As the title says: Portion of long covid funding intentionally allocated to ME/CFS research.
From The Guardian "Can long Covid research unlock other great medical mysteries of our time?"
The entire article is good, but this bit is especially interesting:
Perhaps the most notable effort to understand long Covid is spearheaded by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), which has allocated some $1.15bn to the Researching Covid to Enhance Recovery (Recover) project. And one of its taskforces explicitly aims to track the similarities between long Covid, ME/CFS and other post-viral conditions.
I hope the research won't just be 'what fancy expensive pharmaceuticals can we develop'. I personally would like to see research on whether these viruses are acting as a trigger for underlying autoimmune diseases, or perhaps triggering thsm by altering the immune system in some way. As we know, ME/CFS is often hypo/hyper thyroidism, low b12/PA, (borderline) Addison's, and similar. I hope fibromyalgia is included too, as it's in the same category as ME/CFS in my opinion.
{The above was posted to Parnicious Anaemia Society forum here: by jade_s with an invitation for me to post it here! You might wish to check comments over there as well.)