Evert thing is prohibited in hypothyroid excpet... - Thyroid UK

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Evert thing is prohibited in hypothyroid excpet water...πŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺ

Dils profile image
β€’162 Replies

What should eat hypothyroid patient wheat meal and white rice oat meal sorghoum.. Refined and processed goitgoron gluten..

What is left then..

Midle clas man what should they cabt afford expnsive thing like fish and.nuts ol time.

What is that life where we cant anythng.

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Dils profile image
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162 Replies
greygoose profile image

Who said you can't eat anything? That's rubbish. The only thing you should absolutely not eat is soy. If you have high antibodies, you should try a gluten-free diet. Artificial sweeteners and processed oils are not good for anybody, so avoid them. Apart from that, eat what want, whatever you feel good eating. You need a varied diet in order to maintain good levels of nutrients. :)

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to greygoose

Is glutenalliwed to eat?

White rice are refined grain

Where i live there we eat only two thing either wheatmeat or white rice these both things are not allowed then what should eat....

Other thing arent easly avabl..

So thats i said...

And u know in my area no dr is present who could see thyroid patient just get me tsh test and put me thyroxine

Whenevet i further complain abt low enery and overweight they cal me pscycho.

Whenever i browse ufff ol thing excpt fish and nuts are alowed


greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Dils

If you have high antibodies then not eating gluten might do you good.

There is no gluten in rice, so rice it good to eat.

I think you are under-medicated. You need to ask your doctor for an increase in your levo.

Don't worry about your food. It's not that important.

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to greygoose

When i take high i feel.dizzy braing fogg so i reduced...

And there ia no test for antibodies here... So just work.with tsh only.m

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Dils

OK, but they should be testing your FT4 and your FT3 as well. Just testing the TSH gives you very little information. But, your symptoms say that you are under-medicated. Brain fog is a hypo symptom.

Can you get your vitamin B12 tested?

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to greygoose

I tested t3 t4 at.my.insist.drz angered at.me.why did u it dones its was 1 and half month bfr

Is this dose right for me ?

my tsh was 60,then tsh 9.13

T3 1.80 noram 1.3-3.1

T4 8.91 normal 5.1 - 14.1

And now my tsh is 0.059,

Take thyroxine 100 mcg but feeling headch and chubby face snd swelling on hand feet

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Dils

It is impossible to know with any certainty if your dose is right for you without seeing the FT4 and FT3. However, judging by your symptoms, no. It is not right for you. You need an increase in dose.

Your doctors obviously don't know anything about thyroid. I'm sorry about that. Can you buy your own levo?

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to greygoose

Here only thyroxine avalible i buy for own...

But t3 not availbl here. So i cant take t3 but i can take thyroxine

Whenever i increase dose i feel pain in neck and head brain fog

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Dils

So, how much do you increase by?

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to greygoose

When i was taking 200 mcg i was feeling pain in hip.and leg.like.sciatoca after taking medicines painklier muscle relxcant then leg strt to numb and then slowly leg pai disaapered brain fog and dizines and headche strtedThen after tsh 0.059 so i reduce to 100 mcg then strt feeling hip and left leg again strt to pain sane as bfr. Face sweling oncreases day by day.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Dils

Did you reduce to 100 from 200 in one go? That's could be part of the problem. You should only increase or decrease by 25 mcg every 6 weeks. Jumping around with your dose like that is going to make you worse.

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to greygoose

Yes i reduced directly from 200 to 100.. Now i'll b careful..

Now.my pains wil reduce?

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Dils

Stay on 100 mcg for six weeks, and then get retested, if you can. You will probably find you need a 25 mcg increase in dose. :)

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to greygoose

I ot tested every 6 weeks nearly.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Dils

OK :)

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to greygoose

Why my one side of face is swollen stime.left sum time right. Sum time both.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Dils

Well, I don't know if that's to do with hypo or not. You'll just have to see if it goes when you get on the right dose.

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to greygoose

At strting my chubby face came off normal After two months swelling appeared . Not bfr

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Dils

It can happen that symptoms you didn't have before, appear when you start thyroid hormone replacement. :)

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to greygoose

So it means its hypothyroid symptom? Or anyother thing

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Dils

I don't know. As I said, if it goes away when you are optimally dosed then it was a hypo symptom. If it doesn't, then it must be something else.

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

I certainly got swelling on my face as a hypothyroid symptom. My grandma had it very badly. Before blood tests were invented doctors used oedema (swelling) as a sign that the person had hypothyrodism, especially on the face. The illness has a distinct look quite as you describe as β€˜puffy’ even your sibling could tell it was different and told you to see a doctor! this knowledge has been forgotten by doctors who now just use blood tests and do not bother to properly observe the person in front of them!

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

I'll tell ny so to be best enodocrinolgist. To treat patients here in best way... Just hoping and dreaming... I never know abt life and talking big big things... 😊😊

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

Good luck to your son in his future medical profession as the worlds greatest endocrinologist - we need them!

