Hi Everyone,
As I was starting to embark on taking ThyroGold, I got pregnant last year and after some advice on here, I opted to just take T4 only from then onwards. I felt awesome for a while, minus the usual pregnancy symptoms of nausea. Honestly, I felt like a new person, energized, alive and generally pleasant until 6 weeks ago when I noticed changes in my body. I discovered that I had stopped gaining weight. This was good news but I’m pregnant and I should be gaining right? My OBGYN wasn’t concerned. In fact she was happy. So I was happy.
Then two weeks ago my mood dipped. I started feeling anxiety of the highest order. It is still plaguing me. I’m nervous all the time, and then by evening time I’m so stressed that I burst out crying because it is all just too much. Then after that I perk up like nothing happened. I have mood swings, something I have never had.
A week ago I went back to the OBGYN for the regular visit and discovered that I had lost weight. She didn’t seem perturbed because the baby is the perfect weight for this time of pregnancy 2.3kgs, and so I went home happy but later that evening I had another emotional melt down followed by happiness again.
I could pop anytime now and third trimester is a time for mood swings and losing one’s mind but the weight loss is the key clue here. I haven’t lost weight in years especially losing weight without trying to.
I’ll call the OBGYN and ask for a test on Tuesday and I think in the meantime, I’ll stop taking Levo.
So, what are your thoughts? Do I sound like I’m drowning in Levo? I only take 50mcg of it per day in the mornings.
Thanks for reading. I look forward to your input and advice.