Wast told a week ago by a doctor in vietnam i have hyperthyroidism/graves-age 39.
I was given thyrozon 10 mg
and the other was dorocardyl 40 mg.
I had TSH 0.102 low and TSH receptor antibody 3.89 High.
Anti thyrogobulin was 39.84
anti microsomal was 13.10
A second doctor said thinks could be hashimotos, and someone said possible to have both.
I wondered if an anti-TPO test is best to show hashimotos?
and or TRH sensitivity test?
Also last year, before it started i had worst stomach problems in thailand, 3 days in hospital and my system was flushed out and was working hard their.
I then was on a lot of meds and getting hives at the end of the day.
Later on i got very tired and felt a tight at back of neck. i got some skin diseases.
This lasted 10 months before i got a health check.
I did loose some hair, and was feeling irritable, a bit hyper.
I dont understand if someone can have graves, hyperthyroidism, how can they have hashimotos, because i am on medicine for my suspected graves and this may interact badly with hashimotos i read. and hashimotos leads to hypothyroidism so i dont understand it. They are two autoimmune diseases i believe.
I have another set of blood tests in 3 weeks with a doctor not speaking much english.
Another option of another bigger hospital but repeating a lot of tests i had and a lot more expensive.
I had an ultrasound, came out normal, no abnormalities and the man said he doubted anything wrong, and that blood test levels can be not so true.
I realy wonder the underlying causes of it and worry because i stress a lot generally about things i cant do much about in society. Just general unhappiness about society which leads to stress. I wonder if medication is right way and if a good rest might be better. I am taking vitamin D tablets now.
Any ideas, suggestions welcome. My main worries are on the right tests to be done, and if the tablets i am on bring my levels down, and i stopped taking the tablets, would it just mean my levels go back up. will i ever stop taking tablets.
My doctor said 30 percent chance in 2 and a half years i might loose the disease.