his isn 't my best day by a long chalk. Perhaps people on this site wonder why I'm rather keen to see the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid problems optimised. I suffer from a parallel problem which has strong echoes for all the posters here. I suffer from chronic arthritis which seems to tour round my extremities, afflicting feet, knees, elbows, fingers, wrist and shoulders in order. I'm of a certain age, 80+. By the "guidelines" or rather the dictatorship of the NHS I cannot obtain the antinflammatory diclofenac in any form. This is the only cheap drug that helps me, the rest are Liquorice Allsorts in comparison. My doctor "regrets" his inability to prescribe. Like you I have to go private. I cannot write a legal disclaimer to my doctor putting the onus on me if anything goes wrong. So what happens? I soldier on day to day with just about bearable, but debilitating symptoms. Some days it gets too much, today for example, and privately obtainrd diclofenac has to come to the rescue. I'm not like people on here, having to face this every day but I'd like all to know that I'm well aware of the frustrations of the change from collaboration between doctor and patient, to the dictatorship from on high that forces a distant anonymous unfeeling statement,, regardless of the patient, on what a GP can do. Medicine is definitely in ethical crisis.
Not a thyroid problem per se, but a personal st... - Thyroid UK
Not a thyroid problem per se, but a personal struggle on parallel lines

Sorry you have had a tough day.
I am so sorry to hear this. You are such a integral and interesting contributor to this forum, I am sorry you are having to struggle too. Take care.
I feel for you. Diclofenac is powerful - I took it for at least 20 years, resisting their threats that it would give me heart disease, until I took T3 and could finally tolerate the side effects (and lack of efficacy) of Naproxen. They should let us take the risks as long as we are properly informed, especially when nothing else works as well.
I do hope that tomorrow will be a much better day!
Thank you all for your support and suggestions for better outcomes. I shall of course persevere over it all, as all of you have done. My main point is that, like yourselves, I am the subject of what I call being "a unit of medical consumption" rather than a human being when it comes to help from the NHS. There is no patient-doctor relationship as such but merely an instruction from on high through the doctor to how the patient ("the unit") should be treated. I have no doubt that many doctors resent this prostitution of their discipline, but too many acquiesce as the easy way out. The patient now is nothing but a blank page, to be written on according to the rules. Never mind the individual, it is the consumption of the right process that overrides all. Fear not, as long as I am active I shall fight this attitude, on my own behalf as well as others because for me this breaks the Hippocratic oath the the medical profession had to swear to in former times. It is however ironic that much of the penny-pinching attitude of the NHS in important areas of treatment is offset by gross wastage and inefficiency in other areas. A simple example: I recently fell and cut my head needing some stitches. The emergency medics wrapped my head in a giant turban of bandages (twice). There was no blood on the huge swathe of material and the vast bulk of it had no contact with me direct; but it was casually thrown away into the bin and much could easily have been used again without any danger. Its this casual attitude to everyday discarding of useful material that adds to the costs which could have been used more usefully elsewhere.
Diogenes, "a unit of medical consumption" ~ brilliant and very accurate! I may have to steal it for one of my rants!😊. I may once have been a blank page, but I think at this point I have been scribbled on, screwed up and discarded. The screwed up part is definitely true!😳.
It's so unacceptable for patients to suffer from the ridiculous 'penny pinching' tactics at one end of the NHS, and made to feel guilty for requiring meds that actually benefit them, while witnessing the unbelievable waste of resources and funds in most other areas.
In fact, wastage occurs, as we all know, because of GPs frugality in certain areas ~ many on this forum do not receive the most suitable thyroid meds, which leads to more GP and hospital visits, and more wastage, not only in monetary terms, but a waste of life and health for the patients.
SeasideSusie told the story recently of her 7 hour long visit to hospital, and how 10 ambulances were backed up outside waiting to offload patients. The crew that had taken her had only managed 2 drops during a 12 hour shift, because of the long waiting time. How soul destroying for those involved, and how risky for patients! All those trained medics just standing around for hours on end, next to their expensive and in high demand ambulances.😕
On a lighter note, spring is definitely just around the corner, despite the temporary setback, and I hope the warm rays will ease your pain.☀️Your help and advice is invaluable to all us units of medical consumption on here, and I for one am very grateful for it, so thank you, and warmest wishes for your improved health ~ you deserve it! 🌹 xx.
So sorry to read this diogenes It is so unfair and so difficult to hold those to blame to account. One of the things that helps sufferers like me is that we have champions like you on our side.
Bravo diogenes - you are very much appreciated!!
I didn't know you could not get diclofenac prescribed by NHS. So sorry you are in pain and I hope it eases quickly.
My Sympathy and Prayers for you . It's awful not to feel well at any age . Wishing you speedy wellness . Your 80+ Years Young and an inspiration to all of us .
Best Wishes !
We are all in the same boat with the medical profession and guidelines.
