Hi, this is my first time posting on the site & really looking for a bit of guidance, I had Graves Disease in 2009 which attacked my thyroid & became overactive, the docs had to treat me with the Iodine bomb as tablets didn't work & they were unable to control the Graves, they then had to make me underactive to allow medication to be started, that was 8yrs ago. I then gained 4 stone in weight which was half my body weight gain, I'm only 5ft & this is extreme I've exercised etc, etc, etc eat sensibly & each time I mention about my weight to docs it gets ignored & I get told I'm within the graph, I was given 100mcgm Thyroxine when diagnosed & still on 100 now, is there anything I can take to help me try & get rid of some of the weight?
Underactive looking for help losing weight - Thyroid UK
Underactive looking for help losing weight

To lose weight, you need to be optimally medicated. And on only 100 mcg levo, it's doubtful that you are.
Do you have copies of your lab results? If so, post them on here, with the ranges, and let's have a look. If you haven't, then you really should get a print-out of your latest results, and always ask for a copy in future. 'Within the graph' means nothing!
Having said that, be careful with the exercise. It uses up your T3, which you can't easily replace. Low-calorie diets are also to be avoided, because they negatively impact conversion, which makes you more hypo.
I didn't know I could ask for the results, I'll give docs a call & ask for a copy, thanks :-))
Hi Greygoose, I got my results, what info is it that you need?
TSH, FT4, FT3, TPO antibodies, vit d, vit B12, folate, ferritin, for starters!
Glucose mmol/L 5.4 Spec type Rand/Fast Limits Fast «7)
Bilirubin 3-21 umol/L 11 9 7
ALT 10-50 U/L 33 32 30 Alk.Phos 40-125 U/L 114 98 101
GGT 5-35 U/L 158 H 164 H 146 H
TSH 0.20-4.50 mUlL 1.1
I really don't know if this makes any sense to you but the print out has different dates these range from 08/06/16 - 03/01/17
sorry should read 03/04/17
Well, the only result that even vaguely relates to your thyroid, is the TSH! You obviously don't have a very thyroid-literate doctor. Would it be possible for you to get private tests done? Because a TSH on its own is pretty meaningless.
That was the only thing I saw that related to anything you mentioned, It was the receptionist that printed it out so I don't know if she's given me the right thing or not which to be honest doesn't surprise me going with their track record, I'll have a read at the link you've sent me & get tests done asap, thanks
You're welcome. If nothing else, you should get the FT4 and the FT3 tested. The most important number is the FT3, but comparing the two will show how well you convert.
I'll ask the doctor if I can get a full test done, if not I'll go through the Medichecks site & order the Thyroid Check UltraVit
It's rather doubtful the lab would agree to do the FT3, but your doctor can order the others if he's willing.
Hi Greygoose, I've got the results so just working out how I add them again
You'd do best to start a new thread. You cannot add photos to a response, only a question.
Vitamin B12 180-2000 ng/L = 477
Serum Folate 2.8-20 ug/L =2.9
Ferritin 20-300 ug/L = 78
TSH 0.20-4.50 mU/L = 1.4
Free T4 9-21 PMO1/L = 20
Total T3 0.9 - 2.4 NMO1/L = 1.5
250H VIT D imm'assay 25-162 nmo1/L = 46
You would have done better to start a new thread, because then more people would see it.
But, what jumps out there is that your vit D is too low, ferritin could be higher, B12 would be better nearer the top of the range, and folate at least mid-range.
A Total T3 test is no good to anyone. It doesn't give any useful information. You need the Free T3 test to understand whether your T3 is nearing optimal, and how well you're converting.
so do I need to get the Free T3 test done?
Good morning greygoose, I done the Free T3 test & this is the answer I got back:
Your free T3 is toward the lower end of normal. It is hard to interpret this further without knowing the thyroid stimulating hormone and free thyroxine levels. ....
You don't want an interpretation, you want the exact figures - result and range.
Sorry, I didn't notice this at the bottom
FREE T3 3.78 pmol/L 3.10 - 6.80
OK, so it looks like you have a conversion problem. Can't say for certain, because the FT4 and FT3 weren't done at the same time. But, your FT4 was right at the top of the range, and your FT3 is right at the bottom. That is not good. So, looks like you need some T3 added to your T4. But, you'll probably have to buy your own.
Do you know where I can do those test privately? My GP did only TSH, Ft4, ft3, that's it.
Do you eat meats n dairy?

