I was wondering how people accept their deteriorating appearance due to hypothyroidism ie hair loss, puffy face, weight gain? I feel so ashamed of my appearance and dont want to be seen. Its making me very depressed. Thank you
I was wondering how people accept their deteriorating appearance due to hypothyroidism ie hair loss, puffy face, weight gain? I feel so ashamed of my appearance and dont want to be seen. Its making me very depressed. Thank you
The good news is - once you are correctly treated and on the optimal dose - everything will improve
Yes please believe what Marz says. I have been where you are state of mind wise, looking at the straw like thinning hair, dead scaly skin and bloated face. I really felt like I was morphing into someone else. This was despite the fantastic nutrient dense diet and medication. It does take time and I am the most impatient person on the planet. Hang on in there!
And to Marz too, how long did it take for you to find optimum treatment. I am where our friend Nada678 is. I've been treating with NDT for a year now. Tried levo and lio for a while there but it was BAD for me. I'm taking all the right supplements, vitamins, healthy eating, and now NDT (2grains for the past 6 months) and my hair is now brittle straw and pretty much all whittled away in the front and sides. Not to mention the rest of my physical state. I'm feeling pretty desperate. : (
Hi Mjames How can you tell if Levo is bad for you? I feel the same but it's all my GP will prescribe.
A lot of people need T3 too, not just T4. T4 converts to T3. However, some people have conversion problems, especially those with Hashimoto’s, as the autoimmune part of the disease can interfere with conversion. Very likely you need T3 or a higher dose of T4, based on your symptoms. Your bloods plus symptoms determines if you need T3 in addition to T4.
I used to look in the mirror and wonder who was looking back at me! Once i got an increased dose things improved a lot. Really important to get vitamins checked and to know if you have antibodies.
Yep, I know that feeling. No fun. I’m still struggling with how different I feel and Look with Hashimoto’s. You have my empathy Nada678.
...I’m glad to see some encouraging comments from longer-term members, thanks team
I try to be as kind as I can to myself, really try to take care of myself day by day, all the while persisting with my endo in the process of trialling meds, ratios and amounts in the hope that one day I will be optimally treated. This seems to be the key, as stated by Mars, Baobabs and Crimple. I think the moment you start feeling better, all the painful memories of being so ill, will begin to fade quite quickly. I’ve noticed already how the depression and dissatisfaction with my appearance seems to begin melting away as soon as I start feeling even 50% well — and that’s the best I’ve felt so far... still working on it.
If you are finding it impossible to lose weight, and you’re depressed, they are symptoms of under-treated Hypothyroidism. It’s a matter of calling for the support you need here, and finding a doctor who will give you the medical support you need to get well. Not easy, but so worth it! YOU are worth it <3
I hear you Nada678. I'm there too. What is encouraging is the positive posts below from folks who have been able to reverse their symptoms and get better. Hang in there!
No need to be ashamed! You are not well. Once properly treated and you've reached your optimal dose, things will change. Have a look tinyurl.com/y7d6gamd
Hi Nada678, I too fell like you do. I was diagnosed in 2014 and still haven't managed to get my dosing/levels right. I've gained at least 3 stone, hair has thinned, my eyebrows have about gone and my skin is in a terrible mess. I hate to look in the mirror as I don't recognise the person staring back at me. I don't go out socially anymore as I'm ashamed at how I look. I'm seeing my gp in a couple of weeks as my t4 has dropped below range, I'm hoping to find some answers. Good luck on your journey 😊
Please hang on in there. I had my Levo reduced as TSH was 0.005 and they started panicking. Put on a stone, face puffed up, had to cut hair short as got so thin and eyebrows were popping out of chin!!
Now I have been returned to what I consider is normal dose for me, hairdresser commenting on thicker hair, can see the odd hair returning to my eyebrows, doesn’t mean there are any the less on my chin. As for weight, getting the odd pound off here and there and have rediscovered my cheekbones. I
Could be Hashimoto’s. Have you had your antibodies tested? Most Hashi’s people find they feel best when their TSH is suppressed to levels similar to yours. I know I do and I have Hashimoto’s.
Not sure they have ever been tested, but have gone gluten free to be on the safe side. Dr raised me back up to 125 from 100 7 weeks ago without a blood test. Scared to have one in case I have to see another Dr and am put back down again. Cardiologist says low TSH not a problem
Testing antibodies is part of a complete thyroid panel. Need to know if you do/don't have Hashi's. Yikes! Increased 25 mcg without a blood test? More scary about the implications of that, than being afraid of knowing what levels are. As long as you don't have heart palps, other symptoms, or hypo symptoms, low TSH can be ok. This tends to be especially the case if you have Hashimoto's.
Have Afib so have palpitations. Dose was reduced after a quick dash to A&E with an Afib episode. Prior to that had been on 125 for years quite happily. Nowadays I can only get TSH tested, haven’t even done T4 for a year. Would get a full set of tests done privately but am already gluten free and nobody is going to give me T3. Asked GP could I see an Endo, she catagorically refused!!
Maybe these links will be helpful:
Tldg45 Mjames13 Blue_Bee
I feel like I'm walking in your shoes. I've visited a sister twice recently & keep hearing you're looking much better these days! Not to my eyes. I am planning a second opinion Internist visit in hopes of covering all my corners. For now I take things one day at a time drawing encouragement, & health improvement ideas from this site's many posts. Let's hope "the year of the dog 🐶" brings us good luck!
Well I hate to say this but...my levels are on point but my hair, though still quite thick (I found it thickened up a bit when I added T3 to my T4) is really dry, dull and tangled. It drives me mad and it's really depressing. My weight is a nightmare too but I eat too much so not totally down to thyroid!
You are not alone. I’ve had years of back and forth appointments and am still waiting to get my levels right. It is such a struggle. I have put on 4 stone in five years. Puffy face, dry skin and fine hair. Avoiding people and sleeping a heck of alot.
Recently I got so fed up, so I bought lots of really good creams and got a good hair cut and made sure I got back into looking after myself. It is hard though especially when you are not feeling well and feel tired.
Don’t worry about weight loss as that can wait.
Feeling better and getting the levels back on track is most important of all. When you feel better again all will fall into place.