Changing levothyroxine to Ndt.. : If I'm on... - Thyroid UK

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Changing levothyroxine to Ndt..

FIT2018 profile image
13 Replies

If I'm on 175mcg of levothyroxine, what would be an appropriate starting dose of Ndt? I gather that target dose is "when you feel better", but not sure what a safe start would be... Any advice gratefully received.

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13 Replies
silverfox7 profile image

How long is a piece of string! I did a straight swap by stopping Levo and starting on half a grain of NDT daily. Think it was the method found in the STTM book Very hazy about it now but I think I held for two weeks then added another half grain and I think the line quoted was along the lines of increase by halves up to 2 grains then only increase by quarters. Remember as well that your body would have a store of T4 so as that decreases you NDT is building up so the change over etc can be smooth. I actually was on 3 grains when I went to my Endo appointment. I was feeling much better but thought not quite the finished article. E do did bloods then dropped me back to 1.75 which turned out to be my correct dose! By raising in halves to two I had missed my seeet spot and the other lesson learnt was that being slight over felt very much the same as being slightly under! I was previously on 100/125 Levo. If I'm ever in doubt about being on the wrong dose now I always try dropping my dose down first. That way if overmedicated should start to feel better. If that doesn't happened then try raising.

If you try raising straight off then you may still feel you need to add even more but you could easily be going in the wrong direction and be making it far worse by adding again!

Results are read different on NDT and you need to tell your doctor as he may wonder why results aren't familiar to him. Also it means your tests must include FT3 as it will be the only accurate and essential reading. This may mean you having to pay for your own blood tests.

FIT2018 profile image
FIT2018 in reply to silverfox7

Thanks very much for that insight.. I am experimenting with NDT to see if coming off Levo helps with my hearing issues/tinnitus etc.

My GP, although not hostile, just looked at me blankly when I spoke to him about NDT and T3, to his credit, he has referred me to an endo... however, this will take a long time and I received some NDT recently, so have decided to forge on and just tell the endo what I am doing (hands on hips and steely look in eye!). I am CONVINCED that Levo in itself, just does not suit me and has made me ill for over a decade. If it is a T3 issue, then NDT will address that too, so as far as I can see its a win win, all be it without final understanding of who the culprit actually is...

I took a 1/4 quarter grain this morning, will do the same at 2:00pm and see what happens over the next week. Then up if Im OK and another week etc. I kind of excited to be in control, and a little nervous!

I posted off a fasting/24 hours without Levo medichecks T4/T3 blood sample this morning BEFORE taking the NDT, so will see what the situation was before starting. Fingers crossed!

Have a great day :)

in reply to silverfox7

Hi All. Couldn't resist sharing this off topic story. Years ago I had a doctor who had a small bulletin board in his examining room where he posted cartoons for patients to read while we were waiting for him. One of my favorites that I wrote down and try to remember when I need it was a turtle slowly making his way along the path. Other animals were passing him. The caption said: "Maybe it's good I am going so slow. I might be going in the wrong direction." Enjoyed sharing. Especially since patience is not one of my strong points it has been helpful to me more than occasionally. 😊 irina

silverfox7 profile image

Well not quite raining on your parade but I also have bad tinnitus and have done for the last 30+ years so about the time I started with thyroid problems. Only once I had relief when on Levo! I was in the options to try on my new glasses. Only one seat spare in the waiting area so very noisy kits shouting with no response from the adult with them plus very loud jazz music being played. I must have looked pained as they decided to move me to a desk at the back of the shop where I would need to go to be seen anyway but I was sitting with my back to screaming kids. Suddenly complete silence! I turned around and the kids had left but no music then gripped by fear. I honestly thought I had gone deaf. Actually the deaf thought was what prompted me to turn around. At that point I needed a shouting child back! Thankfully I realised I could drum my fingers on the disk and thankfully I heard it. So a few hours of respite out of around 25 years on Levo!

However since on NDT I have had a little more success in around 4 years! Almost two separate weeks with out it-bliss and odd days here and there. One time thought short of B12 and another time short of Magnesium. But I can't replicate it which is almost as annoying as the steam engine in my head. Please let me know if it makes a difference to you.

FIT2018 profile image
FIT2018 in reply to silverfox7

I will do.. Thanks for your story, I have similar ones, made me smile.. It's all a big experiment!

in reply to silverfox7

Good info to file away. Doctors can heal a variety of big, serious problems, but often it's the little annoying symptoms (like tinnitus) that they can't fix and drive us crazy. Sometimes the simple old-fashioned remedies are the ones that help.

FIT2018 profile image
FIT2018 in reply to

Hit me with the simple old fashioned remedies for tinnitus! I know B12 is a factor (having injections next week) any arcane or esoteric tinnitus cures gratefully received!

in reply to FIT2018

The main one I know has to do with having enough of all the B vitamins in range esp (B12) -not just in range- but at the higher end of the spectrum. Our nervous system has so many vague symptoms ignored by doctors that I try to keep my levels high by adding to the amount my doctor allows me. I asked for B12 injections (I self inject) as because of other problems I wanted to bypass my G. I. tract. However he allows me 1 1000mcg injection every two weeks. So at present I am supplementing daily with the sublingual route. I think he is being too conservative and I am anxious to resolve as many neuro sx as possible. I have heard that some medications can cause tinnitus. Suggest googling tinnitus as a side effect. A word about side effects. I believe it is important to pay attention to side effects listed as rare or unusual. In my experience doctors tend to ignore these because the rare ones are not seen as often. But someone had to experience the less well known symptoms or they wouldn't be listed. So why not you or me? Hope this helps. irina

FIT2018 profile image
FIT2018 in reply to

There is soooo much to consider... I'm booked for B12 jabs every 3 months and am also supplementing with a B12 spray, D ampoules weekly (huge dose), magnesium, zinc, B complex. I am convinced that I can cure this problem because I have regular good and bad days, so it is not irreversible... Just a matter of finding the cause(s). I have woken up to this responsibility following years of medical indifference. Thanks for your advice :)

FIT2018 profile image
FIT2018 in reply to silverfox7

Read my latest post... Amazing progress... Almost total hearing recovery, tinnitus down... I week off levothyroxine 100 % improved

LAHs profile image

If it is Armour thyroid NDT 1.5 grains would be a good starting point. If that doesn't work add 1/4 grain and keep going until you feel well. Keep an eye on your pulse rate, basal body temp and blood pressure. If any get out of range drop back to your previous dose.

FIT2018 profile image
FIT2018 in reply to LAHs

Thanks for that, I have actually upped the dose to 1 grain today as I read that this is equivalent to 100 mcg of levo ... 1/2 this morning 1/2 later today.. and will do as you suggest in small increments. What I get everywhere is "small and slowly" in terms of increases in dosage, and base results on subjective symptoms relief.

Weirdly, as I know it is too early... the symptom I am most keen on relieving has massively improved in 24 hours, namely the pressure in my ears, which has made hearing so hard. Not celebrating this just yet as it may be a coincidence, but I can hear well this morning, for the first time in along while...

FIT2018 profile image
FIT2018 in reply to FIT2018

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