Tsh levels: Tsh 9.5 one week Next week ‘normal... - Thyroid UK

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Tsh levels

Hams profile image
12 Replies

Tsh 9.5 one week

Next week ‘normal’ (as told by GP receptionist)

Not on any treatment but hypo symptoms?

Do levels fluctuate when not on any treatment?


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Hams profile image
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12 Replies
Heloise profile image

TSH levels do not change radically in one week. In fact they often make people wait six months to see what sort of change there is, if any. Did you have any other hormonal event like pregnancy? Are you taking any other hormones or adrenal product? Hormones work together and your body tries to compensate but if your thyroid gland can't put out the hormone you need, I don't think it recovers in one week's time.

Mine did. Didn't have tests that close together though.

How come you had the same test repeated after just one week? I haven't heard of that before.

I would ask for a print out of test redults (with ranges in brackets) . Put them all on here with full dates/details of each test.

Mine were Hypothyroid in 2008 then Euthyroid, ie within the "normal" range, in 2010. Wasn't diagnosed till 2011 and had to push for that myself.

What symptoms do you have.

Take your list of symptoms to GP and ask for Thyroid Antibodies blood tests (TPO and Tg) . This will eliminate or confirm Hashimoto's Autoimmune Thyroiditis.

With Hashimoto's, regular Thyroid function test results can fluctuate.

So Antibodies more reliable test.

But if you had a TSH so high and have symptoms of an Underactive Thyroid then surely this indicates Hypothyroidism? ?


If GP refuses tests then ask for an urgent referal to an Endocrinologist (on the basis of your symptoms and recent raised TSH - check NICE guidlines for treatment of Underactive Tyroid).

You could also ask for the following tests:





Also nutrients levels of :

Vitamin D



and Ferritin

SlowDragon profile image

So do you feel unwell, have any symptoms

For full evaluation you ideally need TSH, FT4, FT3, TT4, TPO and TG antibodies, plus vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 tested

Raised antibodies is Hashimoto's also called autoimmune thyroid disease. This can cause levels to fluctuate wildly. Can therefore cause lots of symptoms

See if you can get full thyroid and vitamin testing from GP. Unlikely to get FT3

Private tests are available


Medichecks Thyroid plus ultra vitamin or Blue Horizon Thyroid plus eleven are the most popular choice. DIY finger prick test or option to pay extra for private blood draw. Both companies often have money off offers.

All thyroid tests should be done as early as possible in morning and fasting. This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results

Link about antibodies


Link about thyroid blood tests


Print this list of symptoms off, tick all that apply and take to GP if you want them to retest


Hams profile image

Wow thanks!

Yes hair loss, fatigue +++ , shoulder pain and general forgetfulness.

Work in a hospital so had bloods done by a colleague which showed TSH 9.5 FT4 15.7

Made an appointment with GP who did blood test (as they are in a separate area to where I work) I called to get the results and was told TSH was ‘normal’ but they couldn’t give me the actual number...

All bloods were ‘normal’ but folate and B12 ‘borderline’ I wasn’t told what they actually were.

Going to make appointment with GP but not much availability over Christmas period!

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Hams

Why couldn't they give you the actual number? Apart from all the computers in the building breaking down, I can't see any reason why they 'can't' give you the actual numbers - except to fob you off.

If you live in the UK, it is your legal right to have a print-out of your results under the 1998 Data Protection Act. Do not take no for an answer. There's no such thing as 'normal'. :)

Hams profile image
Hams in reply to greygoose

The receptionist said there was no number, just ‘normal’!!! Will go in today to ask


greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Hams

You're welcome. :)

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Hams

Even if you can't get an appointment with your GP till after Christmas try and find time to call in to the practice and ask for a print out of all your bloods results. Then put on here will full details , dates of tests, normal reference ranges in bracket and any comments. That way people are best equipped to comment. If you put them in a new post mention this one & repeat your symptoms. Look on Thyroid UK website and through posts on this forum. Study & equip yourself for your GP appointments as you may find it's a battle. But you can always come back on here along the way to diagnosis and treatment for encouragement and advice on the next step.

Some GPs and hospital doctors won't accept Private test results. So I would try GP first.

Is there any way you could have a word with the Endocrinologist 's secretary to find out how long the waiting list is?

You might also like to consider asking about having some test to check out your Adrenals function first.

My Endocrinologist did a Short Synacthen Test to check my adrenals before starting me on my Levothyroxine. Mine were OK so was put on 50mcg which is the start dose. Then later increased to 75mcg.


If someone told me my B12 and Folate were "borderline" then I would be asking to be tested for Pernicious Anemia. Could you have a word with Haematology about this? Phone GP for call back?

If you work in a hospital could you ask Staff Health to help in any way? After all, they want their staff healthy and in work. Not off sick with exhaustion.

Google deficiencies in these on NHS choices. Also treatment of deficiency in Folate and B12 on NICE guidlines.

Being told " TSH is NORMAL' is a cause for concern. As the "Normal" range of TSH - in someone with NO symptoms and healthy other results doesn't apply to Hypothyroid patients. When ( finally) formally diagnosed my Endocrinologist wrote my GP that my TSH target therapeutic level is maximum 2. However, I have learned from this extremely helpful site that a maximum of one is ideal.

My diagnosis was Hashimoto's Autoimmune Thyroiditis and Hypothyroidism. If I was a gambler I would bet your's is same. Hashimoto's is the cause of Hypothyroidism in most cases (90% I've read). The sooner you are started on your Levothyroxine the better. But I would be wanting my Adrenals checked and all my nutrients deficiencies sorted first asap.

May I suggest taking your temperature first thing every morning. Keep a record of any below 36.5 (remember to add one if taking underarm. Under tongue as read). List low temp with your symptoms.

Hope you get sorted soon.

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Hams

If B12 is borderline then you have a problem

B12 range is typically around 210- 680

Anything under 500 can cause problems when on Levothyroxine

Do NOT supplement any B vitamins or multivitamins before testing

You are legally entitled to copies of your own blood test results

Hams profile image

Also not on any medication and definitely not pregnant!!

Do not ever accept "fine", "normal" or "OK" as results. Always ask for the actual numbers with ranges. TSH varies up to 75% over the course of a day, so you can only compare tests that were done at the same time of day and under the same conditions (fasting or non fasting). TSH is higher in the early morning

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