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

IA.. Is it ok.to.take.nap after taking thyorxine..i.take.at 6.00 am.and go for.sl3ep.again.

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

That is fine it means you are not eating too close to taking it either 😊

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

No after three to 4 hrz.. Now in Ramzan routine will chang and would be break of 30 mints.

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

Better if it can be an hour before food but 30 mins is probably ok

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

No due to schdule an hour wpuldnt left.. Cox i would to take sum rest and then will wakeup for sehri perparation.. Due to limted time 30 mints will be break.

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

Don’t worry that should be fine πŸ˜‰ i absorb medications very rapidly (I even have the genes for rapid reaction to medications) and they affect me quickly. Hopefully you are similar. Some even say eating with levothyroxine is better for absorption - I don’t eat with my medication but it probably is not that important in my case my body grabs it fast!!!

ShinyB profile image

It can be a bit of a mental adjustment to to eat a healthy diet, but it's definitely not a restrictive diet! I eat meat, fish, eggs, cheese, poultry, vegetables, fruit, extra virgin olive oil, butter, coconut, cocoa, dark chocolate, nuts, yogurt, cream, to name a few things!

It's actually less expensive to cook from scratch rather than eat processed food. I admit nuts are very pricey at the moment particularly but fresh fish doesn't need to be expensive, depending which you go for. You can also get really cheap tinned mackerel and sardines.

Some people try cutting out gluten as it's meant to help reduce antibodies if you have hashimoto's, but it doesn't mean everyone has to go gluten free. Some people try cutting out dairy (something I've tried and only half managed - I like butter and cheese too much!) as it can be helpful. But neither gluten-free or dairy-free is set in stone. They are just things that are worth trying in case they help. I generally try to avoid glutens and grains, as I found my weight stabilised for not eating so much carbohydrate. But other people eat them with no problems.

I avoid polyunsaturated oils as there has been a lot of research into them not being good for you. I stick to lard, butter and olive oil.

Don't despair - I love my food and don't feel deprived at all!

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to ShinyB

How to check abt antibodies. There is no 1 dr who recomend me abt antibodies. They just check tsh. Whenever i further argue they put me.on antideprsion.

So just got furstrated.

Iam overweight and hel pain in legs necks and.alwys tired... Puffy face every time.

How to get rid.of ol this.

Is it.om taking evening perimrose.oil capsules.in hypothyroidism?

ShinyB profile image
ShinyB in reply to Dils

What country are you in, Dils? I was never tested for anything except TSH by my doctor and paid privately to have a full thyroid profile blood test done via a company called medichecks.com, but they are UK based.

I take evening primrose oil - it's good for reducing inflammation apparently.

What dose of thyroxine are you on? And do you have any recent blood test results to post?

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to ShinyB

I live in interior pakistan.

Help me plz i just got furstrated there is no improvment in me. And i dont know whis htpothyroid to share xperience um dignosed 4 months bfr after c section.

But.no reduction in weight.increase chuppines.day by day.


in reply to Dils

Ok, I'm no pro total beginner, if you recently had a baby, c section no less, bravo!!!! Your body needs to return, plus the hormones, new baby, no sleep. Evening promise helps every woman, at any age. Green tea could help with weight?

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to

Can u help me how to take it. I mean it should swallow. Or aby other way idk

ShinyB profile image
ShinyB in reply to Dils

Re your reply to greygoose above - instead of rice I often used cauliflower, mashed up a bit.

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to ShinyB

Is this dose right for me ?

my tsh was 60,then tsh 9.13

T3 1.80 noram 1.3-3.1

T4 8.91 normal 5.1 - 14.1

And now my tsh is 0.059,

Take thyroxine 100 mcg but feeling headch and chubby face snd swelling on hand feet

And.evening perrose.oil capsule u take with water.or.milk?

ShinyB profile image
ShinyB in reply to Dils

May I make a suggestion? Start a brand new post, and put your results in it - more people will see it then and you'll get more responses. Because you've replied to me, it's only me who gets an notification - and there are a lot of people on here who are far more expert than I am. I am still on a learning curve myself with all things thyroid. I wouldn't want you to rely just on my input!

That said, the things that strike me looking at your results are:

1. Your T4 to T3 conversion rate (divide your fT4 by your fT3 - I'm assuming both these results are your free levels?) is 4.95. I've read on here that it needs to be below 4 to show good conversion. There are things that can help conversion, such as selenium and zinc

2. Ref the C Section - I know little about pregnancy but again I have read that pregnancy can often trigger or exacerbate hypothyroidism.

3. Re conversion - there are things, as mentioned, that can help conversion, but for some people their bodies just won't manage a good conversion rate, and then it can be helpful to try natural desiccated hormone (dried animal thyroid glands) which naturally contains both T4 and T3) or to supplement with synthetic T3.

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to ShinyB

There is supplement synthetic t3 avalaibe in my area i tried on medicl store they say.its not known. And r also dont recmnd me.

I take walnut and sesam seeds other source idk for selnium and zinc.

I did.new.post there is no rep.

