Allergy test: Its funny to find out that the one... - Thyroid UK

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Allergy test

JennaShi profile image
23 Replies

Its funny to find out that the one thing I havent ever aten is what Im pretty allergic to 😂. However this test is being prove to be helpful because Although i have been aip for a while, there were still somethings that Ive been eating that I am slighly allergic too. I think this was very helpful. Have you gotten an allergy test? If so what are some of the things that you are allergic to?

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JennaShi profile image
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23 Replies
Emjaytee profile image

I'd like my son to get tested, where did you get this test done and was it expensive?

Glaciera profile image
Glaciera in reply to Emjaytee

I believe it says on the results at the bottom “alletess medical laboratory” I could be wrong though 😊

JennaShi profile image
JennaShi in reply to Emjaytee

Hi, thats a great idea. This test was ordered through my functional med doc. The company is called alletess. And it was a couple hundred dollars (including doctor fee). I guess it depends on which doctor you go to. I have not looked but am wondering if you can order it yourself online as well, places like stop the thyroid madness, have companies that work with them. I have ordered through ulta labs twice and have noticed that they have labs for other issues as well.

Emjaytee profile image
Emjaytee in reply to JennaShi

Thanks Jenna.

JennaShi profile image
JennaShi in reply to Emjaytee

You’re welcome

mauschen profile image

Had an allergy test a few years back to determine the cause of allergic asthma and nothing was positive although the beginning of a slight reaction to the Ash tree was noted. So my allergic asthma remains a mystery!

JennaShi profile image
JennaShi in reply to mauschen

Thats interesting! Sorry to hear that this has happened to you. I wonder have you tested for outside things such as pollen and dander? Have you noted when it happens? It would be interesting to see if theres a connection somewhere

mauschen profile image
mauschen in reply to JennaShi

Thank you, I have been tested for internal and external variables such as foods, common drinks, pollen, dust, cat and dog hairs, feathers, trees, flowers, plants, grass, bees and wasps among other things.

Interestingly, my asthma only became a problem when I moved to the countryside.

silverfox7 profile image

I had a test in the Uk and flagged up 142 problems. Some I already knew about, some I wasn't surprised about so I've modified my diet to suit and feel much better for it. I do occasionally have the odd sin in the hope one day I get more variety!

amasufindme profile image

I had 36 high IgG reactives - egg, caesin, peas and some nuts being the highest - using Cambridge Nutritional Sciences UK then went onto the AIP 6 months removing theses 36 reactives. Now just had the Cyrex USA 10 (180) in combination with array 2 & 3 & 4 and it has come up with very different IgG reactive profile which I don't think 6 months can possibly have addressed all, as I have significantly leaky gut. So I would say use this information only as a guide and monitor symptoms with a measured reintroduction of one food item after a minimum 3m period of abstinence. Obviously the cross-reactivity is a different focus and I cannot have gluten, rice nor corn in a life long capacity.

Dr Michael Moseley of The Clever Guts Diet said he experimented on sending samples to many different labs globally and received very different profiles from exactly the same serum sample.

JennaShi profile image
JennaShi in reply to amasufindme

That is really interesting! Do you think the two companies test for different things? Or one uses centrofusion and one not (process differently)? I most definitely agree with your statement. Do you think that over the time your body heals these things may not be as reactive? I will look into this doctor.

amasufindme profile image
amasufindme in reply to JennaShi

Hi JennaShi, I remember from my biochemistry days there is such variance as different substrates are used in different assay techniques for each lab. Whether these two labs use centrofusion I don't know. I believe in healing the gut that food can be reintroduced over time, I am reintroducing egg at the moment. I have recently made gluten mistakes and that apparently will manifest reactivity for months :-( its a long journey addressing gut damage & dybiosis and finding good foods.

JennaShi profile image
JennaShi in reply to amasufindme

Hey thats awesome that you were into biochemistry! What was your main area of expertise? And that would make sense, i wonder if this is why there was a difference between your two tests or if i your immune system was in a different state (good day vs bad day).

Wow, that is painful. Does gluten cause your antibodies to react/ is that why it takes months to heal? But thats wonderful that you are working to heal your gut. I too am doing this and plan to achieve the same goal. Are you on aip? What are you doing to heal your gut? I hope the eggs go well!

amasufindme profile image
amasufindme in reply to JennaShi

I did biochemistry and microbiology during my degree and went onto R&D in biotechnology...all in ancient times now.

I think our bodies are subjected to so many agitants from foods and all sorts of environmental toxins nowadays that our bodies react with inflammation and this can have a cascade effect ... causing a IgG (or even IgA/IgM) profile. This profile is in a state of flux and even dependent on mood stressors as you say good days and bad days. Its a life long journey and I need to be quite disciplined about what I is getting easier as I am retraining my palate.