You need to be optimally dosed thyroid-wise for weight loss to happen. What are your latest test results? Ideally:
FT3 is important because it tells us if you are converting T4 to T3 well enough. Not normally done by the NHS unless TSH is suppressed. It also needs to be done at the same time as FT4. Vitamins and minerals also need to be at optimal levels for thyroid hormone to work properly - Vit D, B12, Folate, and Ferritin.
You can do a home fingerprick blood test if GP can't get them done. Medichecks Thyroid Monitoring or Blue Horizon Thyroid plus Three for just thyroid tests, Medichecks Thyroid Check Ultravit or Blue Horizon Thyroid plus Eleven for thyroid plus vitamins and minerals.
I really don't have a clue but I've got a feeling this is all about to change.
Make sure you get a print out of your results from reception. Don't accept verbal or hand written results, mistakes can be made and reference ranges left off. In the UK we are legally entitled to our results under the Data Protection Act, sometimes when the surgery is reluctant to give results a polite reminder of this helps
I would have to wait forever probably, I don't understand why the docs haven't suggested that thanks!
You need to reanges as they differ from lab to lab so without them it's just guess work if you were to post them for advice. I don't think doctors realise this as they only deal with their local hospital. So if you find that the surgery don't know them then you can contact the Pathology lab at your local hospital.
Also get used to asking for your results as easier then to look back on your progress. The surgery is allowed to claim a minimal cost to cover paper and ink but many of us get them free.
If you look at the Thyroid U.K. Site-they run this forum they have lots of useful info and they are also recommended by NHS Choices for thyroid dysfunction.

Dr Toft, past president of the British Thyroid Association and leading endocrinologist, states in Pulse Magazine,
"The appropriate dose of levothyroxine is that which restores euthyroidism and serum TSH to the lower part of the reference range - 0.2-0.5mU/l.
In this case, free thyroxine is likely to be in the upper part of its reference range or even slightly elevated – 18-22pmol/l.
Most patients will feel well in that circumstance. But some need a higher dose of levothyroxine to suppress serum TSH and then the serum-free T4 concentration will be elevated at around 24-28pmol/l.
This 'exogenous subclinical hyperthyroidism' is not dangerous as long as serum T3 is unequivocally normal – that is, serum total around T3 1.7nmol/l (reference range 1.0-2.2nmol/l)."
You can obtain a copy of the articles from Thyroid UK email dionne.fulcher@thyroidUK.org. print it and highlight question 6 to show your doctor.
Prof Toft - article just published now saying T3 is likely essential for many. In particular note he is now reluctant to knock out patients own Thyroid as current follow up treatment and levels of medication too inadequate
Ready your post is like reading my situation. I wish I had the answer but I’m sorry I don’t. I’m am at the peak levels with all my meds and vitamins etc and the weight stays put. I am now totally gluten and lactose free so I have better control over my system I eat better than I’ve ever eaten and the weight stays put.
I’m on levothyroxine only.
Take the advice from the great people here and take comfort from their wisdom. It helps a lot
Dieticians seem to have about as much clue about food and nutrition as GPs do about the thyroid. Most of the ones I've seen have been fat or at least flabby, which doesn't inspire confidence.
yes to get rid of the weight, get rid of the thyroxine. I also put on two stone with it. since switching to thiroyd, I have lost one stone and another one to go.
Try going on the Keto diet. High fat moderate protein and little to no carbs. You starve your body of sugar and you will burn stored fat. But you must not eat sugar while eating high fat. I also drink shots of wheatgrass juice when I get ready to eat my bacon eggs cheese etc the weight will drop off of you and you won't need to exercise. Also take supplements like kelp, potassium, magnesium d3 k2 b12 calcium adrenal Rx, go to YouTube Dr Eric Berg. He has so many videos and helps you so much! Please keep us posted. I had adrenal fatigue and insulin resistance and went on this diet and lost 43 lbs. I am as small as I can get and very happy with this diet forever! Praying that you and others will be provided with proven information here to lose weight and feel great!
Hi I got the results today how can I show them on here?