Hi I was diagnosed yesterday with hyperthyroidism after have a racing HR for 3-4 weeks, shakes, weakness, tiredness and sweaty, I also suffer from rheumatoid arthris. I have a very demanding job and wanting some advice about time off work. I’m feeling pretty rough at the moment started on beta blockers and carbimazole and waiting to see the consultant in a few weeks. I’m obviously self certified for 1 week. Will I need longer?
Recently diagnosed with hyperthyroidism - Thyroid UK
Recently diagnosed with hyperthyroidism

Hi Michelle, my husband was off for 4 weeks after being diagnosed with Graves’ disease but I guess it all depends on how you are really feeling. He got himself into the right state. On the other hand my sister in law is hypothyroid with recent TSH of 7 and she is partying, travelling like crazy, not sure how she gets the energy. My husband started feeling a bit better after 2 weeks and then he kept improving every week. I would take some time off if I were you. Wishing you all the best. X
Hi Michelle, sorry to hear of your recent diagnosis. I was also diagnosed yesterday of Hyperthyroidism and have been feeling very down about it since. Our symptoms mirror one another asides from the palpitations and arthritis. How are you feeling? I am also wondering what to do about work-as well as my symptoms which can occur at anytime I am feeling incredibly anxious and down. I hope you feel better soon. Sorry I can’t give you any advice about taking time off work as I am contemplating the same however just wanted to say hello and see how you are.
Hi, lovely to hear from you and sorry you have a diagnosis too. I’m too feeling rather low, it’s another condition I have to live with 😢I’m waiting to speak to my arthritis nurse as my drugs have to change and I’m going to the GP on Monday to try and get some answers as I was diagnosed in A&E and it’s all a bit of a blur, hope you also feel better soon
Hey Michelle - good to hear back from you. Hope you also feel better soon. Did the endo find out the cause (you don't have to share if you don't want to) .
i'm also waiting for an endo appt and have been prescribed Carbimizole in the meantime. I'm not sure what the cause is (as you probably are aware it could due to many things) although most common is an autoimmune condition. I really hope you start feeling better soon.