I am a 72 year old male and have had under active thyroid since my mid 30’s. I have really struggled the past ten years with extreme tiredness, lack of energy and fuzzy /cotton wool head. Two years ago my GP tried to get me an appointment with an endocrinologist but was unsuccessful, apparently he was told that they will only see someone with an overactive Thyroid in my nhs area (Portsmouth, Hampshire), also a T3 blood test was rejected, GP said lab send it back as inappropriate request. A recent blood test indicated T4 was 21 and TSH 0.03 and GP lowered my Levothyroxine to 125 mcg daily, was alternating 150 mcg and 125 mcg on alternate days, and I now feel even worse. Apart from hypothyroidism I am in good health and am told I look more like 62 than 72 (wish I felt like that). I previously asked GP if I could be prescribed T3 to see if it improved me physically but was turned down, will not prescribe unless approved by endocrinologist, who I cannot get an appointment with, so basically I am left feeling that I will have to spend the rest of my life just existing as our GP’s seem to prescribe Levothyroxine only, based on T4 and TSH levels which I am sure is not satisfactory for all hypothyroid patients. Does anyone know if I have received appropriate NHS treatment, or is it just a post code lottery regarding thyroid treatment, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Terry Hughes