Hi All,
Haven't posted in awhile as I've been one of the fortunate to find a good Endo and GP. However, we just moved 3 miles away to the next town and I had to change surgeries and am now being told that all primary care providers in my area are not able to prescribe Liothyronine. I am being told my Endo has to prescribe it; however, back in September, my Endo told me they are no longer able to prescribe so it is fortunate my GP would. I am feeling really frustrated as I have been stable on combination T4/T3 treatment for nearly a year now and felt the best I have in years. I am also 16wks pregnant and was told by my Endo prior to conceiving I could continue on with my T3 treatment in pregnancy.
I am speaking to the Endo clinic tomorrow so fingers crossed they are allowed to prescribe. However, if not, I will now need to source myself which is what I've been dreading. The dose I was stable on was 75mcg Levothyroxine and 5mcg of Liothyronine twice a day. My most recent tests were done when I was 6wks pregnant and results were:
TSH: 0.43
T4: 15.1
T3: 4.1
They did raise my Levothyroxine to 100mcg and since then my TSH has been around 0.42 (didn't run my T4 or T3 with these tests). I would like to stay on this dose of T3 medication as I have been very stable, have felt really good, and fell pregnant.
Can members please advise me on reputable sites to purchase T3 medication? Ideally in 5mcg doses? From what I read it is difficult to find so I am not sure how I can accurately cut a 25mcg tablet into 1/4s. Additionally, can members advise on how I can monitor my T3 blood levels as the GP and NHS will also no longer run this.
Thanks for all the support. I am finding this very disheartening that when there is a clinical need for T3 medication, GP's can't look beyond the blanket, political, financially driven rule and treat the individual. Unnecessary stress and fear of what I am going to do.