I am on combination therapy LT4 50mcg/LT3 30mcg and struggling to attain a euthyroid state. My symptoms are chronic insomnia, chronic fatigue, muscular pains, leaden limbs, brain fog, needing recovery after exertion "boom & bust", headaches, sore throat and depression/anxiety. Most of these symptoms I know can be attributed to hypothyroidism, yet after much dose fiddling since November 2016 I still have these symptoms, so have requested a referral to a CFS/ME specialist. My Endo suggested I may have CFS/ME.
I am aware that the GET/CBT treatment can be medieval for some and I wanted to know of anyone's experience of attending these clinics and the treatment, and how the health practitioner factors in the hypothyroid state especially with Hashimotos. In the 2007 NICE guidelines for management and treatment, it mentions that patients should not be given Thyroxine so precluding hypothyroid patient from the CFS/ME treatment, it seems.
I feel like I am falling into a snake pit, yet I need a formal diagnosis especially for DWP evidence.
Any shared experience gratefully received