I found out I had a slightly high TSH 4.0 in midst of menopausal symptoms (night sweats, anxiety with muscle tensions, slight heart palpitations, insomnia, and weight gain) - doctor decided to treat thyroid with generic synthroid. After a month symptoms seemed to be worse than better - she increased dose to 50 msgs. After about 6 weeks symptoms worsened to point of getting into what I would categorize as a thyroid storm. Thought I was having a heart attack - severe neck and arm pain with heart racing, cold sweat and loss of breath. Woke me from sleep. Husband thought it was a panic attack and after half hour I settled down. Went to ER in am to find out my TSH was non existent and T4 was above 2.0. I was told to get off medication and wait a month for things to settle down. Doctor still stumped on such a low dose of meds why this would happen 2 weeks since episode and only today are palpitations and sweats reducing - shoulders, neck and leg muscle stiffness pain persist. Should I not have been put on medication to help reduce these symptoms? I am awaiting a naturopath visit but isn't for 2 more weeks. Is there Anyone else out there that can relate? Advise?
Hypo to hyper on low dose of levothyroxine - Thyroid UK
Hypo to hyper on low dose of levothyroxine

Welcome to the forum, Simeonev.
Can you post the TSH and T4 lab ref ranges (the figures in brackets after the results). Ranges vary from region to region and T4 2.0 would be very low in the UK.
After my 'attack' as I call it TSH was <.005 microintlunit/ml (ref 0.358-3.74. ) Free T4 was 2.51 mg ng/dl (H).
TSH 0.005 is very suppressed but FT4 2.51 is meaningless without the lab ref range.
Sorry! Ref 0.76-1.46
FT4 is considerably over range and that is why TSH is so low. I think the advice to come off Levothyroxine for 4 weeks and then retest is good. Perhaps you can have thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin antibodies tested at the same time. Autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto's) may account for the fluctuation in TSH from 4.0 to 0.005 on 50mcg which is a relatively low dose.
Thank you for this. I will definitely have those tested. Was hoping for advise on how I can alleviate muscle tension and pain now until I get re -tested. Was there anything they could have given me to alleviate these symptoms ?
If the tension and pain were a result of the overmedication they will resolve when your thyroid levels drop. Painkillers will relieve pain but I don't know what will resolve muscle tension.
Hello Simeonev. Some people find having a bath with Epsom Salts dissolved in the water helps to relax muscles.
Yes 1tuppence - been taking daily epsom salt baths and will start topical magnesium compound which is supposed to absorb better directly onto skin and into muscles. I used to work out daily with cardio and weights and can't seem to tolerate any exercise. Yoga stretches for no more than 20 minutes is all I can tolerate It's been two weeks since I've been off Levothyroxine . Wanting this to go away quickly!
I find when i get severe muscle tension massage with ylang ylang oil. 6 drops to 10ml of jojoba oil must not be used undiluted. My shoulders and neck always seem to be worst but it really resolves the tension and makes me feel relaxed x
After researching on the internet my symptoms seem to be similar to Lyme disease. (I live in the northeast US where it is prevalent ). Is there a connection with thyroid disfuncfion and Lyme?
I was just diagnosed with lyme and Bartonella! My thyroid was inflamed due to the bacteria. I am now on antibiotics and will continue to monitor the thyroid but endo said no thyroid meds are necessary.