ShinyB profile image
ShinyB in reply to Dils

I know you're desperate for answers but hang in there. This forum is mainly hypothyroid patients themselves. Noone is paid to reply to every post. You will get replies, but not always instantly.

I don't know anything about the medical system in Pakistan. Over here many people source T3 themselves. NDT can also be sourced from Thailand I believe (I've never taken NDT). Hopefully someone else can advise you perhaps.

My EPO is capsules too.

It sounds, from your symptoms you mention in the other replies, like you are still very undermedicated. Have you checked whether there is a company in Pakistan who do private blood testing?

I'm really sorry your doctor and husband are unsympathetic. That's the last thing you need :(

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to ShinyB

My huby have sympathy for me.. Whenever he takes me to dr dr strt to say dont distrub him u r ok like that then my hubg strt to talk his language.

Here every 1 say thyroid isnot big deal why r u worried blah blah..

Um just tired of over weight and tirednes and puffyness feeling bloated.

And i tested from aagha khan lab here this is best lab..

Whenever i increase dose i feel dizzines and pain in neck...

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to Dils

How do u take epo with meal.mean um new and no 1 recomend me.i have strd to take my.own risk... Cox i find vits subtitutes. And read abt its.advantges so.jst strtd to take it.

ShinyB profile image
ShinyB in reply to Dils

ah that's good that hubby is on your side. I thought you meant he had called you a psycho too.

For many people with thyroid problems, they respond well to levothyroxine. But there are also many who don't. It's not simple and, as I said, I'm still learning. Some people don't convert T4 to T3 very well. Some can improve that conversion through supplements such as selenium and zinc and vit C. It's also important to have your ferritin, folate, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D levels checked. These need to be optimal to help with conversion too. And then you have people who need to take an alternative such as NDT or T3.

Personally I never felt good on levothyroxine and when I increased the dose I felt terrible. I'm now on T3 only. Still not feeling great, but I have felt improvements.

It's a big jigsaw puzzle!

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to ShinyB

These things ol abt my area where i live neither t3 nor vit test done

Um.jst suffering and trying to acpt i cant be.slim.again just chuby and ful.of.pains

Pastille profile image
Pastille in reply to Dils

Can I just say it is everywhere that people say thyroid is no big deal. Your country & here. Nobody understands unless they suffer themselves. That's the truth. You are one of the fortunate ones to have found this forum. Now you can be understood & get the help you need. It will take time & a lot of reading, learning & persevering but you will start to feel better. But honestly, thyroid is misunderstood everywhere you go, you are not alone dealing with this attitude & ignorance. Good luck, keep reading. X I also want to add, take plenty of vitamin C as this is quite inexpensive or readily available in fruit & veg etc if you don't buy it in another form. Vitamin C supports your adrenals & thyroid & a lot more, and I know you have a lot of information to take in at the moment but starting with the good basics whilst you get your thyroid levels right is a good way to go.

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to Pastille

I wanna take vits.. My husbands ask who did u perfer so he dont get me. This apo capsule got me after alotnof insistance. Cox three years ago this capsule suggested my gynoclogist for conceiving. So i motovated him..

And big thing is that idk medicines with names when i send pix ofedicines they say these medicine nes are imported not avalibl here.

ShinyB profile image
ShinyB in reply to Dils

I'm not aware that it matters whether you take your EPO with water or milk. I take mine with a meal.

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to ShinyB

Do u take epo oil ?? Iam taking capsules.

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to Dils

There is aloy of water retention in my body.. Feeling hip pain and puffy face swell.hands... No solution drz col ne psycho. Even my husband strted to col me psycho.πŸ˜΄πŸ˜“πŸ˜“πŸ˜“

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to Dils

He.is furstrated. Dont take me anywhere.now for.checkup ...

NatChap profile image
NatChap in reply to Dils

Take no notice of people calling you psycho, they don't understand. If you feel frustrated and want to talk with others going through the same thing then just come here and write a new post x

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to NatChap

Its gud idea. So thats y i found this platform to get help and motivated..

Pastille profile image
Pastille in reply to Dils

It is generally advised to take fat soluble tablets with a fatty meal so maybe take your EPO in this way with it being an oil. Take EPO with your main meal & then you are likely to take it consistently too. Just a suggestion as you seem quite concerned about it

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to Pastille

How to take it meal? It is capsule.. Should its oil drained in curry or other way..

Um so dumb i cant understand.

If u were pakistani i wolud ask in urdu directly. Cox my eng is not too gud.

Pastille profile image
Pastille in reply to Dils

Your English is fine. I can understand you perfectly. I would, personally, swallow the capsule whole during the meal.

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to Pastille

Thank u for encouraging me. I do same after an hour of meal. Now i will during meal.

