Hi can anyone explain what causes a hashis flare.
Hashis flare.: Hi can anyone explain what causes... - Thyroid UK
Hashis flare.

Any number of things. For me it's stress. But infections or hormone changes. Low cortisol etc these are the things that set mine off. I flare every 6 to 10 wks.
A Hashi's flare happens when the immune system launches an attack on your thyroid. The dying cells deposit all their stock of hormone into the blood, and the levels of your Frees rise steeply, causing the TSH to drop. These high levels are only temporary, though - which is why it's called a 'flare' - and when the excess hormone has been used up or excreted, the levels will drop again. With each flare, you will become a little more hypo, because there is less and less thyroid to make hormone.
What causes the immune system to launch an attack is largely unknown, I believe, but stimulation of the thyroid by the TSH is one reason. Which is why Hashi's people should have suppressed TSHs to even out the swings from hypo to 'hyper' and back again.
Hello Greygoose, I had my thyroid removed in 2011 so I really understand.I just seem to be up and down all the time.I take 50mcg of tyhroxine and 60mg of t3.I feel ok for a couple of weeks then I start to feel awful.Im assuming its Hashi flares im having.The last blood test I had 3 weeks ago said my tsh levels were low.Thanks for your reply.
Indeed your levels could be low. Like greygoose said auto immune flare attack s on thyroid or any other organ I.e adrenal or pituiritary gland and hypothalamus. Those are all important to run body. One gets attacked. And so it can go on . Not always but it can do. Best speak to your endo they will know. Or they will find out.
Lol😊"speak to yourEndo" that did make me laugh- im sorry but not sounding disrespectful to zaphy😊my last 2 endos will not even acknowledge hashis !! They were useless and i know most people would agree that endos know very little. I have noticied that my flareups happen if im worried over anything or stressed out, they give me hyper symptons.xx