Healing my gut is a combination of modified AIP to exclude my IgG reactives, repeated (sigh!) SIBO/SIFO protocols (re: Dr Alison Siebecker and Dr Cobi Slater resp.), prokinetics (ginger, iberogast, motilpro), promoting the MMC (migratory motor complex with no snacking and intermittent fasting in the 24hr), vitamin A, mastic gum and glutamine in bone broth (need to be careful of the amount as glutamine can deplete 5HTP).

The liver will be working particular hard especially with all the metabolic toxic fall out from the inflammation and any gut dysbiosis e.g. SIBO, Candidiasis. I support my Liver with daily digestive bitters & milk thistle seed tea, weekly caster oil packs & coffee enemas.

I have regular cranial saccral therapy to stimulate the vagus nerve re: Dr Datis Kharrazian - gargling/gagging/singing.

Hot lemon water first thing to help the colon ... ensure the stomach acid is optimized - re: Dr Sarah Myhill - with apple cider vinegar/HCL Pepsin and add digestive enzymes. Finally adding probiotics with water kefir (& more ginger!) and a different culture of tablets e.g. Lamberts Probioguard to try and nurture the microbiome. I have had a poo sample sent to American Gut for analysis so it will be good to find out the Simpson Index aka diversity and what friendlies and not so are there!

Some days I do feel like saying s*d it and go get some fish and chips...oooo and a beer!


JennaShi profile image
JennaShi in reply to amasufindme

Thats impressive! I have not studied in the area you are talking about but here that its a tough srea of study.

Yes I agree, to add to what you are saying , we may think we live a healthy life and or eat healthy food and not realize sometimes that something is off.

I do have a question. When you mentioned IGM/ IGG are these same things that are tested in lyme as well as for other stuff. I assume so. But they are reactive or show up in a lyme test, are you saying that they can be triggered by other things as well?

Sounds like you very strict daily regimen going. Did you research this out ypurself or did you work with a doctor to figure out what to do in regards to the specifics of your routine? Have you been feeling improvements this far? I think that is wonderful. I am just now figuring out what has been a reactant to my body (foods etc) and going through a detox and then will begin the process of healing my gut. I thought that it was my gut but am thankful for tye support of my husband and the doctor who ordered these tests. Its such a releif to be on the right track and am so glad that you have figured this out as well.

amasufindme profile image
amasufindme in reply to JennaShi

HI JennaShi, I score very high on the Horowitz symptomatic scoring for Lyme's Disease and if after I have addressed this inflammation and dysbiosis I still have symptoms I will go further with investigating Lyme's. I am not sure of the details of the tests. I do know that there is not one singular test that can definitively show Lyme's, more of a triangulation of tests.

I work with a Nutritionists, although my current one has now retired so looking for another quality one ... all dependent on finances! Initially it was Dr Izabella Wentz who inspired me to investigate root causes as the NHS are just not interested. I have actually managed to get my auto-antibodies in check now and have lost 20 kg over 3 years on this modified Paleo diet with sugar levels stabilized and cholesterol looking good. I struggle with fatigue still and I have suppressed TSH, so the HPs are fiddling with my dose until a set point aka euthyroid state is attained. The cognition is a lot better with Liothyronine and hopefully it will not be taken away from me.

Currently taking Melatonin to help with my chronic insomnia.

I am glad you are getting the support. We are certainly on a quest aren't we!


JennaShi profile image
JennaShi in reply to amasufindme

We certaintly are! Im glad that your health is improving, hopefully your chronic insomnia and fatigue will diminsh soon. Sounds like your quality of life is getting so much better, thats wonderful!

Joanneconnor profile image

Wow that could be my test I've never been offered one, but I did AIP and I'm allergic to yeast, cows milk, gluten and tap water, also did metals allergy test and I'm allergic to gold 😂😂

JennaShi profile image

@Joanneconnor Oh wow, that is interesting! 😮😂 who wouldve thought right? I guess that is important to know for the future if you decide to buy jewelry! And good for you to know these other allergies and to stay away from them. Did you find out buy eliminating and tryig to reintro? I found out I am extremely allergic to black eyed peas and had never had them haha.

JennaShi profile image

Karen154 this is my allergy test. It is called IgG ELISA 184 Food Panel

Joanneconnor profile image

JennaShi I had a lot of symptoms for Candida and leaky gut, I’ve been combining both and have been in the Candida diet and leaky gut diet for 5 weeks and I’ve lost almost a stone!! To be fair there’s not much you can eat 😭😭😭 I have more energy too 😄

JennaShi profile image
JennaShi in reply to Joanneconnor

So glad to hear that you are getting your energy back and weight loss is a bonus too! I totally hear ya, I am on AIP with tye same situation regarding food. But it sounds like you are getting really good results and I am really happy for you! I hope that you will continue to feel better as you heal your gut!

Joanneconnor profile image
Joanneconnor in reply to JennaShi

Thanks JennaShi I will keep you updated on my progress. Hope you can improve yourself too

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