympathy for anyone who works for the NHS in particular.
This is what I mean this is all u ever see that they are understaffed and underpaid the staff in here tonight don't deserve to be paid....... like everything in life the staff arnt all the same but if there are staff issues they need to get rid of these awful nurses with not an ounce of compassion in them....... I'm 100% home tomorrow morning thanks for ur messages I appreciate them at this hour 😂
Bring back the good old fashioned matron's, where is Hatti Jacques when you need her? She'd knock them into shape, and the certainly wouldn't be able to get away with blue murder. Question? Why is it every time I see hospital staff ( especially nurses) congregated around computer screens and chatting with each other instead of attending to patients?
I agree ... also why are so many nurse overweight? Could it be they spend a lot of time in the hospital cafe? Just joking btw. lol

No, alcohol is the cause.

I agree with both I think the day staff don't get away with it as much as the night staff do they just take the Mick...... I mean all they need to do is DO THEIR JOB or go work some were that does fit in with social lives xxxxxx

Conditions for nurses are frankly awful these days. There are massive staff shortages in most hospitals, which means many of the nurses you do see are agency nurses, who often don’t know the ward, or anything about the condition of the patients in their “care”. Those staff who are permanent and work for that ward full time end up having to “carry” many of the agency nurses. It means that even where a ward has enough nursing cover in theory, in practice there’s maybe one or two of those nurses who actually know what they’re doing. Over time, the permanent staff become more and more disheartened by the awful working conditions. They do their best but it’s never enough and stress levels go through the roof, which means their best becomes rather less good than it was. All for far less pay than you might think, coupled with never knowing when they might be working because shifts are constantly being changed at last minute.
We’ve got systemic problems which can’t easily be overcome. I won’t get into politics because we don’t do that on this forum (thankfully) but will mention that traditionally we’ve had a lot of nurses from Europe working in NHS hospitals and many of them have left due to the uncertainties of Brexit. The nurse in charge of any ward will spend the vast majority of their day trying to find enough staff to cover the next shift.
For years, student nurses received a pitiful bursary for training, which was eventually replaced by having to get a degree which means Student Loans and Uni tuition fees. The Government have finally realised this isn’t a good idea and are reverting to bursaries. No one in their right mind would want to become a nurse in the U.K., which is why we have massive shortages and will have for the foreseeable future. It’s an awful state of affairs.
(Yes, I used to be a nurse. My husband was also an intensive care nurse who died aged 56 from cancer that was repeatedly missed by overstretched NHS staff).
Sorry Lora7again, I absolutely understand where you’re coming from. But there are reasons for all this that never get discussed properly.
Your Reply sounds so similar to a recent discussion on Radio 4 - so very sad. Thank you for the reminder of the difficulties the profession faces.
Similarly I have been watching the Cornish Fishing programmes - again where is the next generation and without EU workers on land and at sea, crabs would remain undressed !! Apparently it's more important to spend billions on a train than preserve industries and professions that serve us all ...
I worked for NHS and I do know this and I am not knocking nurses just making an observation. I was recently in A & E and nurse who looked after me was not an agency nurse and was very good but she was grossly overweight. The NHS has always been underfunded and my husbands boss was actually an ex Nurse who had worked his way up to become a Manager. As in all professions there are good nurses and bad ones as is the same with Doctors. I loved working for the NHS and when my husband left I decided to leave as well.

What does her weight have to do with her being a good nurse? Why do you keep bringing that up?
Well nurses have to be quick to respond to an emergency situation and she could hardly walk. I am talking about someone who was at least a size 22 and looked massive. I think she will have health problems as she becomes older.

I’m pretty sure her brain would still work quickly and that’s what really matters.
She can’t win, can she? She’s in a profession that doesn’t give a damn about her, where the harder you work, the more you’re expected to do, where you regularly go without breaks and get home an hour later than you should because someone had a heart attack just as you were handing over to the next shift. All without any extra pay, all without a thank you, and with people like you judging her for being fat.
She knows only too well how unhealthy it is, but to fix it would probably mean leaving nursing, a job she still loves despite how awful it can be and because she knows that would only make things worse for her colleagues.
I am not judging her for being fat but she is a health professional and they should really try to set a good example. I was once told I was overweight by a GP who actually had a beer belly. I felt like telling him to practice what he preaches.

