I have now been on carbimazole for 14 months currently on 2.5 mg everyday since beginning of April. Over the last month I have been feeling so much better I can't even put it into words!! And finally I'm feeling I can put my life back together after my bumpy journey with this hyperthyroid illness. I am back to work, I'm running maximum 3 miles I'm actually socialising with friends (though have yet to have a long awaited glass of wine due to being too scared as it's triggered symptoms previously)
So I had my bloods done Tuesday TSH 2.41 (0.27-4.2) ft4 15 (12-24) ft3 4.5 (3.1-6.8) I have stayed in normal range since starting carbimazole 14 months ago and Friday I got a call from my endocrinologist who has told me to stop taking carbimazole eeeeeek and yayyy!! Such mixed emotions he made my weekend as I have been so ill on it but I'm scared of relapse but I guess positive thinking and everything crossed!,
My question is I have always suffered with side effects when I have had dose drops I'm wondering what to expect when you stop taking carbimazole??
I have been off it for 3 days now and it's so nice to wake up in the morning minus the morning sickness (I'm not pg) minus the groggy head and minus the I'm going to pass out when I first get up feeling! The only thing I have experienced today is a weird sensation in my brain I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything when coming off carbimazole
(For anyone reading this just starting their hyper journey please read through my previous posts as I could not see a light at the end of the tunnel and I didn't think I would ever feel ok again!)
lisa 😊