Can you eat ordinary oats if you go gluten free because you have Hashimotos?
Oats when gluten free?: Can you eat ordinary oats... - Thyroid UK
Oats when gluten free?

Position statement on oats by the Coeliac Society of Australia:
If you think you might have Coeliac disease, get tested FIRST, while you’re still on a diet full of oats, wheat, barley, triclicate and rye. Otherwise the test will not be accurate and you may never know if you actually have Coeliac disease. Maintaining a GF Diet forEVER is tough, so you really want to be sure you have to, and then it has to be 100% GF to be effective. The health and well-being benefits are 100% worth it though
Shaws, I’ll take the Coeliac Society’s position on oats, above “Dr” Axe’s every time. Axe is a naturopath, chiropractor and nutritionist. He gets to call himself “Dr” because he’s in the US. The Australian Coeliac Society is backed by relevant medical experts and researchers. The society’s position paper on oats makes it clear that oats are NOT okay for Coeliacs.
You can as natural oats are gluten free assuming they haven't been contaminated by the manufacturer. Some people choose to avoid oats. Quaker oats have some products that state 'gluten free' & others that state 'may contain wheat'.
If you are eating oats, then you are not on a gluten free diet. Being GF is like being pregnant — you either are or you aren’t. And with oats you are NOT GF. Note that even if you are not having a noticeable reaction to oats, if you are Coeliac you are still doing damage to your small intestine and risking triggering further autoimmune diseases.
I buy oats that are packed in a "clean" environment just to make sure.
Spongecat, have you been diagnosed Coeliac?
No but I do follow a gluten free diet because I have Hashis . I did a coeliac test once but it was negative as is inclined. I have reacted badly to wheat at times for years prior to diagnosis, painful bloating, rashes etc.
A recent antibody test had me (at that time) with TPO and TGAb levels in the normal range, so things are calm at the moment.
I don't want to poke it with a stick!

Yes as long as certified milled in gluten free mill
Find them in the "Free From" section at supermarket
You should not buy standard oats from main cereal section
Some of us have food intolerances. Mine were tested several years ago, long before I was diagnosed with thyroid problems. Oats came out top of the list for me, then wheat, alcohol, chocolate, monosodium glutamate and some food colourings - in that order.
'Gluten free' covers the wheat and oats, except that I found out later that I'm sensitive to potato, which is frequently used in gf products.
I try to stick with gluten free as I have Hashi's, but I don't think I'm coeliac.
If I were you I'd skip the oats.
My partner has coeliac disease, so I've been learning all about gluten free recently (handy as it now looks like I might have Hashimotos).
Oats are gluten free, however bog standard oats are prepared with equipment that is also used to process wheat, and are often grown in fields next to wheat fields, so there is a high risk of cross-contamination. To be safe for those with coeliac disease, Gluten Free oats are grown in fields away from wheat crops, and also prepared in special equipment that doesn't process gluten containing grains. The risk of cross-contamination is minimal.
Some with CD do still avoid GF oats, as there is still a small risk of cross contamination, and for some, oats do trigger coeliac symptoms, but everyone is individual. My OH cut out oats for 6 months to allow his gut to heal, and then introduced them again. He has no reaction, so he eats them.
Personally I reckon you should cut out oats, have a blood test after a few months, then introduce oats, have another blood test and compare results. If TPO goes up on oats, then you might have to cut them out.
Quaker’s do a gluten free tub of oats. I prefer the flavoured ones as they are easier to measure milk in the packets. I’ve noticed a difference. After stopping. I’m Hashi and almost gf. But failed the coeliac test.
Might be the oats you’re not good with? Weird but I know someone allergic to water melon 🤷🏾♀️
Oats naturally contain avenin and therefore are not truly gluten free.
Hi there i agree oats are gluten free but as slow dragon has stated that there must be no cross contamination. I am celiac and dont eat them as they dont agree with me.x
“Gluten free” means different things in different countries. So if you are in Australia please refer to the Coeliac Society of Australia position paper on oats, posted above, and be very careful when you travel. I’ve been caught out myself several times — although it sure tasted better than the AU version! Here are the facts on “gluten free”:
Australia = nil detectable gluten, currently that’s < 3 parts per million
USA, Canada, EU = < 20 parts per million
That’s why you can get “gluten free” oats in UK, but not in Australia. The same UK oats cannot legally be labelled “gluten free” in Australia.
For those who have been diagnosed with Coeliac disease, and who want to follow the AU standard, you might find these links helpful:
Wishing us all good health! BBx
Tesco do gf oats