In reverse........
Thank you for contacting NICE about the guideline in development on thyroid disease.
I was sorry to read of your health problems and fully appreciate that you are very keen that we publish a guideline as soon as possible, however we have to follow a set process and so it will be some time before we publish final guidance.
This guideline is in the very early stages so there isn’t any current information about what the recommendations may look like. We have consulted on the draft scope and following the consultation we published the final scope, this is the document that outlines what the guideline will, and will not cover. You can access all of the documents that are available so far in the project documents tab.
The guideline committee (which includes lay members) will now meet to put together the draft recommendations. The cornerstone of our guidance is that it is evidence based, we search specialist healthcare databases and journals for robust, high quality evidence to inform our recommendations. There is more information about how we develop NICE guidelines on our website. So the next stage in the process is a public consultation where stakeholder organisations are invited to comment on the draft guidance. The date for this consultation is to be advised, however the consultation papers (including the draft guidance) will be published on the consultations page. Please revisit the website for updates.
We expect to publish final guidance in November 2019.
In the meantime if you have any further queries you are welcome to contact us again, via email: or telephone: 0300 323 0141.
Kind regards
Janet Fahie
Communications Executive
Corporate Communications
National Institute for Health and Care
Sent: 20 May 2018 22:05
To: ThyroidDisease <>
Subject: Query
Dear Sir or Madam
I would be very grateful if you could give me as much information as possible about the content of the publication concerning the assessment and management of thyroid disease which is due November 2019.
I am particularly concerned as I have suffered ill health for 12-15 years due to autoimmune thyroiditis for which my GP and endocrinologist have been unable to offer correct diagnosis, relevant tests and treatment owing to the outdated guidelines set out by NICE.
The hands of the medical professionals are tied because of the existing guidelines and thousands of patients like me are suffering horrendous debilitating health problems as a result. We all have the right to know what is proposed in this publication and we need this as soon as possible.
My GP has tried to request bloods for T3 several times in order to know how to treat with T4, but the labs refuse to give this result based on the TSH result, however this is not a thyroid hormone, it’s a pituitary hormone and is irrelevant when taking thyroxine. It’s T3 that the body depends on for optimal function of every cell!!! T3 must be towards the top of the range but must not go over range, so how can Doctors treat correctly without this vital information?
The whole assessment and management of thyroid disease requires a complete overhaul. There would be an uproar if diabetic patients were treated in the same negligent way!
I would appreciate a prompt informative response as soon as possible.
Yours faithfully