Rmichelle profile image

No need to go without im celiac so have to be gluten free and i choose not to eat soya but i do not feel deprived either and i know its processed and full of rubbish and sometimes i will buy a gf sponge cat and just eat it!! Yum. 😊😊😊😊 but who can go wrong with fish, meat, veg and tatties. Xxx

TSH110 profile image

I know what you mean 😳😳😳

🚰 🍽 πŸ‘πŸ½ πŸ₯¦πŸŸπŸ₯πŸ₯ŸπŸ«βŒ

but you just need to to find what suits you. It can be cheap and much more healthy too.

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

Thanku i take wheat meal and whote rice there is no other source here.

And.take walnut and.yougart bnanans sesam seeds flax seeds..

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

You must go with what is possible for you in your situation. Your levels could be fluctuating as your thyroid slowly dies hence the very low TSH in your last test. I would get short periods of hyperthyroidism where my energy went into overdrive but it made me angry and difficult then I would slow down again so tired I could cry. I take thyroidS 1.75 grains (ie tablet) is about the same as 100mcg levothyroxine, this comes from pigs so may not be something you can get hold of, or take for religious reasons, but I feel better on it than levothyroxine. You could try adding some T3 to your levothyroxine it may well help and you can get hold of it. I do not know what dose of T3 but you could repost and ask for advice .

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

I wana take t3 but here is no supllement or synthroid avalibl here

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

That is a shame. You probably need a higher dose of levothyroxine to get TSH to between 0.2 and 0.5 assuming your last test was caused by a sudden dump of thyroxine. Your symptoms indicate you are hypothyroid still. It was much higher in the previous test I think - can’t see it as I type πŸ™„. 100mcg is not a very high dose 125 is the lowest full replacement dose but you may need more in the long run. You could increase by 25mcg but you need to stop there for 6 weeks as it takes a long time to build up to full strength in your body and then you can get a blood test to see if it has improved matters. I wonder how long it was since the very low TSH result. It might be worth doing another one to see if it has risen again. Have the test as early am as possible, no food for 12 hrs beforehand just water (ha πŸ˜‚ha 🀣haπŸ˜‚!!) and do not take the dose of levothyroxine until after the blood draw.

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

I always got test in evening never thought abt fasting

At tsh 9.13 my one remcomnd me 200 mcg after 6 week it 0.059

Yeah u. Stil hypothyroid my oll symtomps ol here more chubines on face than bfr

Whenever i increasw dose i feel brain fog i feel dizziness

Can i swallow evening primrose oil capsule with water or milk. Not recomended by taking on its own.

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

The TSH will be at its lowest then, but you need to know it at its highest which is in the morning, so 9.13 was high. The increase to 200mcg was too much in one go and may have sent the TSH too low and really caused your body a lot of sudden change upsetting it greatly and making you feel very poorly. You need to go up by just 25mcg And have the 6 week later blood test to see how the levels are. Then another 25mcg increase until your TSH settled between 0.2 and 0.5 hopefully you will start to feel well at that point. If you can get the blood test early am and do fast for 12 hours and just the water and no levothyroxine for that day till after the blood draw and do this every time everything will be the same and the results will be from a standardised perspective. At least you know you probably need a dose somwhere between 125 and probably 175 to get optimised so that would only take 12 weeks, or less if say 125mcg or 150mcg suits you best, to achieve. So have hope that better times will be with you β˜˜οΈπŸ€β˜˜οΈ

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

What about epo capsuled how to take it eithet should swallow or any other ways

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

I am not sure Dils I took them with water swallowed whole - that was a long time ago

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

Now i take them same. Iam new can i take this.

Why did u stop it?

Is it dangerous to health?

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

I took them because they were supposed to help period pains (mine were terrible probably because I had untreated hypothyrodism) I am post menopausal now so I must have stopped taking them because they were not needed. I used to take Safflower as they have a higher amount of the same active ingredient as EPO. But I don’t think they are detrimental to health in any way.

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

Um also suffering from irregular period.after c section bfr that never delay in.periods it was xact date or earlier than date so thats y i stred to take it and for weigh loss hair loss and musle pain

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

Does it help you?

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

Idk i have strted just three days bfreans only three capsules..

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

So did it work for u?

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

Not sure to be honest but it did me no harm. It may have improved my skin, it is very dry these days. The thyroid disorder can cause problems with periods - painful, heavy or irregular especially if you have short times when you go into hyperthyroidism. It happens because the antibodies kill bits of the thyroid which then release their stores of thyroxine causing spikes in the blood stream and hyper like symptoms (anxiety, panic, lack of emotional control like outbursts of temper, crying fits etc, fast heart rate) but these soon pass and you go back to feeling hypothyroid - just like you describe as your symptoms. This can also cause the periods to cease, upsetting your body’s cycle. It is all very tough to take, it can affect everything but I think knowing this helps a bit because you can think you are going crazy but when you know they are symptoms it makes a bit more sense like with any illness you would feel compassion for the suffer and you must have compassion for yourself trying to cope with such a hard thing and still carry on with life as best you can. Not easy. My weight went right up. I found gluten free and swapping to NDT helped get it down again but everyone varies. It is a known problem for people with hypothyroidism. I used to feel so uncomfortable - no clothes would fit me my belly was much bigger than my hips so trousers would start to fall down and I had to wear huge tops to cover it! I put on 4.5 stone - a lot! I felt all podgy like you say and the aches and pains were just awful. I also got horrible itching.

