First appointment with endocrinologist for hype... - Thyroid UK

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First appointment with endocrinologist for hyperthyroidism

Welshmummy999 profile image
9 Replies


First appointment imminent to see consultant, what should I expect? What questions should I ask?

Any advice will be greatfully received.


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Welshmummy999 profile image
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9 Replies
Nanaedake profile image

Ask the consultant what tests he/she intends to order to find out what the cause of your hyperthyroidism is. Get copies of all test results your GP has done and take copies with you. Ask for copies of all test results along with laboratory ranges so that you can keep your own record up to date. Write down, make a note of, any tests ordered and a note of any diagnosis the consultant arrives at then you can check later that the correct tests have been done and chase copies of results if you are not kept informed.

Read some of the guidelines for hyperthyroid conditions before you go.

American Thyroid Association on Graves disease

BTA Guidelines and weblinks


ATA and AACE document explains thyrotoxicosis and hyperthyroidism

livvy21 profile image

its nothing to worry about they would het you to stretch your hands out for tremors stand and sit for muscle movements as it can affect your muscles as it did mine. They will ask about bowel movements appetite etc and weight loss. Dont worry it will be sorted once your medication is right usually 20mg of carbimazole dies the trick im starting to.feel a lot better 4 months of meds. I had a 2 stone weight loss in a short space of time this included muscle mass too. I have put on 7lbs of that and feel great keeping an eye on my weight now been told i look great.

Your gp would talk to you about hear palpatations too. hope this all helps.

Welshmummy999 profile image
Welshmummy999 in reply to livvy21

Unfortunately I have been told due to Doctors leaving the department, I have been moved back until Feb possibly March. Gutted is an understatement!

I have been on carbimazole 20mg for 10 weeks and still feel like rubbish. I am waiting to feel back to normal soon.

Was hoping to return to work on Monday but feel awful. Back to Drs next week re my B12 injections but I am going to bring up my thyroid condition, which I feel they have neglected and now with a possibility I won’t be seen until March they are going to have to do something in the meantime or at least email the consultant.

I was wondering how do other people manage with their work? I am feeling guilty being off (7weeks) and feel I should be back at work and grim and bare it!

Silver_Fairy profile image

You should be having tests done at least every 8 week whilst on Carbimazole as you need to keep the levels where you feel well.

Get copies of all tests done.

Do you still have hyper symptoms? If so you may need a raise in dose. If however the Carbimazole dose is now too high you may need to lower it. Either way you then need to test after 8 weeks.

As you are low in B12 you could also be low in iron, folate and Vit d, get GP to test. Do you know your last B12 test results?

Welshmummy999 profile image

I have no idea on test results, nobody has told me. No Doctor has mentioned getting bloods re tested, just told it will be re done when I see the consultant (which has now been moved back to possibly March due to Drs leaving).

Re b12 I have injections every 6/8 weeks and have been doing so for a year now. Again all I know is that they were no existent prior to starting injections and iron was ok. Never been re tested but new surgery have asked for a review of my B12 injections.

I do feel now I am getting fobbed off by staff, either lack of understanding of the condition.

I forgot to take the carbimazole yesterday and felt like death today, flushed face all day!

Symptoms still the same and have been on carbimazole for 10 weeks and still feel no better like others say.

Lisa254 profile image
Lisa254 in reply to Welshmummy999

Hi weslhmummy am sorry to hear you have been feeling so unwell. I had to wait 4 months before I saw an endocrinologist from diagnosis but my gp was really good and I was on blood test every 2 weeks for the first 2 months then monthly after.They need to check on your blood count liver and kidney function, I would ask your gp for a full thyroid test including ft3 ft4 and antibodies it will be handy for when you do see the endo. I called the hospital and asked to speak to the endo department explained how Ill I was (yes I cried on the phone!) which did the trick.

I have been off work now for 3 months and I hate it I just want to get back to my job i recently decreased my carbimazole and I’m starting to feel better (it’s been a mission and I’m not quite here yet) it’s so hard to not worry about being at work but your body needs rest to heal itself.

I found you have to really push the endo for a diagnosis ie if you have auto immune/graves/hyperthyroidism etc so you know what to research. I hope this helps even if to know that someone else has experienced this too. Hope you feel better soon and keep chasing people it’s the only way I have got to where I am now I think 😊

Welshmummy999 profile image

Thank you so much for this!

I was going back to work on Monday but going to hang on until the GP again because I want answers.

I have no idea what my results are like, nobody has mentioned blood tests and now with having my appointment being moved to March - that’s 6 months then I think the GP surgery need to take ownership of me until then,

I don’t like bothering the surgery because I know they are busy but I need to put me first for once and demand answers. I have been too polite with them.

Will try to get to see the one GP that did understand (large practice so I have been seen by a different doctor each time).

I know I should not be thinking of work but I have never had this much time off apart from maternity!

Thanks again

Silver_Fairy profile image
Silver_Fairy in reply to Welshmummy999

Were you diagnosed with Pernicious Anaemia?

As has been said above, try phoning to see if you can get an earlier appointment or take a cancellation appointment. Regardless to when you see your Endo, you still need tests done.

Go to your surgery and ask for copies of all your test results and ask for them, from now on.

Iron was need to know the levels, ok is probably not good enough, you need to have 'optimal' levels.

Welshmummy999 profile image

YES Diagnosed 12 month’s ago. Will ask on Thursday for my results and also ask for new tests and review of my medication. My bloods were going to be re tested with the B12 so I can ask about my iron results too. I have been left in the dark by the surgery and was told the consultant will sort it out and no mention of re testing etc by them. They have not offered me iron tablets so just took their word for it, it was the nurse that did that.

I am going more armed this time as I want answers.


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