Hello, I hope this post is allowed ☺
I am holding a fundraising Afternoon Tea & Cake event on Sunday 27th May 12- 4pm.
I have managed to secure some amazing raffle prizes from Bowling, Indoor Golf, Nandos Meal, Reflexology Session to a Cut n' Blow Dry.
The event will be held in my little garden so there will also be plants for sale too.
Admission will be £2 which will include tea & cake. Raffle tickets at the event will be £1.00 each. If you are local and would like to attend you will be more than welcome. Please PM me for address details and where to park. Fingers crossed for a dry afternoon.
All money raised from the admission and raffle will go to the awesomeness that is TUK.
If you are on Facebook, you can look at more details on my page Tidy Gardens by Jane