I hope you can get a good levothyroxine dose for you very soonπŸ‘πŸ½and reduce those unpleasant symptoms πŸ˜‰

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

This is main thing "no clothes would fit me my belly was much bigger than my hips so trousers would start to fall down and I had to wear huge tops to cover it! "

Same thing happen to me. And besides pain so i got furstrated and struggling here and there for help.

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

Sum time i feel pain jn chest too like pain in heart. 1 day for ecg.cbit it was.ok..

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

Yes the heart is very sensitive to thyroxine and any variations in it. I had dreadful heart pains from mid 30’s. ECG in 40’s was abnormal, I had an excercise stress test monitoring my heart which showed one chamber not working properly but was told it was hormonal and something women of my age get and not to worry about it! That was a top heart hospital in UK πŸ™„. They got worse and worse till I was diagnosed as overtly hypothyroid at 53. Unfortunately I still get them but nowhere near as bad as before. It is scary but now I think I have had them for nearly half my life and I am still here - they are like an old but annoying friend!! Those big changes in dose of Levothyroxine will not have helped - small wonder your heart got unhappy. Small changes in dose allow the heart to adapt without too much strain. I was only allowed 20mcg levo at first mine was so bad it took ages to get my dose up eventually to 125mcg (quite low my sister and mum is/was on 175 and much smaller in stature than me).

I did think about getting braces to hold my trousers up! Eventually the weight went down and I was ok again.

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

Hmm.. Drs say me u r one of fortunate that u r dignosed so early. Its not my herdity and iam lil sibling at my.home iam 28 so thats y iam cryinv y so early on medication but now.accpted every thing is for betternes. At the strting of marriage i was upset for conceiveing it took 2 and few motnhs than i conceived and delivered baby boy Allahumdiilah than after 4 months dignosed with hypo. Every one strt to say me u've gained weight my sibling said no ur not fatyy u r chubby go for tests than after urine test urea and tsh. Tsh os dognosed. Since 1 feb 2018 um.taking medicines.

Bfr dignosis symptom of.malaria it was negative i was suffering from alot ofnpains and cold. Than now no cold sensation but pains moving here and there.

But swelling is every where.

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

I had that puffiness it is not pleasant. It will go away when your medication is correct. Well done on having your little boy! Hypothyroidism can cause fertility problems, I never had any children. It must be hard dealing with the hypo and having a little baby to look after. It is good you were diagnosed but the hardest part for me was not when I was really poorly - I was just getting through moment to moment and could not reflect on anything my mind was totally absorbed with basic survival. As they upped my dose I became more aware of all my problems and the closer I got to being better the worse it seemed, so close but so far away from who I once was. This was the very worse time for me in many ways. If your medication is increased gradually you should see improvements and can be positive about those. Will the doctor up the dose to 125 if you ask? I hope you feel better very soon!

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

He would say on ur own risk. Waiting for 6 weeks now ive strted taking flax seeds seasam seed almond bnanas yougart milk epo mab be help these thing to improve my health.

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

Excellent you can self manage your dose and get it exactly right for you. Here in UK we cannot buy levothyroxine, only from a doctors prescription if the doctor refuses a dose increase we are stuck feeling ill or have to buy on the internet - not good. I am pleased you have complete control over the dose you take. Aim for TSH between 0.2 and 0.5 and see how you go!

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

Ookk.. I do sum adjustment acc to my.cndition whenevr o feel dizy i reduce the dose.. Etc

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

Is the dizziness on standing up from things like squatting or kneeling? Or just general dizziness? If it comes from getting up this is due to low blood pressure that is common with hypothyrodism the pressure cannot get the blood where it’s needed fast enough so you go light headed. I had it very badly. As your dose is fine tuned it should lessen or even go away although the low blood pressure might remain which is not in itself a bad thing. Not sure if it is general dizziness instead. It probably has the root of undermedication. I’d Be inclined to try and stay with the increase If you can 11.5 will be very small and may not upset you at all. You need to stand up very slowly if the dizziness comes on then and not try to move on until it passes and your head is clear again or you might pass out and hit the deck!

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

No my bp never goes down in tesnion it might.goes.up... Like for c section i heard and my.bp got up aftet delivery it went down..

It was brain fog like cant concentrate whe try to concentrate felt fogginess and dizziness arund.. Then i was taking 200mcg so thats y reduced dose.

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

It might have been pushing you into hyperthyroid territory which is very unpleasant indeed I would be racing in everything my mind a crazy chaos till I felt like screaming. Good you do not have the dizziness on standing up it is not very nice at all and BP is all good.

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

Yeah i felt like hyperthyroid.. Do thats y i reduced dosee..

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

You did right to reduce 200mcg was too much shown by very low TSH.

