35 weeks Pregnant and Feeling Overmedicated - Thyroid UK

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35 weeks Pregnant and Feeling Overmedicated

Inana profile image
8 Replies

Hi Everyone,

As I was starting to embark on taking ThyroGold, I got pregnant last year and after some advice on here, I opted to just take T4 only from then onwards. I felt awesome for a while, minus the usual pregnancy symptoms of nausea. Honestly, I felt like a new person, energized, alive and generally pleasant until 6 weeks ago when I noticed changes in my body. I discovered that I had stopped gaining weight. This was good news but I’m pregnant and I should be gaining right? My OBGYN wasn’t concerned. In fact she was happy. So I was happy.

Then two weeks ago my mood dipped. I started feeling anxiety of the highest order. It is still plaguing me. I’m nervous all the time, and then by evening time I’m so stressed that I burst out crying because it is all just too much. Then after that I perk up like nothing happened. I have mood swings, something I have never had.

A week ago I went back to the OBGYN for the regular visit and discovered that I had lost weight. She didn’t seem perturbed because the baby is the perfect weight for this time of pregnancy 2.3kgs, and so I went home happy but later that evening I had another emotional melt down followed by happiness again.

I could pop anytime now and third trimester is a time for mood swings and losing one’s mind but the weight loss is the key clue here. I haven’t lost weight in years especially losing weight without trying to.

I’ll call the OBGYN and ask for a test on Tuesday and I think in the meantime, I’ll stop taking Levo.

So, what are your thoughts? Do I sound like I’m drowning in Levo? I only take 50mcg of it per day in the mornings.

Thanks for reading. I look forward to your input and advice.

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Inana profile image
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8 Replies
Muskan123 profile image

Congrats for your pregnancy. Take care

Inana profile image
Inana in reply to Muskan123

Thank you. :)

shaws profile image

I wouldn't stop taking levothyroxine until you can actually prove it has caused your weight loss.

First thing you should do is to request a blood test from your GP. A full one and the ones he or lab may not do you can get privately. We have two private labs who do home pinprick tests.

You need T4, T3, Free T4, Free T3 and thyroid antibodies. The test should be at the very earliest, fasting (you can drink water) and allow a gap of 24 hours between last dose of thyroid hormones and the test and take afterwards.

Post your results with the ranges for comments.

silverfox7 profile image

Has the hospital been taking regular thyroid bloods since the start of your pregnancy? It's important that they do this but having my children before I had a problem I know no more.

Inana profile image
Inana in reply to silverfox7

Hi silverfox7

They did but not too regularly. They took tests once only. They are taking the second one again tomorrow morning. And I really felt too great to even press them for more regular testing. It is literally in the last two to three weeks that I have felt this awful.

Yeah, it gets tricky because as it stands, I don’t know if normal pregnancy does this, or a relapse from having quit antidepressants over a year ago is doing this, or if my thyroid is doing this. Or all of the above.

I’m so exhausted honestly. Thanks for the reply.

silverfox7 profile image

Well the good thing is they are doing another test so glad they are doing that. Let's up know how the rest of your pregnancy goes, exciting times ahead!

Inana profile image
Inana in reply to silverfox7

Pregnancy went well. I have not slept in 4.5 months. The baby was healthy and just perfect. I'm sorry for the late response but things have been a lot. The first 3 months of a baby's life are hellish.

I'm actually due for thyroid tests since I haven't been tested since I wrote this. I've been feeling lethargic and wondered if I need more levo.

Anyway, have a nice day.

silverfox7 profile image

Well that's good news!!but it's hard work being a new mum with new experiences without have NGH other problems on top. May be time now to look at getting yourself tested and hopefully on the way back to a settled time, well settled within the new parameters. But also being pregnant and giving birth causes major trauma as well so may be talk to the doctor and see where your body is at the moment. It normally takes a while to get over the birth and the hormones that seem to be everywhere and nowhere. I had my children before my thyroid problem so I can't speak from experience but I spent time when I was trying to prove I was invincible but goodness knows why. My first child was 5 weeks prem so I left him in an incubator and went home clutching a potted plane but I went through blaming myself even though I knew it wasn't but I spent many hours dashing around like an idiot when I didn't need to but the plus point that I was going into the hospital several times a day I couldn't do anything but I did jet done sleep at night so that helped me to get over the birth. I suspect with pregnancy doing a huge hormone shake up you could do with some pampering and seeing where your bloodszare andxprobaly in need of adjustment. So may be a chat with your health visitor may help and you may get more support. So doctor, bloods and a new treatment plan. Please keep in touch but no pressure, just love your baby and embrace being a mum. I would also check with your doctor when to have further test asyou go along. And give your little one a cuddle from me!

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