Sorry, but thanks for sharing.
diogenes so sorry to hear of your pain and struggle. I am one of many who has been greatly helped by your posts and lovely reassuring replies. I really hope that you are soon feeling better and that warmer days will soon be with us. take good care of yourself.
Sending my compassion.... We will all understand your frustration, pain, disappointment and justified anger and despair. Do hope you get some relief from the diclofenac.
Best wishes for a better day tomorrow.
Sending love and healing energies diogenes
I couldn't agree more, it's in crisis. Sorry to hear you're in pain and hope the voltarol eases it for you. I didn't know this medication was no longer available on the NHS. Really appreciate all you do, diogenes - thank you.
So sorry Diogenes to hear of the pain you are suffering. Your continued presence on this site is so comforting, knowing that you understand the struggles we hypos go through, so I can only hope that your tomorrow is a much better day. By the way, are you gluten free? A lot of my arthritis pain has gone since I went gluten free. Trying to find a practical way to help. Thank you for all that you do.
Ave diogenes. I doubt anyone will expect more of me than to say...have you tried cannabis / cannabis oil? Sometimes the plant is mightier than the sharpest pharma solution...
How about a trip to Amsterdam to err see all the lovely Vermeers?
I'm so sorry for your pain. There's a dude on eBay who sells massive tubes of your drug of choice quite cheaply, on and off : 100 ml with 50% ekstra za darmo ...scored myself a few months back. The writing's all in Polish but who gives a freak? Still only a third down the gigantyczne tube...
Forge on, good knight we need you. Have my handkerchief x
Have you tried topical progesterone? I have a lot of respect for you diogenes, and i've used the name diogenes, too, for 15 years. Have you heard of ray peat? I presumed you had because you reach such identical conclusions as him. There are things beyond thyroid that have been hidden from medical mainstream.
I'm sorry you are having such a hard time getting-what should be simple-pain relief. My aches and pains are worsened by lack of proper thyroid treatment as I'm sure yours are too. It's like adding insult to injury. I wish I could do something to help you. Wishing small miracles for all of us and you especially today. Your posts are so logical and intelligent, There is always something in them that helps me. Thank you. irina1975 (Burma-Atlanta GA US)
Take care and get others to get do Diclo for you. We value you so very much - stay with,us please.
No personal experience but tumeric with piperine ,also Pycnogenol as supplements ay assist.
I’m so sorry your are in this situation, I know from my own experience diclofenic is the best the other are equivalent to taking smarties. The hole situation is a disgrace, a persons quality of life is and should be of the utmost importance. There was a program a few years ago, where a gp I think, wore a specially designed suit for a day to see what it was like to suffer from arthritis. It was a bit of a shock to him. Perhaps the ones in charge should all wear them when they make their uncaring decisions!
I wish you well and thank you for all your posts, I read them with great interest.
I'm sorry to hear you are in pain without proper relief. It is indeed unethical, but attitudes to pain relief appear to be mediated by culture, not only guidelines for patient safety, and the culture can vary a good deal from one country to another. I would say British culture is quite puritanical in this respect.
I've achieved a very good anti-inflammatory effect with LDN, compounded by Dickson Chemist in Glasgow, and available directly from them either with your own private prescription, or following a phone consultation with a doctor, arranged by them. LDN doesn't work for everyone, but for me it restored much of the function in my hands that I'd lost with early RA, and the pain relief has been spectacular.
I know it sounds silly, but have you tried Golden Paste? Works on dogs and many humans. Doug English, An Australian vet (I know, but you can't kid a dog!), has a good FB group: Turmeric User Group. I'm so sorry you're not a 100% - somehow, being a researcher makes us think you are invincible and it's slightly concerning to find out that you are actually human.
So sorry you are suffering with arthritis diogenes . I have to agree with you about Diclofenac. It worked beautifully for me for pain from a torn stomach ligament. Every so often it seems to tear, stretch and Diclofenac was the answer in a couple of days. I thought they stopped it because it was not too good to take long-term, did not know that you could still get it on a private prescription. Have you tried a magnesium spray? It does help my arthritis in my knees a bit. I do know that when my FT3 level is higher, my knees feel much better. My physio/osteotherapist comes to the rescue every other month on a regular basis to keep it under control. Do wish you well and that you find an answer to help.
Sorry to hear this Diogenes, I wish I knew something about arthritis so I cannot give any suggestions. I am sure you have tried bumping your T3 dose, that worked for me but that is the extent of my knowledge on the subject. I am happy to see that you have plenty of suggestions from other more knowledgeable people above. Hang in there Diogenes, if anyone can come across a cure, I am sure you will. My thoughts are with you.
As echoed here , you are a treasure to us, so I hope you get some relief soon and I’m so sorry you are having to suffer the disfunctional NHS
Best wishes
diogenes I have just been on Dr.Axe.com site (thankyou trelemorele ) and found the article on DHEA very interesting re aches and pains. My DHEA is very low. Just wondered if this might be of help to you.