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

At night time i were again feelbg hyperthyroid syntoms chest pain and neck pain so i reduced again 25 mcg

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

Those could be hypothyroid symptoms Dils. Try to keep on same dose for 6 weeks have a blood test and increase if needed by 11.5mcg or 25mcg stay on that for another six weeks and have a fresh blood test. It takes six weeks for the new dose to build up and then be properly used. It is not a good idea to keep changing dose - it makes the blood tests unreliable. You will probably get all sorts of strange symptoms as your body adjusts to the new dose, you must give it a chance it is a very slow process, requiring a lot of patience.

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

Ok i'll hav a patience...

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

I take thyroxne at empty stmach at 6 am then after offer prayer i go for sleep again and wakeup at 11 then i have breakfst

Is it.ok to take nap after thyroxone?

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

I think napping is fine after taking it

Dils profile image

Wherw is there any chpati or rice.

I feel without them hungry..

Cant live without them

NatChap profile image

Dils you can eat rice, that isn't a problem. Sometimes cutting out gluten can help so it's worth a try to see if it helps. Here is a recipe for gluten free chapati

This is a really quick and easy recipe for a flat bread or chapati made with gram flour (besan). This flour is made from chick peas so is also high in protein and gluten free. I had these to accompany a potato curry the other night - but they would be great with any stew, dips or even on their own - they are quite 'moreish'. They really are very easy and only take a few moments to put together. You can substitute the gram flour for plain/all purpose flour if you would prefer and they would work just as well, but I like the interesting 'nutty' taste of the gram flour.


1 cup gram flour (or plain flour/all purpose flour would also work well - either plain or wholemeal)

1/2 cup warm water

1 tbs oil

1 tsp salt (or to taste)

additional optional extras:

1 tsp kalonji (onion) seeds

1 tsp cumin seeds

1 tsp fennel seeds

The above recipe makes 4 flat breads - but can easily be multiplied to make more according to what you want.

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to NatChap

Thanku so much yup i thought abt thus but worried abt its tasted

What abt sorghum meal is this ood for me.or rice flour meal?

NatChap profile image
NatChap in reply to Dils

I have listed the flours below Dils. Sorghum and Rice flours are fine x

SmallBlueThing profile image
SmallBlueThing in reply to Dils

Sorghum is a goitrogen, so not good for thyroid function, though many of us eat goitrogens, just not too much of them. Bananas are an alternative source of carbohydrates.

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to SmallBlueThing

Now tel what should eat in chabati xcpt besan..

NatChap profile image
NatChap in reply to Dils

Dils don't get too worried about your diet, you have to do the best you can with what you have. Try and get an increase in thyroxin but more slowly, so don't go from 100mcg straight to 200mcg. Try 125mcg first, wait 6 weeks then if you still have symptoms try 150mcg and so on.

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to NatChap

Thanku so much for u kind help..

NatChap profile image
NatChap in reply to Dils

You're very welcome xxx

SmallBlueThing profile image
SmallBlueThing in reply to Dils

Try and eat more bananas, dal, rice and vegetables, instead of wheat and sorghum chapatis. You may need to eat a bit more yoghurt to balance the protein.

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to SmallBlueThing

Now ive changed diet taking bnanas yougart rice dal and other vegetable.

in reply to Dils

Hi Dils. How about lentil flour or dal flour? Take care. 😊 irina

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to

Idk abt these flour my huby wil help me in these hope so cox he know abt these things wil ask him. Thnku for suggestion.

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to

O yes i remebr abt lentil flout yeah these flour are avalibl here. We use it foraking snacks. But it come very hard my.mum and sis used to make lentil snacks i have them regularly but not for chapatis.

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to SmallBlueThing

Oh dear does cooking nullify that like with brΓ³coli etc

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

Haey we overcook every thing here. Cox my huby dont like raw smel of any thing.... So i think i shouldnt worry abt any thing..😊

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

I think sorghum is good - lots of B vitamins. When I lived in Africa they mixed it with cassava flour to make a strange very thick porridge like dough so thick you picked it up made a ball than a hollow in it like a spoon and scooped the vegetables or whatever you were eating into it and ate it all. It was a very healthy food and tasted lovely. I would use the sorghum if you can - I wonder how you use it, is it any good in chipatis?

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

Yes we use it only for chapati by adding salt in flor and kneading it with water. It kneaded as whear flour quantity as u want. But making chapati is quite tricky sum ppl use water for spreading it sum use ziplock bag for spreading it.

I never made i i just saw video.my sis told.me but i never ate it.

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

It is the gluten in wheat that makes it so elastic a dough, non gluten flours are much harder to work and can be quite dry in texture. I guess only a small amount of sorghum flour can be added before making the chipati to difficult to make and perhaps affecting the overall taste/texture once cooked. I loved making chipatis in Africa on a charcoal stove in a big thick metal pan. I used wheat flour only. I was 23 then and no hypothyroid problem 😊

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

Now i will try and make them we make wheat roti on thick metal.plan on gas stove.. These are very easy.😊

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

They sound delicious wish I could share some with you! πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

😊😊 wish will.come true one day.. 😊😊

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

Are almonds antiinflamtory?

