A very interesting paper which suggests that diet could be key to fibromyalgia in at least some sufferers.
I appreciated many aspects of the paper - such their understanding of the patient demonstrated in this sentence:
The growing severity of symptoms highly motivated the patient to strictly follow the diet guidelines.
And what looks to me a somewhat wry observation:
This result opens new perspectives in the treatment of FMS solving the substantial functional limitations experienced by patients, virtually requiring no costs for the treatment itself.
Well worth reading the full paper even if you don't have fibromyalgia. It is, quite simply, interesting, and might in some ways hold a key to other issues so often reported here.
Case Report ARTICLE
Front. Med., 30 April 2018 | doi.org/10.3389/fmed.2018.0...
Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A Case Report on Controlled Remission of Symptoms by a Dietary Strategy
Silvia Maria Lattanzio1* and Francesca Imbesi2
1Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Padova, Padova, Italy
2Neurological Department, Ospedale Niguarda Ca’ Granda, Milan, Italy
A 34-year-old woman suffered from significant chronic pain, depression, non-restorative sleep, chronic fatigue, severe morning stiffness, leg cramps, irritable bowel syndrome, hypersensitivity to cold, concentration difficulties, and forgetfulness. Blood tests were negative for rheumatic disorders. The patient was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). Due to the lack of effectiveness of pharmacological therapies in FMS, she approached a novel metabolic proposal for the symptomatic remission. Its core idea is supporting serotonin synthesis by allowing a proper absorption of tryptophan assumed with food, while avoiding, or at least minimizing the presence of interfering non-absorbed molecules, such as fructose and sorbitol. Such a strategy resulted in a rapid improvement of symptoms after only few days on diet, up to the remission of most symptoms in 2 months. Depression, widespread chronic pain, chronic fatigue, non-restorative sleep, morning stiffness, and the majority of the comorbidities remitted. Energy and vitality were recovered by the patient as prior to the onset of the disease, reverting the occupational and social disabilities. The patient episodically challenged herself breaking the dietary protocol leading to its negative test and to the evaluation of its benefit. These breaks correlated with the recurrence of the symptoms, supporting the correctness of the biochemical hypothesis underlying the diet design toward remission of symptoms, but not as a final cure. We propose this as a low risk and accessible therapeutic protocol for the symptomatic remission in FMS with virtually no costs other than those related to vitamin and mineral salt supplements in case of deficiencies. A pilot study is required to further ground this metabolic approach, and to finally evaluate its inclusion in the guidelines for clinical management of FMS.
Full paper freely accessible here: