In early January I saw an orthopod re my knees. I also have been having problems with feet and leg swelling. When he examined my knees he saw the swelling and recommended I make an appt with the Lymphedema clinic. I put it on the back burner as it was not critical (to me) and I had upcoming surgery and other medical situations that needed to be handled. Now it's time to deal with this. I have been seen by my PCP-routine visit-showed her, she dismissed it. Said I had a fib (duh!) and take extra Lasix. I had already tried that to no avail. But I had seen my EP and he said I have no CHF sx and am actually doing very well. So it is not heart related. In fact have had no heart failure related sx for over two years, no SOB, and no swelling elsewhere.Something tells me it might be thyroid related-just a gut feeling- and plan to ask the new endo about it next week. Has anuone had any experience like this or know of any connection with thyroid problems. The more research I do about many of my symptoms theo often seem to lead back to the thyroid. Thanks. irina
Is there a lymphedema-thyroid connection? I - Thyroid UK
Is there a lymphedema-thyroid connection? I
Myxedema ? - Low T3 ?
THANK YOU, MARZ. On my list of tests to DEMAND from new endo next fri. Two weeks ago had to practically beg my PCP/GP to run some thyroid tests. All she would order was a TSH. Pardon my French but BFD!! I'm not leaving the office til I get my tests. At this point am ready to mention writing a letter to the Georgia Medical Association!

Am sure you know that Myxedema was the old name for Hypothyroidism. Can you pinch an inch where it is swollen or is it pretty solid ? Have a look around the internet for more info 😊
Yes I did know but I see that sx rarely if ever mentioned. I will ask the new endo re going to the lymphedema clinic (not crazy about getting involved with all that) but maybe trying meds first will be appropriate. The answer to your question is instead of 'soft swelling' (pitting edema) like we associate with cardiac conditions, the swelling is hard/ solid. Rather than 'painful' the sensation is constant tightness like too much fluid for the skin to hold comfortably. Weird! I am also doing research and plan to look on HU re an appropriate site. But it may be this is the best one-Thyroid. It makes me nervous and I am getting a little obsessive about checking my pedal pulses as am worried about circulation compromises.

Low T3 is the most likely cause. My legs would swell badly when sitting too long or flying ... no longer happens since diagnosis back in 2005. I take T4 & T3 ...
Again. Thank you. I had a feeling it is thyroid-related. And usually, by now, am up to my ears in research but today i think I've reached my limit re bad thyroid management and am too anxious to focus. I am hinging a lot on this appt next week. I feel good for several reasons. First he was recommended by my Electrophysiologist who is the most supportive and helpful doctor of all. He knows me, listens to me and always helps me with non-cardiac probs when I ask. Also yesterday I took the time to research both my PCP/GP and the new endo online at several sites. Hadn't done that about a doc in a long time. The PCP got very few ratings more than 3 stars (usually less) with complaints about not listening, no interest in patient input, dismissing patient suggestions. I'm annoyed with myself for not doing this sooner. All the negative comments reinforce my problems with her. The comments re the endo were all 5's. And there were many of them. He listens, wants patient input into their care, etc. I just have a good gut feeling about next Fri. I already have the first draft of my question list (even wrote my own treatment plan) to run by him. Don't usually get this involved (just have an index card) but this is so important as I feel almost every sx I have is thyroid related and they have all slowly gone south over the last 2 years while the PCP ignored me. Also once in 2013 when I was in the hospital with a-fib that had just recurred after being a-fib free since a cardioversion in 2011 an endo was called in to evaluate my thyroid med. I can't remember his name but I think it was him. I do recall being impressed with his knowledge, caring manner, and attitude towards patients in general. I seem to recognize the name but when I see him I'll know. Maybe the Universe has a good surprise for me.

Hope all goes well - plans sound good !
Just used the Search Box above and there were over 400 posts discussing Myxedema here on this forum - no need to go further
Wow! Thanks for doing that for me. My brain is just on overload. Will type it in now. PS going to take a break and watch a couple of "MURDER,SHE WROTE" reruns and relax my mind!
Don't mean to tie up your whole evening but just wanted to share. I typed in myxedema and read the first 3 posts then stopped to write this-going right back. Yes I can't do the pinch test. Yes I have the brain fog. And the third post mentioned her tsh was 2.6 which is exactly what mine was when the PCP ran it. It has been higher, went lower and then the 2.6 told me it's drifting up again. Thanks, Marz- back to the posts. Take care and have a good weekend. irina xx
Thanks. Will post what transpires. Friday the 13th. Maybe a lucky day for me! LOL