Says who? Why should they? Is that in their job description? Is it in anyone’s job description? A nurse’s job is to provide nursing care, not be a role model.
Please, think before you write these things. There are almost certainly many many people who post here who are a size 20+ and I’m willing to bet it’s not because they’re lazy gluttons (though the media will have told them that’s what they are their whole lives..
I’m sorry you felt offended by the doctor with the beer belly calling you overweight—but he wasn’t saying that he wasn’t overweight, he was talking about what he’d observed about you. As a health professional, he’s allowed to make observations about your health—some would say that’s his job—but he doesn’t have to practise what he preaches. That’s for his doctor to point out to him (and he/she probably does).
Sorry spacenk, I wasn’t ward based but we worked our backsides off. Often ending up in tears as our hands were so tied by beaurocracy. My kids suffered as a result as I’d fetch them and then have to drop them at minder again as was being called back for urgent samples while doing oncall. Yes there are the bad apples but a lot of staff are on their knees!
No excuse for what happening to this patient but not everyone is along for a free ride. 😢
It's 100% not everyone in fact 90% of nurses iv met are amazing and that's why I was so shocked at last night...... there were 3 member of staff on this massively ward last night compared to the 20 odd on today so I defiantly agree their o at worked but to me there was still lack of compassion it isn't our fault as patients and I totally understand and support all the staff this is the first time I had ever had anesthetic and is didn't agree with me I was a mess a little bit of support would have been appreciates anyway new day and all that I'm going home thank God were I an be looked after by family........ They are still ignoring my palpitations which is worrying me I seen my doctor he said it's my thyroid tell my consultant my consultant said it's not thyroid as thyroid fu action is normal by this he means tsh is normal as they havnt tested any t3 t4 if had these for a few months but last night was really bad like constant fluttering so now they are saying anxiety which ok is fine but surely it's still not normal to leave it e an if it is anxiety? If told them I keep getting chest pains and the palpitations they just smirk at me and say not thyroid I feel ridiculous do I just If not it and hope it goes away or embarrass myself trying to fight it ????
You’ve had a awful time. I must say my after mine I had awful heart palpitations. I did get very panicky and did ecg. Keep mentioning it but don’t let them say your TSH is fine so it’s not thyroid. Only accept that if they do t4/t3. The op and anaesthetic is a huge shock to your system. Hope everything calms down over next day or two. If not go nag gp.
Yes, get the hell out of there, been through a similar experience with my other half, we got out even before they started his procedure, best thing we ever did.
That made me laugh because I remember after giving birth I was packing my bag to go home because I hate hospitals ... well I used to work in several but it is different when you are a patient. Anyway I was packing my bag and getting into my clothes ready to grab my baby and go home when the midwife told me you are not going anywhere. In those days you always had to stop in one night unfortunately. I then didn't sleep all night and for some reason I remembered about the woman who gave birth in the drama series A Bouquet of Barbed Wire and then died. I was out of there the next day as quick as my legs could carry me lol.
My sister also couldn't wait the get out of hospital after giving birth, that's the second hospital I won't be going nowhere near!
Lol thats crazy because I actually made a complaint to this exact hospital when I gave birth to my daughter 🤣 I had a section and they were psying at me and having such an attitude when I rang the bell through the night for them to help me as she was mucousy because of the section and jcould t get to her coz thwy hadnt got me out of ved yet I flipped that day tho I discharged us both and complained through the midwife.....xxxx
Get home safe, recover, then, if you can, go private. Take care again.
Thank u so much I will look into it for sure..... it's been lovely talking to u both I will comment on this post in a couple of days and let u guys know how they deal with it tomorrow xxxxx
Your welcome, hope our chats have helped and past the time until you can leave, get home and have a fine damn sleep.
Thanks for the heads up, thank God I'm in London.
Ah well, you can't win em all🙄.
