Hello eveybody help me or share experiences please,
Im 19 years old girl and have experienced symptoms of hyperthyroidism (and some hypo aswell) the last couple weeks.
I get heart palpitations, muscle weakness/cramps, no significant weight loss (im already underweight at a bmi of 16 from anorexia) but I look thinner??, no hunger at all or extreme hunger, softer skin, sweating/feeling hot but sometimes I also feel very cold, trouble breathing when eating and after eating, swollen lymph nodes under my chin that hurt, thyroid that hurt from time to time, brittle nails and pounding heart that skips a beat sometimes.
Could this be hypo or hyperthyroidism? I know many of the symptoms can be similar and different for evryone.
Im also scared to increase my calories more if I will gain weight from hypothyroidism as Im currently in recovery from anorexia and eat ~1600-1800 a day. My goal is 2000+.
I have a doctors appointment on thursday next week but I'm already terrified of the outcome of the test results.
Sorry for my English- my native language is swedish