By.taking these i feel gud at sum how..

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

They are chock full of magnesuim which we often are deficient in. Keep eating them! Sounds like they are helping

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

Iam habing them..

Iam having pain in left.side.of chest os it ok??

Feeling scared i cant go.to dr my huby will ignore.it.and would there is.nothing serious. It might b pain of gas.

I took risek and brufen and gaviscon syrup.

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

Just observe the pain and take note of what it is like try not to let it worry you what can you do anyway whilst it is happening? Not a lot. Your ECG was clear if it is heart pain it will most likely be like mine and just be annoying but not serious. If it is indigestion this will pass. Nuts do give me indigestion so I just eat 5. Max at a time but have them later again when the last lot have gone properly down. I got all sorts of strange aches and pains with this disorder in the end I got so tired worrying about them all I gave up stressing. You need all your energy to concentrate on getting better. I know all my pains now - lots of old annoying friends....

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

I taking new flax seeds and epo capsules... Idk what creat pain t so annoying..

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

I had a wooden board and a wooden rolling pin to flatten them once I got the round shape - that’s an unusual use for a ziplock bag very inventive πŸ‘πŸ½

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

For wheat we have wooden board and rollingnpin butnfor sorhoum chapati it is difficult to.flat on wooden board i tginl its feel.sticky.or any orher rzn..i never.made it my sis told me.abt that.

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

Must be more tricky to make strange it is more sticky than wheat maybe water added but no gluten so it gets soggy not pliable - very interesting. I must try making one I lost my chipati board and pin but it does no matter if I am gluten free. I am off to my allotment now to plant some beans and potatoes

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

Haey wao planting isnt it intresting.. Here we just buy it from market. No 1 palnt here in not my area may be in other areas ppl plant it.

My hubby get me and i.cook them..

Just i have to tell him propr name. Cox he used ro say wotever u desired its.avalbl.in market..

Itsy.prblm in makeup or foods whotever i wish i coulndt get easly... Cox.i use internet and here imported things are least avalbe due to less demand of area.

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

No garden - at least that is less work! My allotment is a hobby but I work as a gardener for other people to make money I enjoy the work!

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

Great jobπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘

Mamapea1 profile image
Mamapea1 in reply to TSH110

Ooh! You lucky thing! I so miss my allotment!🌻🐝. Now I can only potter in my little garden, but it's still a joy. Couldn't be without it🐌my brain would shrivel lol! xx

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Mamapea1

I think gardening the best thing ever I am always happy up on the plot beavering away I stay there till night fall at this time of year - so much to do.

Mamapea1 profile image
Mamapea1 in reply to TSH110

Oh so do I ~ it's a joy! I could never be without a garden! I feel sorry for these poor souls who live in high rises. They perhaps don't even want a garden anyway, but it still upsets me. 🌻 most people near me have slabbed everything😱seems such a shame, they used to be such productive and pretty gardens ~ I fear skills will be lost, to say nothing of wildlife ~ so sad. 🐝

I struggle to do mine sometimes, but the rewards are so worth it. I used to grow most of my own fruit and veg on my allotment, but that avenue of pleasure has been closed of to me now, thanks to being ill for so long. It must be lovely to do it for a living though🌷x

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Mamapea1

Yes I quite agree πŸ‘πŸ½ I am very fortunate after I became so ill with undiagnosed hypo then got treated I decided to retrain in what I loved doing and it worked out well for me coupled with NDT has improved my condition immeasurably

NatChap profile image

Are you able to get your vitamin and mineral levels tested? Often we are low in Vitamin B12, Iron and Vitamin D which can also make us feel quite ill. Are you able to get good vitamin supplements where you are?

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to NatChap

Nop i wana tested but no recomendation so i dont think these test are done here.

Iam in interior pak where there is no significane of hypothyroid.

They used to cal me.psyco even dr tried to.put on me antidprsion.

Is evening primrose oil capsule gud? How to take it with water or capsule i strtd to take it by own risk

Dr sugest me.gren leaf xtract suplement but i dont take it

Is this dose right for me ?

After c sectuon

my tsh was 60 four months ,then tsh 9.13

T3 1.80 noram 1.3-3.1

T4 8.91 normal 5.1 - 14.1

And now my tsh is 0.059,

Take thyroxine 100 mcg but feeling headch and chubby face snd swelling on hand feet

NatChap profile image
NatChap in reply to Dils

You could probably do with trying a higher dose of thyroxine. Would your doctor let you try taking 125 mcg thyroxine as your T3 is a little low? I'm not sure whether Evening Primrose Oil will help but it won't do any harm. Just don't take any other medicine too close to the time you take your thyroxine. If you take thyroxine in a morning, take Evening Primrose or any other medicine in the afternoon.

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to NatChap

I take epo at night with milk i just swallow.

Whenever i increase dose strt to feel.dizzy and brain fog and pain in neck.