What you’ve been going through sounds awful, I am so sorry you had to do it alone. I really hope you get to go home soon to your family who will, at the very least, give you the emotional and health support you need during such a sensitive and physically exhausting period. No person should be left alone at such times...unless they’re seriously awful and obnoxious people that are extremely difficult to like and empathize with 😄 (which is not your case, from how you come across.)
Thank u that's so lovely I think I'm quiet a strong person this sort of thing wouldnt usually make me upset it would make me confront them or say it how it is like I have this morning 🙈 I'm back to my normal self I think with a little pick me up from all of you on here ❤ but I hate to think how someone who is not so strong and has an emotional reaction to the anaesthetic would handle it....... nurses she be compassionate and friendly always they know they are looking after people who are venerable and that is there job to care maybe I just got them all on a bad night we all have it but they have to learn from this and learn how they have made me feel so I will complain not to be nasty but to make them aware xxxxx
Please don’t doubt yourself and excuse any insensitive behavior from nurses and doctors. Like you said, this is their job and they are supposed to practice it accordingly. Nobody forced them to work in the medical field so if they’re not up for maintaining the necessary standards then they should be working in another field.
I have come across some really sweet and compassionate nurses and doctors in the past but they are in the minority because everything is primarily about money now, hospitals are run like corporations and businesses that are all about profit so they hire just about anyone as long as it costs them far less than it makes them. And even if a nurse or doctor is having a bad night, it doesn’t make it justifiable for them to take it out on their patients (who are also having a bad time!)
A job in the medical field is not for everyone and it requires a lot of patience, endurance, emotional strength and empathy but sadly most employees working in the field are nothing like that. I am sure if any one of them was in your position, they would have felt the same and maybe even reacted with far more intensity.
I am a CPN and I can honestly say that the amount of work was beyond human capability to keep people safe. I tried because Im passionate about what I do and am conscientious.
And now I’m here! It had broken my health x
I'm sure are a fantastic nurse it's just frustrating all round for everyone sometbi g needs to change xxxxx
Oh I know. Theres always the lazy ones. I reported staff on a female medical ward I was on. Like little hitlers. Nothing happened at all. I have also worked with a couple of bullies who then got promoted to 8b’s. And actually that trust is meant to be a leader in an antibullying campaign, LOL. Also lazy agency consultants paid very well to get waiting lists down in a less than compassionate way.
But also worked with brilliant incredibly hard working psychiatric consultants and very hard working colleagues.
Of course the NHS was put on a deliberate course to destruction using PFI buildings with unsustainable extortionate rents x
Sorry you are having a difficult time. Check to see if Nitrous Oxide was in the anesthesia- if so it can deplete B12 - the symptoms of which can be unpleasant ..
How can I find this out? Im home now a d dont have a copy of my hospital stuff? The doctor did say it was really really strange the way i woke up i was crying before i actually even cane round then when i did come round i knew i was crying but couldnt control it went on for ages aswell........I swear I get way more information from this forum then I have from any doctor they 100% no about the b12 injections too I mentioned it so many times x
Glad you're back home - speedy recovery xx
I am pleased to hear you are home now ... I hope you get plenty of rest and make a good recovery. x
Just a quick update it's 3 days post op I'm still feeling really emotional irritable and anxious but I did go and seee my gp yesterday to discuss the palpations and the emotional state I am in. he was fantastic totally understood and listened to everything I had to say he told me I'm doing great and my hormones are bound to be a mess and it will take a little time for my body to adjust..... he gave me some meds for anxiety and propanarol to control the palpitations along with a lot of advice on what to look out for and how to manage my anxieties he was so reassuring and just all round amazing I'm so glad I seen him and I will stick with this doctor 100% now...... finally someone who listens.. . iv had a few ecg tests and they were all normal so I agree with him that this most likely is anxiety.... id ove to skip forward a few weeks and feel more normal but I'm defiantly feeling better then yesterday so I'm feeling positive.......... thank u all so so much for taking the time to comment all of your lovely messages are really appreciated xxxxxx