Thyroid UK advisers have had another brilliant paper published which shows that the current way of treatment patients is wrong and should be discarded for a better way.
The article is entitled Recent Advances in Thyroid Hormone Regulation: Toward a New Paradigm for Optimal Diagnosis and Treatment and can be found here:
The terminology is a bit tricky but Dr John Midgley, one of the authors, has said that in layman's terms, the article says:
1) Everyone is an individual and unique in how their thyroid works, how that interacts with the body converting T4 to T3, how efficient T4-T3 body conversion is and how sensitive the body's cells are to T3.
2) Because the thyroid is no longer working, its direct T3 production that helped you keep well is no longer available, so if you take T4 only the body conversion has to work harder to produce the T3 you require. This requires more T4, and this suppresses your TSH. Thus TSH levels in health are not appropriate to T4 therapy. With T3 only or combo this is not so true but TSH can still be misleading.
3) FT3 must be measured in whatever therapy to control your level of health and response.
4) When you become ill and go on to a particular therapy (T4 only, combo or T3 only) for a long time, your body adapts to the treatment.
Many patients are now being asked to come off T3/NDT and move back to levothyroxine and Dr Midgley feels this is wrong He says, "However, changing the treatment then is dangerous, because your body won't respond quickly if at all. This is called allostatic epigenetic transformation, where your gene readouts have been permanently altered from normal health and can't easily be restored back again exactly to what they were. This often happens if you become critically ill close to death and partially recover. If your doctor simply thinks that you can change things early and quickly respond, then this is a dangerous, wrongheaded thing to suggest and has been scientifically condemned and could cause you permanent harm."
Please share this paper far and wide. Take it to your GP/endo/CCG etc. if you are being pressured to come off T3.