NatChap profile image
NatChap in reply to Dils

It's so hard to offer advise Dils as you clearly don't have access to the tests that you really need. How long have you been taking thyroxine?

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to NatChap

Thyroxine since 4 months

I got swelled in preg but never done tsh dr didnt recoomend me

After c section my swelling reduced at some xtent but it came back and strt to feel chuby more than in pregnancy then i got tested tsh 4 months bfr tsh was 60

After 1.5 month 9.13 than 0.059

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

Oh my goodness you were very overtly hypothyroid it is good you have gone down from such a high TSH of 60 and as your tests were in the evening it would have been even higher in the morning. I was 9 months before mine was got down to 0.5 ish

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

Thats y every 1 say me hav a patience iam in hurry for my looks and pain but now positive hope.

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

Oh yes you must keep hope for good health again 😊 people will help you so much here. My life was transformed thanks to advice here 😍

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

You could cut the 25mcg tablet in half and increase by 11.5mcg and see if that is easier to tolerate?

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

Here 50mcg thyroxine tabs avalbl only.

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

Bit more tricky to cut up but chopping them into 1/4s is still possible! I find teeth are quite accurate. A study was done and they found it did not affect the overall dose if it was cut up and any slight daily variation was balanced out. It takes 6 weeks to be fully absorbed so chopping it into smaller doses does not matter greatly in the grand scheme of things. You can get pill cutters here ok for halves but 1/4 are better with teeth!

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

I will try it... I will increase dose..

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

Good I think you will be ok with more and 11.5 might not upset you like 25mcg. Good luck β˜˜οΈπŸ€β˜˜οΈ

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110


NatChap profile image

This is a list of gluten free flours that you could use instead of wheat flour:


Gram (Besan)





Bean, Pea, lentil or nut flour

Quinoa Flour

Teff Flour

Maize, Polenta and Masa Harina

Millet Flour

Rice Flour

Corn flour

Potato Flour

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to NatChap

Here is onlu avqlaible sorghoum and rice floure.

NatChap profile image

I think that Dils is struggling because rice and wheat are her diet staples. It's much easier for us with access to a variety of foods but perhaps in Pakistan she doesn't have that choice or money to afford other foods?

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to NatChap

Yeah i dont have any.othet resource and neither financial resources are too good..

I was usrd too skiny and active but now um fatty and lazy...

Looking older than age.

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

Not lazy - you are poorly and that makes you tired because your body can not convert food to energy properly without enough thyroxine and has to store it all as fat - it has no option.

Dils profile image

I live in interior pakistan. There are no resource xcept spice food.

Dils profile image

Then what abt meal here mostly white rice and wheat meal have iy.

Also Pakistani food is similar in many ways to Indian food which can be very healthy and make plain food wonderful with their spices. Indian happens to be my favorite and I've learned to cook my own and combine my own spices. As restaurants' goals are to bring you back for more good food, healthy ingredients-as with many restaurants- are not always a priority. They season their food for American tastes which usually means adding sugar and too much salt, IMO. I was married to an Indian many moons ago. My fault, not his, things didn't work. But still love the food. I once attended an Indian wedding in the states (the daughter of a doctor I worked with.) It was beautiful, lavish, LOTS of good food, and ALL vegetarian. Easier that you think. Take care. irina

NatChap profile image

Londinium I get that, but Dils has said that without the grains she will go hungry so she doesn't have much choice x

😊 Sometimes I cheat and add a spoonful or two of Patak's😊 to a big pot of soup.

Dils profile image

Ohooo.. I know pakistani foods are so tasty... But point is that we take wheat meal and white rice... With these two product we make more things..

There is no worry about curry i make different type of curry but we dont eat curry without meal.

For meal option are limitedd...

Dils profile image


gram flour is easily avalble but lil bit xpnsv i can aford it for my self.. Um worried abt its taste id it healthy?

Wil gram flour make me fatty?

What is quinoa...

NatChap profile image
NatChap in reply to Dils


TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

Quinoa is from South America I think the Aztec’s ate it. It is a bit like sorghum or millet small grains can be white to red. It is the only grain with all of the complete proteins. You boil it for 15 mins and it goes all fluffy. I love the taste. In uk it is very expensive. It can be grown here but I think you’d need a large plot to get enough for eating! I might plant some on my allotment and see what it does 😊

I think the gram flour will be healthy too. It is the thyroid disorder that is causing the weight gain, rather than what you are eating. Gram flour has no gluten so should help you and the weight. It tastes great too.

Dils profile image
Dils in reply to TSH110

I will search and until.unless.i know.its sndhi name i cant get it. I browsed it was written it is new sorghoum wil brows further.

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dils

Quinoa does not seem to have a Sindi name probably because it is not known in Asia. It only came to UK quite recently now it is everywhere! They can charge a lot for it and make lots of money - sorry but I can be a bit cynical!

Dils profile image

So same post was mine... I just got furstrated and posted thats the main topic of post...😊

Josiesmum profile image

It may be worth getting a good book:


Alternatively, there's lots of information on this website:


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