My wee granddaughter is 18 mths old, she had been a yappy wee child since birth. Constantly having very loose bowel movements daily.
Doctor told us it was a reflux, so we went by the book and still yapped and diarrhoea.
Then we decided to change her diet to lactose free then dairy free sometimes she might have a slightly formed stool but we would still get quite a few very loose ones daily.
Her development seemed to be going well, sitting up at 4 months aided then at 5 months unaided, could walk in her walker at 5 and a half months. Was trying to talk babbling away.
I taught her the usual clapping hands, round and round the garden and waving bye bye at 5 mths.
Then my daughter noticed her eyes one day. She told me the glint had left them, which was true, the lights were on but no one was home.
She didn’t clap hands didn’t mimic anything we did. She didn’t answer to her name and still doesn’t.
If I sing she turns and smiles at me. Which she only started doing 4 mths ago because before that she wouldn’t even look at me and they live with me.
She hated the bath had a panic attack every time and clung to your neck.
Basically we noticed a big change when she turned one, we thought maybe she had regressed and that she was on the Autism spectrum. We voiced concerns to the health visitor while is was doing a development questionnaire. She asked if ivy could say 3 words, we told her no!! She doesn’t speak at all.
She never ever tried to go up the stairs when the door was opened, she stood at the hall window looking out.
When she watches tv she likes to do this with different things, like a colander, or her wee dolls house. She would it the colander over her head and watch the tv through that. Or she lies down beside the dolls house and watches the tv through the windows or the door.
She had even watched it through the top of the Pringles tube lid lol.
We were referred to the cdc and the paediatrician thought there were concerns for her development speech and language.
They will continue to work with her.
Up until Saturday I thought she was on the autism spectrum until I noticed a peanut sized lump slightly left of her Adam’s apple. When touched it moved slightly. And when she puts her head back that’s when you can see it the skin on it turns lighter.
I looked it up and it says it could be her glands or a hyperthyroidism cyst or she could have hyperthyroidism.
It also says that children up to 3 yrs if not treated can leave brain damage.
When watching tv or just being in the living room for example, she tends to lean on things for support like she has no core strength. Or she lies across us. Or on the rug for 10 minutes then she’s off again then lies down again.
I also read about growth, she is 18 mths and my other granddaughter is 3 and ivy is far taller than the 3 yr old.
She still doesn’t talk, doesn’t play just wrecks things, she still doesn’t answer to her name, you could call her 10 times and still she won’t look at you.
She does have some quirky ways which could be on the spectrum but now I am thinking it’s hyperthyroidism.
Her voice when crying or babbling sounds hoarse raw like. Her hair which has started to concern me, well I would say it hasn’t grown in 6 mths, it’s dry wispy and brittle as are her nails. 2 of her nails have come right of in the last month.
I think she had the symptoms of hyperthyroidism with the constant diarrhoea, irritability, no concentration, no speech and language, her learning development is slow, her height. My grandson is 3 weeks younger than her and he is to her elbow. Her hair and nails, her hoarse voice, and now the lump on her Adam’s apple.
We have an appointment to see the gp later today, but our gp flaps his hand as if to say you’re an over anxious mother.
I want to be prepared for the flap today, I want a thyroid test done, but I need some advice on how to demand this.
I read a report by a specialist and he said that preschool children with speech and language or audio problems should all have their thyroid tested.
Our gp will ask a few questions like does she have, or does she do, even if we answer yes to 8 of 10 he will say she doesn’t have it even before doing the test.
Can anyone plz advise if you have had similar experiences plz.
I have read that once it’s been confirmed and treatment starts the child comes on leaps and bounds, I am hoping this is the case.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post I have went on a bit lol.