Hello. As suggested by a member last night I tried to email dionne.fulcher@thyroidUK.org and the email came back as invalid. Could one of the administrators perhaps help me with this, thanks
Help obtaining the pulse article: Hello. As... - Thyroid UK
Help obtaining the pulse article

ThyroidUK's office is now closed for the Christmas period so try again on 3rd January.
Double check that you have no mistakes in the email addy
BUT checking ThyroidUK's Contact Us page it now says
so that may be the problem
You've typed UK in uppercase rather than lower - perhaps try again with the amendment.

The case you use in email addresses makes no difference as they are case insensitive.
I've read several times in IT help fora, that some organizations actually think that case sensitivity is a good idea and their email servers enforce it.

The part after the @, which contained the capitals in this case, is the domain name and that must be case insensitive.

Worked fine for me - I copied the email address from the original post in this thread, pasted into a new email, and sent as a test email. Worked fine.
Can you copy the exact error message, please?
Thanks for coming back to me,it was the capitals onUK
It shouldn't be that - universal standard is that case doesn't matter. But someone somewhere might have made a mistake or deliberately configured a mail server to care!