The last couple days I've been feeling a vibration on the left side of my chest and I haven't been to the doctor but I don't know what it is but I was reading on this website that some of the same people having the same problem that I'm having
Buzzing on the left side of my chest: The last... - Thyroid UK
Buzzing on the left side of my chest

Hi cookboy it's still best to get it checked out by a doctor-i think you know it's best to be safe.
The more experienced users will probably wont more info like have you got a thyroid problem? any results tsh, frees, antibodies etc Any other health issues? Others will be along shortly.😊😊
L4 L5 is messed up in my lower back deteriorating disc I've had injections out the Yahoo had my nerves burnt in my back on both sides nothing has helped yet I take oxycodone 15 mg four times a day morphine 30 mg 2 times a day nothing helps with the pain I do get some relief sometimes it's 60% sometimes 70 and then sometimes it's only 20% just mopping or sweeping the floor kills my back that's after I take my pain medicine and I take Neurontin 800 mg 4 times a day
I occasionally get buzzing in feet but tend to associate that with my pernicious anaemia (autoimmune vit B12 deficiency in simple terms)
Definitely mention it to doctor but also ask for nutrients and vitamin levels to be checked. The meds may be preventing you absorbing necessary nutrients from your diet.
Hi Cookboy, Did you discover the cause, yet? I have the same thing and posted "Why do I have this 'buzzing' in my chest?"
Mine stop on its own
I think this is called heart palpitations its when your very stressed or maybe you could have a heart condition or something else if your having hard time breathing or fast heart rate or chest pains go to the hospital or get checked up