Hello everyone, I have a reverse T3 issue and I was taking Liothyronine tablets on prescription privately but due to the costs I asked my doctor for a prescription to obtain from Europe which I am pleased about as the price difference was dramatic. Only concern is that the new prescription for Liothyronine is a capsule with olive oil rather than the tablet form I had before and I wonder if it will be just as strong, or could it be even better? Thank you.
Hi, thank you for adding me, I am in the UK and... - Thyroid UK
Hi, thank you for adding me, I am in the UK and new to the group. I have a query regarding T3 medication...

I’ve inboxed you. I’m curious as to what you mean by ‘with olive oil’ what are the other ingredients and what type of website was it (body builders, general healthcare, pharmacy) and may I ask you to inbox me the price and website name / link as I don’t think they are allowed on the forum?
It doesn’t sound like legit Liothyronine with that ingredient. And the HRT and female sign sounds like a herbal supplement.
Welcome to the forum, TigerLillyJo.
The capsule says it is HRT not Liothyronine. What is the name of the medication you have received? As far as I'm aware the only time Liothyronine is in capsules is via compounded pharmacies and it certainly would not be suspended in olive oil.
Thank you Clutter, The name of the medication on the bottle says Liothryonine 20mcg and underneath that says olive oil. I got it with a prescription only from Receptura in Frankfurt.
I have never heard of Liothyronine 20mcg being suspended in olive oil.
I have seen it mentioned once or twice - and here is a site that offers T4, T3 or combinations:
No idea if there has been any proper research into this approach.
If they have just used their own standard capsules, it isn't satisfactory as the "HRT" bit is potentially very misleading. Plain, blanks would have been more acceptable.
Thank you Helvella... I have just researched more and I confirm that mine came from an international compound pharmacy, so are indeed bio identical hormones. Blood tests and prescription is needed. I've been doing well on bio identical for menopause symptoms, so hopefully will be ok...gosh its such a learning curve all this ! Thank you.
Thank you for responding.
I really don't know what is meant by "bioidentical" in relation to thyroid hormone!
In molecular terms, the difference between common-or-garden synthetic T4 and T3 and what our thyroids produce is just a sodium atom. And whether that makes any difference once passed though our gut is very questionable. Further, desiccated thyroid surely is inherently bioidentical?
Is it really anything other than a marketing claim? If so, I'd like to know the details.
Good point...unfortunately I don't know the answer as not medically trained and all this is new to me. I have ended up on these by default as my original and traditional synthetic T3 was costing me hundreds of pounds a month... I was expecting to get the same when my prescription went to Germany...but clearly not...even though my prescription is for T3 sodium not bioidentical... So in a bit of pickle :/
Please do keep us informed - of anything you find out plus your experiences!
Most people who buy T3 from Germany get Sanofi Henning Thybon.
31.50 euros for 100 20 microgram tablets.
Hello, thank you for responding to me... It was from a pharmacy in German called Receptura in Frankfurt, they said I needed a prescription so my Doctor faxed one over to them...the price for 100 days at my dose was £165 approx, I would normally have to pay about £1400 in UK for the tablets in the pic...but I just could not afford it anymore but need it to feel well. On the bottle is does say liothyronine with my dose on it but no instructions/contraindication leaflet attached and the only ingredients listed as well as liothryonine 20mcg is olive oil.
Have you tried the capsules? Does it feel like you are taking 20mcg Liothyronine?
I feel ok at the moment but I am 11 weeks into T3 treatment to clear the reverse T3...the last 2 weeks only I have been on these new capsules and I have been adding an extra 5mcg of my original tablets with the capsules some days and that gives me a boost when the brain fog, fatigue, cold returns etc. Hmmm...tricky because my symptoms can be unpredictable but generally feeling good, thank you....and my skins looking great...must be all that olive oil !
I know this is an old post...i have these liothyronine caps from Germany...im on t3 only have no thyroid left. Can anyone give me more feed back on these? On yr websight it says sustained release i emailed the vompany who said it wasnt sustained release it was normal!!!! Its important on t3 only yo take only immediate release formulars due to likely receptor damage. Can anyone please clarify.. experiences advice welcome...i am confused